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8 hours ago, Hobbit said:

Update!!! I caught baby pleco eating! 😃



Isn't it terribly stressful when you can't see that your fish are eating, or even worse you can't find them at all? I have 6 otocats who hide most of the day and only come out at night. If I am up before the aquarium light comes on I can see them for a few minutes, but hardly ever see all six. I've put algae wafers in and saw them eat a couple times, but mostly I am just contributing to my growing snail problem. My only solace is occasionally seeing one against the glass with a round tummy.

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Delivered my first batch of white clouds to my LFS. At first they weren't interested in white clouds being that they're inexpensive to purchase wholesale, but when I showed the owner a video of my pond-raised ones, she was enthusiastic to bring them in since they're larger than what she can buy and have good color. I didn't get much for them (roughly $.75 per fish) but that's fine.

Brought home two more pea puffers, so now I've got a total of 3. They're awesome. They're extremely small still, but they're taking shots at the larger bladder snails in my tank and are picking off the snail eggs off my plants. It's fun to watch. I'm hoping to get them to also eat baby brine and baby bloodworms soon. Hopefully the CoOp gets feeding cones back in stock soon.

My Medaka are also now in a tank by themselves so next time I get out to a store to get the parts for it, I'll be making a spawning mop for them just to see if they decide to breed.

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On 12/11/2020 at 11:37 PM, Ken Burke said:

Trimmed my Anubias and Java fern. Got ‘em glued to driftwood and rocks.  Gonna give them to a friend to get him started in planted tanks. 🤪


Wow I bet your friend will be so pleased with those fine specimens.

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I moved both plecos out of their quarantine bowl into their new homes. The smaller one went in the 10 gallon grow out tank until it’s big enough that the loaches can’t eat it. The larger one went in the 55 gallon tank where I got to watch it gleefully discover algae-covered wood! It quickly learned which side of the tank belongs to Dad Fish. I LOVE watching fish when they first go in a tank. 😊

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Water changes, algae and duckweed removal, house chores, and avoided the super long line at the dmv. Noped my way right to my lfs, conveniently it was on my way home... Picked up some driftwood and moss balls. Happen to be telling her my breeding plans because I wanted more female cherry barbs when I noticed she had 4 left that were all female. So I took them home too haha.


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Yesterday, I visited my local LFS in hopes of solving several issues that have arisen with my home tank.  After a few month, it is apparent that all of the bladder snails have been feasted upon,  leaving my assassins looking a bit hungry.  Also, there is some growing issue with basic algae on some of the glass and driftwood.  Nothing serious, mind you, but I was wondering what could work.  I read several places that large Inca snails should be alright, as they are larger than the assassins.  I picked up two of them, and as of this morning before leaving for work, they were still in the tank and doing well.  While I was at the store, however, I also saw an unmarked tank with some Malaysian Trumpet Snails crawling around.  At what I thought was a very nice price, they sold me 5 of these pests.  I placed them in my office tank today, with hopes they will begin to reproduce, giving me some fodder for the assassins.

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Moved the goldfish fry out of the breeder box and into the ricefish tank so it'll have more room to grow. According to my research he'll be big enough to go to his new home in about a month! Hatched out some BBS and fed it to both ricefish tanks. Might need to change water tomorrow since I think I added too much bbs to the tank 😅


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Got a brute trash can and the wheel dolly, 20 gallon, put in a bulk head, and 2x3/4 mip to 1/2 barb connectors that fit the bulk head.

The bulk head is low, this makes it easier to start a siphon on tanks that are low to the ground.


With the hose connected to the trash can it is difficult to start the siphon. I have a barb inside with a short length of hose that I connect when i need to start the siphon.


When it arrives I’m going to use a transfer pump and 20ft of python hose for draining the trash can. With the transfer pump I can keep that stationary where it needs to be plugged in/hooked to the drain, and just drop the python hose in the trash can when I need to drain it.

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Opened my Christmas present-stuff I ordered from the Co-op, including: vibra bites, bug bites, easy fry food, nano pellets, brine shrimp eggs, spirulina, nano air pump, root tabs, and Easy Green Fertilizer. 

added three pumps of Easy Green to my 30g and one to my 10g. Added four root tabs to each of my two swords in the 30g. I also started brine shrimp in a diy Hatcher.


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Yesterday and today (it’s 2:41am for me) was filled with a lot of lifting, errors, and humor! My mom helped me move my spray painted cinder blocks down from the attic all the way to the living room, along with two black shelves. Lugging them down the stairs was too much for me to do, but my mom handled it like a freaking boss; Lifting all of them, one by one, down and not even getting out of breath!
I’ve been really struggling to think today and have been in a lot of pain, and kept reversing the way the cinder blocks were meant to go, messing up the way the stand should be, and being an utter goof with how many times I had to start over. I didn’t mind though.

