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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Today, tank looked milky. Apparently PFS was clogged. So, mulm city and diatoms. Fun. Water change. Pump quit. I have a few words to say. Dirty water, going out. You’ve handled that well, without a doubt. Clean water, going in, traversing 2 rooms and over the rim. You fit perfectly with a Python hose so I wouldn’t drop a bucket onto my toes. For many years, you’ve serviced my tanks, for that I offer my heartfelt thanks. RIP Eco 185. Then, bucket broke. Fortunately while in the sink. So I had to schlep around the 5g bucket. Not cool. Anyway, I stepped outside, and this. Praise God. All is well.
  2. Tank maintenance. Can we please have a moment of silence for my pond pump, which sucked its last drop today? 😢 Also I have a few words to say. Dirty water, going out. You’ve handled that well, without a doubt. Clean water, going in, traversing 2 rooms and over the rim. You fit perfectly with a Python hose so I wouldn’t drop a bucket onto my toes. For many years, you’ve serviced my tanks, for that I offer my heartfelt thanks. RIP Eco 185.
  3. Snoopy enjoying zucchini. I got some cute footage of her pulling on the zucchini. No. No I didn’t. Because the record button wasn’t actually pressed, was it? 😒 Anyway, what you see here is her 3rd or 4th bite.
  4. What level salt does that equate to @nabokovfan87? Levels
  5. I wouldn’t trust the seals of a tank after being beat up by all the spray from a dishwasher. Don’t dishwashers get to pretty high temps? Not sure the tanks and silicone are made for that? Plus, dishwasher soap leaves a film (for a spot-free finish). Bleach (chlorine) residue, if any, would be rendered harmless by dechlorinator. @Tam
  6. Wow, thanks for the enhanced images@nabokovfan87! Now we have solid proof SALT WORKS! 🙂 Also before treatment he had a small hole in his tail which is no longer there. He’s in very good spirits, back in his usual tank with his favorite plants and his friend Kratos. He’s utilizing all the tank space, weaving in and out of the rocks and the plant stems. He enjoyed some bloodworms this morning.
  7. I’m afraid I’m of no help in identifying the issue. What I would do is add aquarium salt. 1 Tbsp/5 gallons (ok for plants). You may want to remove snails just in case, but nerite snails are fine with salt because they come from brackish water.
  8. Geppetto returned from quarantine today. He had salt at 1T/5g. I had moved him to the tote because I didn’t want to expose my plants to salt; they are doing so well. And I did not know if we were going to progress to other meds. I still don’t know what this was all about. Folks have told me fin rot shows red or black edges. I never saw any of that, but what else could it be? Could his fins have been burned by the heater? He keeps swimming under that. The heater is a Hygger quartz with an adjustable external dial, 25w. 7 days ago: Today: He has some clear areas of fin where it’s growing. I decided to take a chance and do the same level of salt in this planted tank. Folks say it’s ok for the plants. I hope so. I adore my crypt and sword. He has his small rock swim thru but his other tunnels are drying from sanitization. Just taking the usual precautions. I added another anacharis, a second catappa leaf, and a pothos for him in the meantime. He already noticed and is interacting with them.
  9. The plants look great! Some people say their cories uproot everything, but yours seems to be ok with the plants. Stinks about the swings in gH. I’m surprised rain affects that? You’re using all tap water right?
  10. We refer to ours as the kit kits. They will always be babies to us. They are little and cute. And they wrestle and have high speed chases throughout the house, we can feel the wind on our legs when they zoom by.
  11. @Katherine this one’s for you. And @nabokovfan87there are, I believe, TWO black shrimp. Also sometimes it appears there is a white or silver stripe running on top, the length of the shrimp. Then a grayish one which is the shrimplet. Black shrimp and shrimplet here: I found a molt today but I don’t know if it may have been a shrimp that past because it had that reddish pink look to it. I removed it. Also, a female is berried! For sure this time. Because not only do I see the fanning I saw before, but I can see the eggs. So now I know the eggs are black. I think the previous fanning I saw a few weeks ago was her “practicing”. She must’ve found a boyfriend when I recently added more males to the tank.
  12. That refers to the quarantine treatment recommended when bringing home new fish.
  13. When I was little I always thought people were saying “the ghost is clear”. Which is technically true, according to my Scooby Doo knowledge at the time.
  14. @Chickenlgs here is an informational page on using the leaves for axolotls. This is Quex. He is my friend’s axolotl. He is standing on the almond leaves. She does not make a tea. She just puts the leaves in and allows them to break down over time. You’ll want to avoid any dechlorinators that contain aloe (such as Stress Coat). Axolotls do not tolerate aloe. Seachem Prime is safe for axolotls. If the axolotl gills are curved forward, that means he is stressed out. That is something you can watch for. He may do that until his wound heals up.
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