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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. That's awesome! Show 'em how it's done! Hey man. I don't have a bettas, so I don't know. And all the stores, even LFS, don't have heaters in whatever tank or cup they are in. While we are on the topic of rescues. I saw a little blue snail in with swordtails, and every time the snail went to come out of his shell he would get viciously attacked and nipped by the fish. He couldn't travel and he couldn't eat because of this. Of course it was at big box store. So I saved him and he is in a planted tank paradise with other snail friends and some mild-mannered tetras. I also have a Bolivian ram who likes vegetables, but when there is a snail on the vegetables, the ram leaves them alone and does without. I affectionately named the little snail Dodger. Dodger adoption day Dodger takes a girl on a dinner date💋 Dodger’s impressive (and beautiful) new shell growth.
  2. Purple Dumbo also looks like she's smiling. Yeah I was wondering because I knew the water in the little cups must have been horrible. Also do bettas need heaters?
  3. I'm falling in love with Purple Dumbo. I'm glad Red Crowntail is eating the food. I think he will keep getting stronger as time goes by, and you are taking immaculate care of everybody as far as water quality as well. What was your initial process for acclimating these bettas to your water? Do you drip acclimate or float or use another process?
  4. The second one looks like the betta is in outer space.
  5. The guy in quarantine is doing well. I lightly fed him Xtreme Krill flakes. I don't feed fish on parasite meds, but if it's other meds I sometimes offer just a tiny bit. This also helps me to check on him, because I use a tote and the water is green from the fizz tabs and hard to locate him, especially with the extra bubbles on top (caused by the meds). He was eager for the snack, and he looks like he is improving. He is on day 2 of the 2nd course, with the 2 TBSP of salt for his 10-gallon tote.
  6. Wow, only ONE favorite thing, huh? Then, I gotta say, the personalities of the different creatures in the tanks. It's so interesting to watch their mannerisms. For example, my Bolivian Ram, Snoopy, is curious about everything that goes in the tank and has to inspect it (Hence his name). But he does so cautiously: approach a little, pause, approach a little bit more, taste.. also he decided he must get in front of the camera at every opportunity possible, regardless of what I'm photographing. 🤣 Meanwhile I have mystery snails filling their feet full of air bubbles, riding them to the top, then letting the bubbles go and floating down to the sand. They've essentially created their own amusement park in there. Least favorite thing: death.
  7. Here’s the little guy in the recovery unit. Both he and the guy still in quarantine ate well today. Bloodworms were on the menu.
  8. I am Chick-In-of-TheSea because I hold 6 certs in scuba diving- open water, advanced, rescue, nitrox, cavern, and first aid/cpr. I log them all, I have 123 dives to date. My last dive was in Key Largo at John Pennekamp. I plan to go diving again in the next month before the holidays.
  9. Well.. 1 neon looks healed. The other still looks sick. Could not get pic of the sick one due to the green from the meds. Also putting the light on stressed him out a lot. I removed the healthy-looking one and placed him in the snail tank for observation. This ain’t my first rodeo with columnaris, and I know they can regress, so let’s say he’s in the recovery unit. I would have liked them to stay together but this guy was picking on sick fella, and this guy also doesn’t need to go through a second course of meds.
  10. This is the one I used and @Katherine was successful using a net breeder box.
  11. Or, If you are a DIY-er, this thread has a lot of creative ways to get water flowing through boxes. Click here
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