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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Don't beat yourself up. It happens all the time where fish are added to a main tank and they have NO visible symptoms at all, then later there is a problem. When I first started fishkeeping, there was no internet and nobody had quarantine tanks. I would try your best to treat them, just as a human being would need to receive treatment in the hospital for an illness. Of course, if any of them get to a severe stage you may need to make a hard decision. But I wouldn't nuke them all; some may very well pull through with the Level 3 salt and go on to live normal, happy fish lives.
  2. My friend got 5 chicks around Easter time. She and her husband built them a really nice coop out in the yard. I got her a silly Peep Show, Live Chicks sign for it. 🤣 Well, as the chicks grew the one started to have curly feathers, and even has feathers on his/her legs as well. There's a name for that type of chicken, I forget, but I'm sure you guys know what it is. Pretty neat.
  3. I've read plenty of posts about people trying to make green water, and here you just ended up with it. Congrats! 🙂
  4. If you cannot get Jungle Fungus Fizz tabs, this is a great article about using salt. @Colu's instructions are for the Level 3 salt treatment in the article. That is a good plan since it is to the point you are having losses. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish
  5. I had success with Kanaplex + Jungle Fungus Fizz tabs, if that is available to you in Canada. & yes, always remove your snail friends before medicating. 🐌
  6. Can maggots be fed to the aquarium? Asking for a friend. 😉
  7. In Irene's video about her quarantine tote, she disinfects it and everything in it with a 10% bleach solution. You'd want to give everything a thorough rinse afterwards. Not to worry if you're not sure you've rinsed it all; just do your best. Since bleach is chlorine, a dechlorinator will take care of any bleach residue. But, of course, you'd have to restart your cycle. You can jump start it again with a bottled bacteria. Honestly I'm not sure if e-coli would be a big deal to fish. Fish live in lakes/streams and bears, deer, and whatever other animals go in the lakes and poop in there. The animal poop would contain E. Coli. Actually, @modified lung - can you weigh in? Modified lung is a Fish farm water quality analyst. Probably sees this all the time.
  8. Maybe you can use meds that kill bacteria, such as Erythromycin. Or do level 3 salt treatment on the tank. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish
  9. @Tanked @CorydorasEthan I get a kick out of Terry Miles. He seeks out pianos and pipe organs and randomly plays on them. He gets kicked out of a fair number of places for "disturbing the peace". Usually the pipe organs are in churches, and he starts out sweetly, but he ALWAYS ends up doing boogie woogie on them. For churches, he always asks permission first. @ 21:41 he starts his antics. And just for pure silliness sake, Dan Akroyd in Nothing But Trouble. Killin it on the pipe organ @ 1:21 😆
  10. I've been seeing some cool posts about DIY gadgets that people have come up with to make the hobby easier. Maybe that could be a category for the next NERM week. @Torrey
  11. I posted a link to this thread over there. Maybe Daniel would be interested in something like this.
  12. I mean, surely I was not the only one wondering the meaning. Right? LOL Very clever. 🙂
  13. This post has a lot of great content but you may need to scroll through to find the illness that looks like the symptoms your fish has. Can you repost the picture? I cannot see it.
  14. 2 LFS sell the shrimp. Parameters are likely the same. My understanding is that neocaridinia is the way to go because they do well in higher pH like mine (7.5-ish) whereas caridinia have to have pH at say, 6.4 or whatnot.
  15. Leftover food saver (top w/ tank water) Great for hard food that crumbled when you tried to cut it into chunks (ie: nano block) Hold the food in tank w/ aquascaping tongs til ice melts (30 sec or so) and the food falls in one spot. Media bag (pantyhose) Clutch remover: Water dispersion tool (idea from Foo the Flowerhorn) Testing station: Baby snail transporter: Stuff holder/fish holder: Caves: Breeder box locker downer (again, pantyhose)- prevents escape through slats.
  16. I would get a light for a 5.5g that I'd like to start.
  17. I think I will put Pippin in the quarantine tank, perhaps a week before they go to the main tank. That way he will be able to make some friends before the final move.
  18. Here’s Pippin using his feeding ring. And here’s some Ibises that I saw on the way to work. I call them grubbers. ☺️ I don’t usually hear them talk but one of them was the alpha or something, putting on a show or enacting pecking order. (video quality is poor) I guess I didn't capture him well in the video. He was behind the power post, flaring his wings.
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