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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. The waterline is dropped and with the baffle in place there was still a lot of splashing noise. The sponge below the biowheel, stuffed into the baffle, is to dampen sound of water hitting water. (Personal preference. Totally optional.) They are. Extra ceramics are just redundancy. In this case they are there to collect bacteria and can later be dropped into a new tank (such as a quarantine tank) to help start the cycle there. Ceramics placed just before the biowheel keep the sponges away from the wheel so that the wheel can spin. If you find the water flow is pushing your sponges toward your wheel and preventing spin, you can place ceramics or something else you have on hand just before the wheel as a spacer. (Such as the plastic part of your filter cartridge)
  2. Are Koianu’s eyes ok? They look a little cloudy? Vs. earlier pics of him. Invictus looks so happy! ❤️
  3. I put my face in the bag. The smell is incredible. Oh yeah, and it’s tasty as well. What kind did you end up getting? I got this one, but I haven’t tried it yet. A little nervous about adding flow to the tank.
  4. I have a betta that I adopted from my friend because the betta was mercilessly attacking her mystery snail. I now have him in with a king Koopa nerite and the betta leaves him alone. The king Koopa nerite’s shell covers his body so there’s no flesh exposed to pick at. P.S. Friend’s temporary solution before I adopted her betta was a tank divider. One side snail, one side betta. But the betta did become depressed with the smaller space. This will not be an option in a 3gal. She made it kinda work in a 10gal for a short period of time.
  5. Very nice. I use some of those cube organizers in my fish room. Nice to see you incorporate them into a stand. I suppose if you don’t need the shelves to hold much weight you can lay some curtain rods through the holes and set the cube organizers on those.
  6. Geppetto’s rock hide was added 2 weeks ago. Yesterday was the first time I saw him use it. It’s nice he had something to explore and discover. Glad he likes it! Front view of tank: Side view of tank:
  7. Another where they filmed through the tank. When the water people are turning the door handle.
  8. I thought you were talking about modding a coffee grinder(?). It’s a wooden coffee grinder? Mine was plastic. Yum! (Stok) It’s smooth, but not weak. I think the other one I tried was Calista Farms or something. Tasted kinda burnt.
  9. Mine do the same with water sprite or anacharis. They like being up higher in the water column. Must you mod everything?! 🤣 Used to have a grinder years ago. Moved out of a place and I believe I forgot it there. I liked it though and remember using it often. I’m a big fan of Stok cold brew. Tried a different brand and ended up going back to Stok. I only buy it when there is a decent sale on it though.
  10. @TeeJay no pressure, but my coffee was just restocked by Mrs. @Guppysnail Claus, so you know what that means.
  11. Well, I’m glad this was said. I’m new to shrimp and bought 10 for my very well seasoned 10 gallon. I have 3 left; the others died over time. What seemed to kill them is 10% water changes. So I don’t really change water anymore or if I do I will drip it back in with airline. I was told that if/when they breed the shrimplets will be more resilient and ok with water changes. I’d suggest having at least one mystery snail in with the shrimp. For one, the shrimp eat the snail poop because it is partially digested food and still contains nutrients. But most importantly the shrimp will ride around on the snail’s shell which is just adorable. And they will clean algae off the snail’s shell too. Shrimp love floating water sprite and anacharis and are always in it. They also love driftwood.
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