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Everything posted by mountaintoppufferkeeper

  1. I am making a second attempt at growing out a group of clown killifish for a try at a future large colony. First attempt ended with one female making it out of quarantine. Any suggestions for foods to try? I was considering incorporating golden pearls with the standard BBS and coop fry food. Not yet experienced with the killifish fry or extremely small juveniles. Thanks much.
  2. Thank you kindly. I may have to try that project and incorporate the tube in the pvc overflow return pipe.
  3. Figures this would be worth an update for future reference. COOP bulbs have made a nile puffer hang out in back left corner. Puffer is significantly less skittish but still spooks occasionally puffer being a puffer I suppose. Dither attempt 1 (Failure) :Kribs tried a few but they just beat up on the fahaka puffer bad 24 hours and kribs had to be removed. Dither attempt 2 (partial failure) red wag platy....nile eats anything red as it turns out. Dither attempt 3 (success so far) golden wonder killifish...also a fairly awesome combo with the puffer generally leaving them alone and aquarium lily pads filling in top and corners.
  4. Does anyone have any recommendations for a UV sterilizer in a small 25 gallon sump and approximately 40 gallon system ? I have a green killing machine and that aquatop HOB with the UV in it as options but not set on either. I have limited understanding of the UV best choices. More dwell time is better than less is about it for my knowledge. I set up my continuous overflow rack/fry rack system on early October. The plan is mostly for puffer food colonys and small breeding projects. Id rather have the "just in case" insurance against free floating parasites, algae blooms due to direct sunlight, etc than not. Thanks much. System stats: 3/4 pvc return just dumps in the sump straight currently Kitchen storage rack holding (1) 25 gallon sump , heater, pump, filters etc there (4) 2.5 gallon tanks (bigger ones in photo) (6) 3/4 gallon tanks. ( small one in photo) Vr Matt
  5. Recreational and tournament golf, gracie jujitsu, and fishing depending on the season and where tournaments fall throughout the year.
  6. I've been a government intelligence analyst for the past 11 years. I mostly find issues and solve them before they become bigger issues, improve skills, develop and present training, build relationships, and write reports. Prior to this path, I was an airborne qualified intelligence collector and infantryman with the Army (December 2001 through 2008). I got broken in Iraq, was medevac'd home, had a surgery, and medically separated. Currently finishing up a BS Sports Management degree on the side for fun and possibly for future use. The fish family is an important part of my relaxation and development as a person. They definitely get their fair share of the funds for all the enjoyment they bring to me.
  7. Home grown cherry shrimp, Ramshorn and MTS, frozen krill with vitachem, blood worms, and so far unsuccessfully claims on half shell for my small fahaka. Livebearers, frozen krill with vitachem, home grown cherry shrimp for my hairy puffer group.
  8. Nice tank. I did recently have kribs form a pair from a group of 6 sub adults (the remaining 4 did nothing but get beat up and hide). I am not an expert on kribs but they seemed to be a monogamous bonded pair ... once they find a mate they like and decide to become a pair. Someone else may be more familiar with the nuances of Kribs but in my situation the brighter dominant female dug just as much as the darker dominant male. The pair chased the rest of the kribs around a 75 gallon until I removed the other 4 Kribs. The 4 seemed pretty hardy and were fine once removed. If I had not noticed breeding colors on one of the females I would try to add a couple of more kribs short term. A bigger group it might allow a pair to form or to form faster. I would try and bring the extra kribs back to the store once a pair sorts itself out. If that is not an option I would try and rearrange the tank a bit to break sight lines and add a few krib caves on the ends of the tank in addition to the ones you have already
  9. Full disclosure: I am no expert at fish keeping and always pushing myself to learn from my tanks and others to improve myself and my abilities with aquariums. I have had some success in 35 years in the hobby first with my dad then as solo over the past 5 years or so but like us all have learned when things went wrong and when things went perfect. Recently I have been wondered if parameters of native habitats were actually a deal breaker for most fish to reproduce or if stable conditions generally within the ballpark of their natural habitat along with some fluctuation to trigger spawning are more important. Nature finding a way seems to occur for me more often than not. Do you find that there any parameters which when different from the natural environment of a species is a deal breaker to getting a species to spawn successfully? More importantly are those conditions more detrimental to