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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Everybody was transferred successfully, and this includes Pippin! (I am reminded that catching fish is not too fun. Heh..) One quick look at the revised scape after fishies added, and now it’s lights out so all can rest. P.S. Good call @nabokovfan87. That scape change confused the regular inhabitants and they broke their school and weren’t sure which way to swim. And at that point the new guys were added. 🙂 Snoopy was also confused and stuck near his cave. Drip acc: Before: After (with new fish): (Sorry for cloudiness. That’s the Fritz Zyme 7 plus the disruption of the scape.)
  2. Today is the day! Quarantine crew has finished their time and is going to the display tank. I was going to do this tomorrow but since today is my day off, it’s better. Everyone looks nice & healthy. We are doing a one hour drip acc. I added Fritz Zyme 7 as well since snails were recently added too. I do have 2 filters but it’s a big change for the tank, so a little boost can’t hurt. Also Chick-in-of-theSea does not shy away from more frequent water changes if necessary til things get going. @nabokovfan87 suggested changing the scape to prevent territorial disputes. Hard to do with the big ol piece of spider wood that spans the tank so I will just rotate that forward a bit and, as much as I hate to, throw in some artificial plants. Just for like a week I think. I plan to RR some of the anacharis from the 10 g to ensure no limpets or hydra, as some of that has gotten quite long. Maybe I will snip some ends off and try to propagate more. Free plants are the best plants. Aside from illness which “could” happen with the stress of the move, my main concern is will these 2 oddball tetras be ok without a proper school. I don’t want to stress stocking level any more so I will just see have to monitor to see if they school with others. Their body shape is so similar to the pristella, so maybe they would make friends. Worst case scenario, they go to the 10g and I add friends for them there. I wanted ember tetra for the 10g honestly. + shrimp. But I will hold off to see how this plays out.
  3. I have a love/hate relationship with my ludwigia. I have dirty gravel with a 2” sand cap. It’s similar to Walstad method but for people that have already started their tanks with gravel. LOL. With Walstad the bottom layer is soil. I planted ludwigia in there and theoretically the dirty gravel is supposed to provide nutrients to the roots and allow them to spread out. However, all the ludwigia did poorly. Mystery snails know when plants are failing because the dying parts of the plant no longer produce allelochemicals (snail deterrent). This is why mystery snails don’t eat healthy plants. So the mystery snail kept chewing the stem of the ludwigia. I could clearly see when the rest of the plant floated up that the stem was slimy. Nevertheless I replanted those plants after cutting off the slimy end. This happened a number of times. Anything I replanted grew roots but did poorly. In some cases I had to cut the stem off all the way up to the leaves, but I still put it back into the substrate and it worked; it developed roots. So now I had a whole bunch of suffering plants. I started a new tank for baby snail growout and that tank has a 1” sand only with nothing underneath. It’s a 10 gallon and I moved some ludwigia to it. The ludwigia began to thrive and has reached the water surface. It even shows red and I don’t supplement iron. Unless iron is in root tabs, not sure. But I don’t use the Easy Iron or anything, and supposedly red plants need that? I didn’t buy it because I didn’t want to bother with more plant supplements or add complexity to my maintenance. (In the 29 root tabs were used as well but certainly not on any kind of schedule- I just eyeball plant health). So my theories on my ludwigia doing poorly in the 29 are: -sand too deep; roots did not make it down to gravel -light too far away A third theory which does NOT apply in my tank is nutrient burn. When plants are put directly into nutrient rich substrate, the roots are not established enough or ready to take up those nutrients, so the nutrients damage the stem. For tanks with a sand cap like mine, the plants theoretically should go into the sand only and then as the plant begins to grow the roots will reach down and seek out the nutrients, when the plant is ready. And of course there’s a possibility of not enough nutrients when the plant is ready for them.
  4. @Bev C @Pepere @Guppysnail I finally set up the ink bird. Just curious what you guys set the differential to? I put in 2 degrees for now but not sure.
  5. I tricked my friend into thinking I ate an earthworm once. I tilted my head back and opened my mouth and then put the worm down the other side of my face, the side away from my friend. Then I pretended I was chewing. To this day she still thinks I ate the worm.
  6. Thank you! Often people believe they are asexual because females can mate (say, in the pet store) and then hold onto the fertilized eggs and lay those for MONTHS and they will be viable. In fact, my mystery snail eggs were found at a time when I had only one snail, and that is how I got my babies. I sure got my money’s worth, buying that one snail. 😂 I am with you there @Guppysnail. The whole human birthing process looks super painful and terrifying. I’m ok with just hatching some snails and taking care of cats, neither of which require a college fund. 😅 (For any moms reading this, THANK YOU for keeping the human civilization going. ❤️)
  7. Well folks. We actually have a new way to feed snails. Everyone got green beans and calcium chips, but then when I fed Xtreme Krill to the fish, all the snails came up to try to catch some from the water’s surface. I hand fed the three snails I could reach. It’s so fun to hand feed them flakes and they slurp it up. But then… I had an idea. Paste flakes to the wall. Do they figure it out? Let’s watch and see.
  8. This is a hack I suppose. I like to offer calcium chips but one sits in the tank too long- maybe not now since more snails but I will see how long it takes for a half to get consumed. I use a pill cutter to split them. Looks like someone is enjoying one already. If anyone wants a pack of calcium chips let me know. I bought a pack and then when I bought the snail food kit later another pack came with it. So I have one pack completely unopened. Ingredients: calcium carbonate, spirulina, gelatin(binder).
  9. There is app called Nextdoor. It’s just a way for people to connect with other in their community and the surrounding neighborhoods. When I raised the gold snails, I put a post on there that snails were available. I then began to get messages from hobbyists near me. I did screen people to make sure their tanks were cycled and I gave out care sheets with cuttlebone and food. They sure are. I will hatch some once my schedule frees up. I want to make sure I’m available so they get the care they deserve.
  10. Our very first magenta clutch, folks! How do I know this? This is not York’s style. I’ve handled 22 of York’s football clutches (so far). 🙂 Anyway, this is nice. It means somebody is happy in there. Happy enough to lay eggs. Also this is why I keep a dropped waterline as well and have a baffle. The baffle reduces current and noise.
  11. Hang in there Rockfisher and take things one day at a time. Praying for your friends from Pine Island.
  12. The quarantine crew is doing quite well. They are active and eat eagerly, and I even saw some mating once or twice, so I know they are happy and content. They will go into the main tank soon but I just added some snail friends so I am going to space out my stocking dates. The tank is over filtered though; it has a sponge filter and a HOB, as well as a prefilter sponge to help with extra BB.
  13. Thanks @Bev C More movement from Linus but I still have not witnessed the traveling, the sneaky little bugger. And here are Goliath and Button. I suspect Bon Bon and Woodstock ate the Repashy so I dropped in some Crab Cuisine for these two. Also my anubias has some kind of weird growth under the leaves. 2 leaves are affected so far. If anyone can identify what is going on with this plant, let me know!
  14. I spaced out my orders mainly because I try to get to the $70 or $80 each time to avoid shipping costs. This past order I ordered less and just ate the shipping cost.
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