After the stand was compiled, my mom added the tank on top and got it situated. It overhangs on each side about a centimeter because of the tank’s rim, but it does the trick! I couldn’t find a leveler, so I borrowed an old, surfing penguin toy from my grandpa, filled with water, to use as one. No twisting should occur, as it’s diagonally level. The side of the tank and the front were as level as they should be, which is hard to find in my super lopsided house. 

My next endeavor, the one keeping me up til almost 3am, has been setting up rock placement for the hardscape of the tank, and applying spray foam to some of them to (hopefully) keep them connected. I’m not a fan of orange, so I plan on using my spray paint (it’s aquarium safe in my experience) to make them black. 
The wishful goal is that the spray foam keeps the small rocks stuck to the larger rocks, though I’ll see how well that works tomorrow morning. Temporary, I’m at a standstill because I don’t want to do anything else until I see how well the spray foam works. But for now they’re being held in place by extra bags of pea gravel. If it works well, the plan will be to take them out in sections and spray paint them in the attic.

Hopefully in the morning I’ll be able to take better photos haha. It’s too dark and the glare is pretty apparent, partly because of it. ADE68C35-098D-44C6-BBDB-B8131AEE8503.jpeg.fd20bc7c39a176dff02cf477af499ae4.jpeg463731CC-E7C8-4368-8FF4-6E9F4F8D5B80.jpeg.b7c168657cdeb263017672343ae17a07.jpeg5E7500D1-506F-4DED-AB48-9CAA0990BD80.jpeg.f9b1b087511d9c2d1c7b93ec5349a6d5.jpeg

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I repurposed a couple of glass seasoning jars for my fish food blends. I soaked them in vinegar and taped them shut. I also threw a piece of tape down the middle for a little viewing panel so I know how much is in the container. One coat of black spray paint and viola! 

I've been using them for a few months and really like the widemouth opening for dispensing flakes. One of them I'm using for my fry food and the other is for my tank in the living room. I typically feed what I consider a high quality flake with spirulina and copepod powder tossed in. 








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Added two Nerite snails to my 20 gallon and replaced the kit hood with a glass top in anticipation of a new light from the co-op. When the light arrives, officially all of the kit components have been swapped out from my marineland 20 Gallon kit.  Either due to failure or upgrades, the only thing remaining is the tank itself.  Short story, don’t bother with kits 

Edited by PhillipHols
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I spent half an hour filing the edge of a piece of acrylic over my bathtub before deciding I’d try a hand saw tomorrow. Making a lid for my 55 gallon is turning out a lot harder than I thought!

I also carefully pipetted every last blackworm out of the two jars I was raising them in. Now that I have baby brine shrimp I decided not to keep the blackworms around. The loaches got a feast!

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On 10/28/2020 at 9:24 AM, AtomCatMatt said:

Fish can get scared by the shadows on the background it does help. plus it makes you aquascape stand out better. I just tape a piece of black construction paper to the back of my tanks. its dirt cheap and not permeant. I wouldnt use paint unless the aquarium isnt setup and i'm dead set on the color.

Does an LED close over the top eliminate the large shadows in back? Or is that not enough? I am wondering if providing enough top-down light will mean I won't have to add a background. A black piece of paper is a great idea though!

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A full dose of erythromycin hasn’t touched the fin rot on my poor tetras. Did a water change, added a seeded sponge to reintroduce bacteria, and am trying a different strategy.

Also my husband and I finished the lids for the 55 gallon! No more mildewy screen! 😃


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Today, I’ve been finishing up my hardscape. I have spider wood arriving in a few days, that I’ll eventually add. There’s a lot of spray foam I need to cut away, after it dries. I have a lovely eyesore at the front of the tank, my super glue gel, holding some rocks in place until the spray foam around them completely dries. 
The next steps on my agenda are to cut parts of the foam away, take out the sections of rock (the spray foam is keeping them together run large sections for ease of dismantling), spray paint them all black while touching up some others once more, and cleaning the tank while the rocks are drying. 

I had to redo the structure a few times because it was too low for my liking. I still wish it were taller, but the sections were having trouble fitting back into place after I raised them all, and I don’t think they will be stable enough if I raised them again, as everything would be completely offset from the added bags of pea gravel. I spent well over 4 hours and was up til nearly 5am struggling to piece it all back together, and I’m content with not repeating that event 😅

I set up an old LED to minimize the glare, though it definitely showcases the mess on the glass haha. 4B2BBFD8-F4BB-4F25-84FB-626AA30EFA44.jpeg.1596a0fd914171b1e4bea21f168aecd9.jpeg

Edited by Sapere_Ceta
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