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  1. Thanks! I really appreciate your help. We have had the tank a year, but we still have no idea what we’re doing. At least the fish seem happy! I agree that we must have some nutrient deficiency because the plants look terrible lately. My husband takes care of the plants. He uses API Leaf Zone to fertilize the water. To be honest, I’m not sure there’s a rhyme or reason to how often he fertilizes. He adds some after every water change which I do every 2 weeks. We also just added more Flourish tabs from Seachem because it had been several months since we last added some.
  2. Sorry for the late response. We have 4 glowlight and 4 Cardinal tetras. The pleco is about 2.5 inches. We have had the tank for over a year and lights are on from about 7:30am to 11:30pm.
  3. We have a 10 gallon with 8 tetras, 1 platy, 2 mystery snails, a clown pleco, amano shrimp and khuli loach. Is that too much?
  4. Is this hydra or some type of algae? And how do I get rid of it? It’s completely taken over.
  5. Nitrate- 10 nitrite- 0 hardness- 300 buffer- 40 ph- 6.8 ammonia- 0 temperature is 80 Unfortunately I don’t have a test kit, only strips. I have tried so hard to raise the ph naturally but it’s always been low. I’ve checked around the tank and don’t see any jumpers. I’ve attached a photo of the tank.
  6. So we had 3 Pygmy corys in our tank for about 10 months and few weeks ago we realized we couldn’t find 2 of them anymore. We have a 10 gallon tank and we examined every nook and cranny and they’re just gone. We figured maybe they got old and died. We bought a few more 2 weeks ago and the same thing happened! Only one is left. Water parameters are fine and everybody else in the tank is doing fine and behaving normally. Any theories? Is it possible they’re getting eaten? We have 8 tetras (glow light and cardinal), a clown pleco, a kuhli loach, and several mystery snails.
  7. Oooh yes. That looks like it’s right. Thank you so much!
  8. Sorry for the horrible photo. Does anyone know what kind of snail this is? We think he hitched a ride on one of the plants we bought. We thought it might be a mystery snail but now that it’s grown a bit it doesn’t appear to be one.
  9. @Brian no I’m not adjusting my ph. I have had a hard time raising the level. I added about half a bag of crushed coral over a month ago and still no change. I haven’t gotten around to it yet but I was thinking of filling a mesh bag and adding some to the filter. I also heard you can add baking soda to the tank Oops and you asked about tank mates. Yes four glow light tetras, a khuli loach, 1 clown pleco and 3 Pygmy Cory’s. She is peaceful with everyone else except the snails.
  10. @Hannah Parker thank you Hannah. I was wondering if maybe something was needed so there weren’t so many open areas in the tank. I will try the spider wood and see if that helps. Our mystery snails are pretty big so that’s probably why she targets them. I’m hoping the extra hardscape will help because I think my husband would sooner get rid of Daisy then part with his snails 😅. They’re adapting by keeping their antennas tucked, but they’re definitely way less active because as soon as they come out of their shells, Daisy is on them.
  11. @nabokovfan87 The temp is 78 right now. Flow issue meaning the filter flow? I’m new to the hobby so just making sure that’s what that means. I have a canister filter and it seems pretty slow to me but I can look into that more. Actually as I’m typing this I’m watching Daisy and this is the most peaceful I’ve ever seen her. She’s just slowly swimming around and exploring. I wish she was always like this. I have the shades down so maybe the low light is helping 🤷🏽‍♀️ Thank you for the information and the video.
  12. Hi there! I’m back with another question 😅. We got our first female powder blue dwarf gourami about two weeks ago. She’s super cute but she is harshing the mellow of the tank. The only time she’s ever just peacefully swimming in a chill manner is first thing in the morning when we turn the lights on. For the rest of the day she swims back and forth at a pretty good clip. I’ve never had a dwarf Gourami before so I don’t know if they’re active swimmers and this is normal or she’s stressed. She’s also harassing our mystery snails. She nips at them and now they hardly come out of their shells. I don’t have the means or space to buy another tank and separate them, and I really don’t want to have to give anyone away. Is there something I can do to calm her down? I’m including a shot of the tank and maybe someone can advise if more plants/decor are needed, as well as water parameters. The only parameters that are not in normal range are KH, GH, and ph. GH- 300 KH- 40 ph- 6.4 Thank you to anyone who is able to help!
  13. We bought a powder blue female gourami. She is so cute ☺️ We’ve had her less than a day but she is glass surfing and swimming back and forth quickly. Should I be worried? She’s in a 10 gallon with glow light tetras, a pleco, a loach, 3 Pygmy corys, and two snails.
  14. Thank you both so much! I’m kind of excited about the idea of a gourami now! Also thanks for acknowledging that bettas are sickly. I felt so guilty while my little guy was declining. I’m sure my inexperience contributed in some way, but it’s a little comforting to know that others have struggled with them as well. Maybe I’ll think of getting another down the road, but for now I’m looking forward to trying something new!
  15. The pugs of aquariums is a great analogy 😂 Thanks for your input @ange it’s nice to know gouramis have personality too. We’re definitely leaning toward one at this point 😊
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