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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Time to file for child support! LOL!!! They can. My single gold female did NOT lay unfertilized eggs though. I got a bunch of cute little mystery snail babies that hatched out of the eggs.
  2. The pot is tucked in the back there. Currently there’s a big fat snail napping in it. Also she doesn’t spend much time in it, and doesn’t hide. As far as I can tell, she’s not afraid of anything and never startles. Not even tank maintenance. I have to be careful when I siphon because she’s the one fish that doesn’t get out of the way. I feed her at the pot because the tetras don’t know the sinking food is placed there. She will attempt to feed with them, usually unsuccessfully, then she will go to her pot-tunnel and dine in peace.
  3. Normally I use the fresh, and I store them in the freezer, pulling two out at a time and dropping them in a little pot of boiling water. They are done by the time I do my water testing. This can was from early on when I first started feeding green beans. Not knowing what to do with so many (I think I only had York at the time, and Hampshire the nerite who ignores all the foods) I froze them. Now I'm just using them up, little by little! These guys get quite the variety. If I'm making a salad, I set some salad aside for them. I made fish w/ broccoli the other night, so I set some broccoli aside for them. 🙂 Plus their Snello recipes. Two different "flavors". They are spoiled.
  4. Bon Bon has apparently dug herself into a hole? Also in this morning’s activities is creating canned (unsalted) green bean cubes. I opened green beans and gave them some for two days, then froze them in a container, which.. formed a big block. 😆 So I thawed that out and used some in my soup, and separated the rest for easy feeding later. I’m trying not to waste things in today’s economy! 😅 Topped them with dechlorinated water. Of course everyone got a taste, even though they are kinda mushy. My customers do not mind.
  5. @nabokovfan87 make sure your scaping tools are dry for storage. I used to store mine in a cup and they left this rust spot. And they are supposedly stainless steel tools.
  6. I agree with @JettsPapa. Each species should be in a group. When my school size dwindled (ich) there was bullying behavior. The littlest fish that was getting picked on had to be moved to another tank to allow me time to quarantine 7 more new buddies for him and the rest. (But still, this is a fun video. ) Diamond tetras are beautiful. I had some years ago and greatly enjoyed them.
  7. So this is why people can add things like catappa leaves to their tanks without issue?
  8. Wow, such complex emotions from those little gals.
  9. @modified lung thank you so much. This is so interesting. The bacteria was not dying after all. If bacteria dies at 15ppt, that would be approx. >30 T. in a 10 gallon quarantine tank. .5ppt = 18.88g (based on your link) 1 T salt = 17.07g (internet conversion tool for sea salt) Certainly not precise by any means, but I just got a rough idea which just shows me the level 3 salt treatment is nowhere near the bacteria-killing salinity. I am certain I shocked the bacteria each time I treated, as I had added the salt all at once. When I got ammonia readings, I would water change, but add the removed salt back in to stay at the same level of salt treatment for the fish. Going forward I will add 1 T salt/day to reach the desired level. This is awesome. I was hesitant on salt treatments after past experiences, but now that I understand more, I am happy to go with salt again in the future. (And it's cheap too).
  10. I've had some slime on filter media before that was a reddish color (the color of rust). Not pink though. I'm confused.
  11. Can't the ladies live together? I've heard of people keeping betta sororities.
  12. Absolutely beautiful tank. You have a real eye for aquascaping. Here's a link for dividers in case you wanted to have more life in the tank.
  13. I have a very efficient nerite who does a great job keeping the walls clean!
  14. She's in a 29 gallon and is peaceful with the community. She does run other fish off though, if they are trying to steal her food. The bottom is her turf, and she defends the food that is there (from fish; she is gracious to snails and just observes what they are doing). She does well with sinking pellets. I do put her pellets at the entrance to a little cave. I drop them between decorations so the tetras don't see them fall. I trained her to go to the cave by using a flashlight to illuminate the cave entrance. This worked because she is a curious fish. If something different happens, she investigates. She knows that if she is not able to compete for flakes at midlevel, she has the Uber eats waiting for her at her cave doorstep. She's very smart. 78 degrees (Also, my ram is paler looking than the rams that are on dark substrate.) Here she is defending the banquet block. She doesn’t seem to know it’s food, but it’s new and it’s different and since it’s on the bottom it is hers.
  15. Thanks @TOtrees! This is an 11-year old tank. It was started with an undergravel filter and then this year I put a sand cap over grungry gravel for a few reasons. 1) sand is a great filter and I wanted the aerobic and anerobic layers of sand for waste breakdown, 2) keeps plants in place; keeps root tabs from washing away from roots, 3) the gravel under the sand provides space for the roots, 4) leaving the gravel dirty provides nutrients for the plants. I do weekly water changes on this. Parameters are stable, but I do like to suck up the snail detritus from the top of the sand to keep it looking nice. (4 snails are in there) I'm looking to fine tune my Easy Green dosing so that the plants & critters are happy. I do add potassium powder as well, sparingly, for my java fern, as I was having black spots, and leaves turning brownish-black. Since the addition of potassium, the java fern are doing much better. I did have a background, but it was very busy. I took it away, and it allows the plants to take center stage. I'm hoping to get some more plants established in the back for that natural background look. Recently I planted some aponogeton crispus back there, but it's doing the new-plant-melt thing right now. Bulbs & roots are nice & healthy.
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