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Everything posted by Cory

  1. Aquatic experience is no more. They ended that show. There is Aquashella, but it’s been rescheduled twice so far this year. Currently aquashella is scheduled for November in Chicago I believe. However I don’t think any events will happen the rest of the year at this point.
  2. I know at one point to add calcium they added milk to the aquarium.
  3. Most often people have java fern being out competed for nutrients by other plants. In the original poster's tank, this is highly likely when you add higher light and co2. Other plants just take up nutrients faster. So while you may have enough nitrogen, you are most likely running out of trace elements and others. Stem plants when growing well can grow 6+ inches a day and really just consume the lions share of nutrients and java fern on it's best week grows like 1 more leaf.
  4. I like ramshorn snails quite a bit. I prefer the pink ones which are just really ones with translucent shells.
  5. I think this probably does a darn good job. I'm not even sure if there is much of a way to improve on it. The only thing I can think of is using those containers that you can pump out the air, each time you use it after you feed each day, but the gains are probably so small.
  6. If when looking at moving, even your spouse is asking where the fish room will go 😛
  7. Just to make sure we aren't confusing things, I assume you mean raises the pH? I've never seen it lower pH.
  8. Usually this is related to something like lighting, a ceiling room light on, you create a big shadow, and without the extra fish to show it's safe, it's easier to hide and then come out when the shadow is gone. This can happen from having summertime windows and such open or a TV etc.
  9. What is the pH at? With that substrate it could be pretty low. I'll assume there is a varied diet. So I'd probably use paracleanse or prazi first for a week and see what that does.
  10. I'd have a dose of maracyn in the tank with these guys for a week, and keep feeding them well and watch to see if it's gets any worse.
  11. I'd say have some salt in the tank and have it be low stress and it'll probably heal over time, if it pops the salt will keep it from getting infected.
  12. I personally would just add a bunch of salt to the tank and let it sit for a week or so. I don't really understand the "starting over" thing after illness. If that was a thing, all fish stores like mine would be constantly doing it. We never do that, and don't have any recurring illnesses. Mostly taking simple precautions of letting a disease die out or using extra meds or salt to be sure is more than enough.
  13. Interesting, my friend Andy is who helped me build my fish store and he is a full time bee keeper as well. Doesn't sent out his bees, only produces honey with them and does queen breeding. Before we opened the store, we were testing bee grubs mixed into repashy. He was able to get amazing colors and growth on guppies. But it was messy to feed out.
  14. That's a good lookin fish room you got going.
  15. Cory

    Other Pets

    They look like happy babies. All of our chihuahuas are rescues, although only one was a senior when we rescued.
  16. Could be a bacterial infection. Since there are live plants in the tank I would be starting with 1 round of Maracyn to see what it does.
  17. Does he have a bubble on his top fin? or is that a reflection?
  18. I’ve used Aquabid for over 10 years. I’d say 75% of the time the transactions are a dream. When it’s not there is a delay with them shipping or a delay during delivery. Otherwise it’s usually high quality fish.
  19. Guppy’s are like the perfect fish for me. I really appreciate them. To me they are a staple pet like a dog or a cat. I can’t see myself going very long without having a dog or guppies by my side. I love that when someone else’s likes the ones I have I can share them with them.
  20. They are beautiful fish, but even though they are small they can be a bit feisty. They can wreak havoc on shrimp and such.
  21. These are my favorite snails. If I could only have one type of snail it’d be hard to choose between these or Malaysian trumpet snails.
  22. I’m not a fan of rimless really. I do enjoy the marine land 93 cube and their glass top design.
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