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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I “tried” to improve the scape of Pippin’s tank a little bit. Gathered a bunch of the anacharis and tucked them all into an empty pot. Didn’t make much of a difference but at least I can see some of the driftwood now. Some are so long that they still look like they are floating, but that's just the top sitting at the surface. They must be 14-16", believe it or not. I should move some to the 29 to hide my cords since my aponogeton crispus is looking pathetic. But RR first for sure. Too many limpets.
  2. Once my 10g frees up I want to get some minis too. I think the ember tetras. And maybe even some shrimp if I'm brave enough to try shrimp. I don't know enough yet. I heard of people having shrimp deaths just because they did a routine water change, so I'm kind of scared. I'm also nervous about leaves & pH and stuff like that, like would the pH change from leaves hurt the tetra, etc.
  3. Simple. Light for plants + dechlor water or tank water + Easy Green. That's it. & I just turned the light off when I went to work and turned it back on when I came home. Just to save on power and because I wanted to view the plants while home. It's like taking care of a flower arrangement but you have the light too. I did change water one time in the 2 weeks because there was some dead plant matter collecting on the bottom of the vase, and a little bit of a film on the top of the water. I believe @Guppysnail keeps aquatic plants in water on her windowsill. Same idea. Just to get some roots/growth so they look good enough in the tank.
  4. Also there is a Repashy chunk at his tunnel entrance which he completely abandoned when he saw the Magfloat.
  5. Aaaand here is why Snoopy got his name. See? I told you he’s nosy and brave! @Guppysnail@nabokovfan87 @redfish @flyingcow @xXInkedPhoenixX
  6. My last harvest from the garage. 2 sprite and 2 anacharis. It was worth it to throw some scraps in there. I got a few new plants out of it. A lot actually, even though they were small. They will keep growing.
  7. @dasaltemelosguy I can’t say your name 😅 and also- how did you come up with such a tongue twister? The Salt = Da Salt (?) blahblahblah middle stuff guy. 🤷‍♀️ 🥸
  8. 2 things I don’t mess with. Cracked tanks and heaters I suspect are defective. But that looks like a chip, not a crack. And in your last pic you can see it’s not all the way through the glass. I think you’ll be ok. And the one that @AllFishNoBrakes has looks a lot worse than yours.
  9. That actually is amazing, I love it. I kind of wonder if they knew what they were doing when they applied that “bandage.” But also.. you aren’t helping @nabokovfan87 join team snail with your “they lay eggs everywhere!!!” 🤣 He might get a male. No eggs at all! In which case cleans his black beard algae, keeps his glass clean, and has a cool shell design.
  10. Don’t fault them for helping to decorate @nabokovfan87! It’s their house and that’s their style for interior design. 😊
  11. These lofi videos are just something to keep on the TV or computer while you relax and unwind. I thought this one was cool.
  12. And here I was thinking you were eating toast w/ orange marmalade while doing tank maintenance.
  13. That's green hair algae. I would discontinue nutrients and use no light at all on the tank. If the tank sits near a window, I would black it out with towel or something.
  14. What a cutie. That's interesting about the scrub jays. We have them here in FL. I think they may be endangered? Or at least they were at one point.
  15. Sometimes I get crows. They will remember a face, and if you feed them regularly they will be braver each time. Super smart. There's a few lookouts and then a "scout" that is the brave one to take the first bite. If he's successful, more will come & snack. He calls to them to let them know it's ok. But always lookouts remain in the trees. They take turns. The crows are huge too. I also have 2 kitties. Mouse & Tony. They chitter chatter with the critters through the window. They also get to go outside in their fun run (strong mesh tunnel, the ends zip)
  16. Here's another album I like cover-to-cover It's very chill Broken Bells Yep, they work now. Very awesome. I wouldn't mind hearing them live.
  17. I don't know why but I can't access the links - says the videos are private?
  18. Have you Zeppelin fans heard Greta Van Fleet? Have a listen........ C
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