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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. I’ve probably got about the same…in 4 tanks😜.
  2. 5-6 of most tetras you can find in a big box store (I went a little bit crazy!), a family of BNPs, a Kuhli loach hiding somewhere, Apistogramma Cacatuoides and Agassizii, Rainbow shark and 1 Marbled angelfish. I set the tank up in August 2021 and battled algae for a year until it became balanced. Haven’t changed stocking for fear of upsetting that balance. 😂
  3. I keep most of my aquariums in my bedroom; and I also live in quite an old house, so the floor is made up of old uneven wood planks with thick nails sticking out. One time I was doing a water change , and left to go do something. Came back, wondered why the watering can I was using wasn’t full: it had a hole in it. About 10 gallons or so went right into my bedroom floor, which stank for weeks afterwards. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  4. Congrats! How many more are you thinking of getting?
  5. Sunkissed? It’s not albino, but not normal either. The members of my local fish club call it semi-albino.
  6. Makes our human squabbles seem petty compared to bacterial wars. Slime from a newly set up aquarium:
  7. We’ve started the theme “microbiology” in school, and after seeing a couple of interesting bacteria on the web, I thought I’d have a look and see if my tanks are bacterial havens. To start with I took my microscope (from a toy store) And used a spoon (my pipette has gone walkies) to put a bit of “Easystart” on the lens. The result: Magnified 200 times, it seems to resemble wet sand. When going closer, I can actually notice little black things moving and pushing the grains of ‘sand’ out of the way. Seeing as I’ve had this culture for a long time, they’re probably dead microorganisms with a few live ones in between. Next up I took some Brine shrimp (4ish days old) and put them under the lens. First thing I saw: Unidentified crud. Then, life! I know that what I’m doing isn’t new, but it’s quite fun and interesting! 😁
  8. This has actually been quite a fun project, seeing as my fish get a continual supply of brine shrimp each time I do a water change. My tetras have never been so frisky!
  9. Nope, I’ve had them in with long-tail guppies and they’re all fine.
  10. Sooo, 50% or so of my BBS has died since being harvested. I’ve removed them, but more keep on dying. 36 hours in, how are yours doing @Theplatymaster? Looks like you might win. 🙂
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