being able to raise fry to adulthood? I have had plenty of learning experiences over the years when things did not work out but have also managed to set the stage right for a few species to reproduce with my setups over the years: Goodeids: Characodon lateralis, and Zoogoneticus tequila; Other livebearers: platies, swordtails, and guppies; Mouthbrooders : Strawberry betta, betta macrostoma ( was awesome to learn from but fry did not survive due to an equipment issue), and golden mbuna (my first non livebearer way back when); Miscellaneous unintentional success : panda corydoras, flag fish (guarded eggs like sunfish), and Khuli loach Current projects: Gold Stripe Panaque (3yr old colony); Hairy Puffer (1.5 year old group); Dwarf Pike Regani (1.5 year old pair from group); Dwarf Chain Loach (1 year old group)
  10. My answer would be too dependent on too many factors to say yes or no for all endangers species but in general I would be a yes if it were legal and I felt I would be able to be successful with the species in question without damaging the population. Species deemed endangered or extinct would be similar, for me, to trying to reproduce a species that is not known to have been reproduced in the hobby. I prefer to keep and enjoy a species I am reasonably certain I can maintain successfully long term for the benefit of learning from them, hopefully reproducing them at some point, and sending them back into the hobby for others to further learn.
  11. Thanks kindly. I am hopeful this adjustment is a longer term fix seems promising so far. I had my hairy puffer colony in a tank on the same wall with no issues for 12 months before upgrading everyone's tanks and moving tanks around with a reset early this year. I suppose that could be a function of the species involved in addition to the conditions of the room.
  12. Thanks much. That location has some shadows and tv flashes. I installed a diy background on outside left and back of tank, added more coop plants to define the sides, and had Kribensis and Celebes sent to me last week as dithers. I now have a puffer who does not take off and kribs excavating and courting in her tank. She enjoyed the Celebes a bit too much to be dithers. It seems blue eyes is not a color she can resist. Thanks again. Vr Matt
  13. Maybe something like hard plastic clear tubing of enough diameter where you could drop the worms in to get the them down to the eel and prevent any fish from getting at them on the journey to the intended mouth.
  14. An aquarium that is matte finish on inside of back wall to stop glare for photos and define the back of the tank out of the box.
  15. My favorite glass is the 40 breeder big enough to do a lot with and small enough to get 4 during the $1 per gallon sale without too much trouble loading up for the ride home. I prefer the extra surface area if given a choice. Favorite acrylic is the 75 gallon
  16. Assuming the connection is worth using, I could really use the ability to try out that connection for two boxes on a side project this winter. Is that something that will be available through the coop in the future ?
  17. If you were looking to just keep the numbers down a bit lower i would do a trap to knock the numbers down to where you want them short term and add assassin snails to keep them under control long term. Assasins also burrow in the substrate which should be an additional bonus for soil health. I have one tank with assassin snails and one tank with a colony of dwarf chain loaches. Assassin snails control snails in their tank with some snails still existing many months later while the dwarf chain loaches have no snails in their tank and it did not take very long for them to get every snail in their bellys (maybe a week until they had got them all).
  18. I missed that watching the tour. Thank you. I figured there was quite a bit of learning in the group that could save me some headaches later on either in setup or models that have worked for others. That shower valve sounds interesting maybe I could calibrate that with the constant cold coming in the house. v/r, Matt
  19. My personal opinion , for my abilities and tank maintainence schedule, is a 40 breeder or larger. They are pretty messy eaters and need water changes and mechanical filtration cleanings frequently. I like the breeder tank dimensions with more space front to back to explore and less height.
  20. What would you improve about your water change set up? Would you use a mixing valve to control water change temperature? I am adding a fishroom sink around November within the utility room next to the fishroom. I hope to add a thermostatic mixing valve to set my temperature. We live at 9200 feet in Colorado and our cold water comes out of the mountain at 40 degrees pretty much all year long. I use a python and added in an RV hose inline water filter (carbon / sediment filter) before the python hook. Are there models of mixing valve that allow for a controllable aquarium suitable output temperature? What would those be? Would you use one? Thanks kindly. Vr Matt
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