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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Yeah. I was always amazed at how lazy a massive female SAE could be. She (well, both of them) were gigantic and they definitely could not be bothered to do anything but sit around for food. Like seals on a beach waiting for the trainer to come by or something. They had a good time 🙂 I swapped out my light, I'll add the photos here shortly. Back to what we were talking about LED quality, color spectrum, all that stuff. I am intrigued based on what I saw with my eyes, visually if the camera picks anything up. Same tank, more/less LEDs, but very different lights.
  2. Coffee first! Hopefully it was helpful to see it all.
  3. Yes! Nice work little hunter. Might be head position, trying to get his head and gills at a certain angle. My SAEs used to do that too.
  4. You mean by hand? You can try manually making one out of 100% silicone or just using over the counter o rings. They have them in kits usually.
  5. I have done a ton of filtration and a lot less filtration. Once you get it, it just goes to high flow areas to spread. 😞 Whatever this stuff is just sucks.
  6. Just very very slow, long acclimation times. That's usually all I know of to give shrimp the best chance.
  7. Taiwan moss I think. All moss is pretty similar, but depending if you like the look of flame moss, weeping moss, Christmas moss, etc. Small variations and it's just whatever is available locally or that you can order that you like. They sell hand blenders, manual ones, might be a good fishroom tool. I just use aquascaping scissors and cut it 1/8-1/4" long.
  8. Found a video showing the underside of mine. Hopefully this helps.
  9. If you have a specimen container, try to put them in there (or just a net against the glass in the tank) and then record a video or photos. It's really hard to tell without front / top / side shots. The other main way to tell is the lower fins. There is some awesome sketches here: https://www.calgaryaquariumsociety.com/eenie-meenie-minie-moe/
  10. Yep, you're re-dosing the tank, so ONE dose per treatment each time 🙂 .
  11. Can you go through everything? I apologize if you already have. Lighting schedule and intensity, settings, etc. Dosing, what and how often KH, GH, PH. Temp. This was when I first saw it. Difficult to see, but this was a very established "medium demand" stem planted tank. I saw black spots, like black diatoms all over in places. Then it turned into the mess on the wood and equipment (high flow). It doesn't look like much, but it just really lingers around. I am certain in this tank it showed up because of bad dosing schedule and the CO2 stopped working. Plants that were left were too slow to outcompete it. They went into tubs with a massive jump in bioload and a ton of light. Turned into.... Flocks into the "high flow" areas and then spreads spores everywhere. At the photo below, it's on the wood, roots of the anubias, edge of leaves, etc. Once it got excess light, nutrients, water, etc.: The clumps of DHG you can see the longer leaves (out of water growth, sorry dyslexia, I always mess up the verbiage) which are dying off. THAT is what this stuff loves to attack. If it's on the edge of things, usually staghorn is the main culprit. Amanos REALLY helped at this point. End of the caves, Centered mostly on the output flow path of the Tidal. A lot of this was from the tubs and just worsened as it got better care (my trying to get the plants going). Then I had the equipment crash and I got worms. 😞 This is the only thing I've seen respond to it. Spot dosing.
  12. Send photos. I can probably clarify everything if you have a question. I have them on hand and take them apart almost daily at this point. I've been testing fixes for this issue for about 2-3 years with notes for the past year or so on that experiments thread. I lost a tank of fish to the skimmer so it's been an issue, personally for me. 😞 Duckweed is very small, won't have an issue getting into the pump. Clean the pump, let us know how it's doing.
