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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. A week or so ago I was surprised to see a new sub to my YouTube channel: Crayfish Empire! So I thought, haven’t been on their site in awhile, let’s check out the goods. They have lots of free samples, but I was particularly interested in the 11 oz. Calcium carbonate, a staple ingredient for Snello. I loaded up the cart and checked out. I only had to pay shipping, which was $5.99. My box arrived in a couple days, and here’s what we have! (I did pay for the stickers. I thought they were cool.) Pardon my "farmers' hands". My skin doesn't like me. Heh. This item was not part of my order, but they threw it in as a bonus! The first food I offered was the snail cookie pellets. I figure, 8 snails, let’s start with just a few, maybe 5, pellets and see how long it takes them to finish them. MISTAKE!!!! One pellet landed on a plant, and I pushed it off with my tongs and it crumbled completely. This is how the tank looked. What seemed like a little bit of food got very fluffy and became a lot! There is no way they will eat all of this. I turkey bastered most of it up into a cup, then I made penguins to freeze. But, ice cubes float. So within each penguin I put a plant weight so I can return the cookie pellet to the bottom of the tank another time. (The ones on the right were already frozen with my DIY Snello). Well.. with all that being said, everyone really enjoyed the cookie pellets. Cleaning up the scraps: I fed some zucchini in the days in between and the next food up was the Mystery Snail Guardians pellets. THIS TIME… I just dropped in ONE pellet. 🙂 These work the same as the cookie pellets and were loved just as much. I have offered the calcium (spirulina) chips before, but the snails don’t show much interest. I know they have other flavors so perhaps I will try those at some point. However, I know the shrimp love the calcium chips. (Look how RED that one shrimp Is!) The last food to be tried is the cookie. It looks like this. And yep, it didn’t take long for them to find it and they enjoy it. This one does not puff up in the water. It stays pretty much the same size and shape. Cookie pellet (first food mentioned) after it hits water: more snails eating cookie pellet free calcium carbonate 11oz. Overall I really like how these foods work. A little bit feeds a group of snails. It seems like such little packets but a little goes a LONG WAY! It will take some time to get through what I have, including the frozen penguins, but I plan to reorder! P.S. These feedings were done over the course of a week.
  2. Only one problem @Guppysnail. I am notorious for overfeeding! 😂 Although I did learn to do the tip of a toothpick measurement with the bacter ae. & I did indeed notice the “aroma” In that shipment 💩
  3. True, but you pay a bunch of extra money for the tank because it has a filter. Some are pretty pricey, and they are only small tanks.
  4. Batmobile was the name that @Theplatymaster selected.
  5. The LFS had some ceramic shrimp tubes. There were 6 or 8 in a pack and they were about the size of those foam pencil grip things.
  6. Now that the blue dreams have bred, I see I have some wild type. I am interested in separating those out so blue genetics continue on. I’m looking to make a small, cost efficient setup for the wilds. The LFS has bare bottom vases that they keep a few plants in (ie: subwassertang, anacharis, hornwort, etc) and these vases contain shrimp. I noticed the vases do not have heaters or filtration. But I am not sure if this is because they have frequent shrimp sales. Has anyone created a shrimp vase before and how did you do it? What lighting would you suggest for the plants? I was thinking desk lamp but something that doesn’t get too hot (CFL?) Alternatively a small cube tank but I’m wary about the built in filters. Some reviews report that shrimplets got sucked in. 😢
  7. Yeah I saw that happen when I had two mysteries in the shrimp tank. I moved them out once a female was berried so they wouldn’t steamroll shrimplets. 🤣
  8. Do they have some moss and hiding spots? Mine are blue dreams breeding at 75 degrees. My pH, gH, and kH are very similar to yours. Mine weren't breeding at first, so I added 4 more shrimp, then they started to pair up. Maybe the first ones didn't find romance with each other. Also before adding the 4 more, my females were fanning but didn't actually have any eggs.
  9. @Odd Duck has shared this photo in the past, but the snail in the thread here looks like it has a less pointy shell.
  10. @nabokovfan87 I haven't seen that shrimp in a few days but I know she hides in some of the dense plants. Hard to say if she's ok or not, with 8 mysteries in there. I just have to keep an eye out for her.
  11. I'm so sorry @Sharon M. @Lennie that was Katherine's thread. She added neons to her kids' tank. Sadly, they all passed rather quickly. 😥
  12. Just water your outdoor plants with the tank water. No drain required. And birds may eat the small snails as well.
  13. I’d say Malaysian Trumpet Snail. Maybe @Hobbit can confirm. Do they burrow in the day and come out at night?
  14. 🤣 I did shorten his light but mainly for the plants. I can try lights off for a few days. He will still get some daylight from the nearby sliding door, but perhaps this could comfort him. I do keep very low dose salt in there now. 1 Tbsp/5 gal. And catapp tea. Thanks 🙏 Maybe this will help with the brown algae in there too!
  15. Interesting! @Theplatymaster bought a snail which looked brown at first, then it looked purple. Interesting to see what those babies would look like. Great job hatching and raising yours! The little ones are so cute, aren’t they?
  16. Someone always trying to get in the shot! You guys don’t understand. She forwards AND backwards swims when she’s doing this. Particularly if breakfast has not been offered yet. 🙄
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