  13. For me I'll try to explain the steps I take. I had the thoughts to try to find a video or something, but hopefully the following makes sense. 1. Get your FISH ONLY pot filled with water and set it to warm up. 2. Take the wood to the porch and hose it off really well, get all the junk off you can with a brush if you need to, chop any branches off you want to and then go ahead and remove anything you need to at this point. Scrub it, use water pressure, try to get it cleaned a bit. Use a bucket so you don't drip all over the house and then gently place it in the pot. 3. If the wood doesn't really fit, you can flip it around. 20-30 minutes or so per side and try to get all of the wood covered. I generally, minimally flip it once every 10 minutes just to check on things. 4. Take that and put it in your bucket, dump the water outside (not down the pipes) so that any residues don't ruin the sink and plumbing. 5. Fill the bucket up with the wood so it is submerged. Add a lid and/or air if you have them handy. If not, oh whale. Rinse the pot, clean it out, set aside. 6. Every 24-48 hours swap out the water in the bucket. Place it inside somewhere to avoid bugs. 7. After 5-14 days you should be "fine" and enough of those initial tanins will be released. Once the water is the color you like, use it. You can always add it to the tank and then just use carbon or water changes to modify the color. 1/2 cup per 10G is the go-to for me 🙂 Wood: Clean it, you probably don't need to, but just do it anyways. It won't hurt anything. Rocks: Dry them out, scrub them, rinse them really good with high pressure water, then use them. Plants: Float them in a bucket with air for as long as you need to, then plant them. If you're worried about snails or other contamination treat them with RR as long as you have the space and such to do so. Second to that is the Alum dip. (See Irene's video, Girl talks fish) *sniffs his cup of tea* 😂 It definitely can! Good tip.
  14. This would be my go to right now. The large rubber "ponds" and just use that. All the fish can go in there and depending on placement, might be a great yard feature. Avoid the galvanized ones. @Brainsponge Welcome to the forums. I also wanted to mention that once you hit 50 posts the buy/sell section opens up. If you need to find them a home, that might be a place to go too! There is Free/RAOK as well on offer just to get the fish to a place locally.
  15. Yeah, once you hear noise like that, check the impeller. If the waterline is near midway on the skimmer or just under/above the output ramp, I usually don't even hear the water hit the tank. No break in at all, it should run SILENT. If you have duckweek, easiest thing to do is use something to try to keep it out of the skimmer. You're going to have plants in the skimmer because these things are just that beefy and they will suck in plants. you can do the same thing with airline. There is also a lot beefier versions on etsy, but this gives you the general idea. With duckweed you're going to want some height.
  16. I am definitely going to enjoy and totally will look up every one of these fish. 🙂 We should totally have a "virtual" auction where you get a budget or a list or something and pick out your favorites. Maybe the most requested from the list is a special at the shop!!??? for the month or something. That would be fun. The double red apisto and the german rams would be where I would start. I would peek at the galaxy rasboras too if you had a cooler temp planted tank. I definitely NEED a pleco, so that would be next up on my list, maybe 2. I also think it's a cichlid heavy list of sorts and if that's what you're into keeping I would look at: -Copadichromis borleyi (really beautiful, the photo I saw) -Hypsophrys nicaraguensis (also, really unique coloration) -Herichthys carpintis (Would take a while, but the adult form is unique, depends on quality of pattern) For the guppys I think I would end up with either the tricolor showa or the pure white ones. I don't know if you could cross them, but I would imagine those two will often sell alright.
  17. I'm guessing bean sprouts, but I don't think that's it. It's definitely not one of the ones listed. Not sure how or where it would come from. My guess it that it came in on the moss.
  18. That's amazing. Very nice setup!!! Can I get one of these for corydoras and tiger barbs? Like a few hundred of them!??!?!?!?
  19. That's likely the cause. Let me grab some details and pull up some stuff on the laptop. Edit: Here's the details. I am not specific which ones you have. https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=283 Temp listed is 71.6-78.8°F. I would shoot for 74 degrees for them. 78 is on the high side, but tolerable. Usually this typically means just a shortened lifespan. For reference, here is another article about the species in question. Good resource for information and setup if you have any concerns. I think the tank looks great. https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/freshwater/corydoras-in-miniature-full-article Depending on what other species are in the tank that would determine ideal temp. Those are perfect!
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