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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Amazon for that particular one. But you can also get them from home improvement places.
  2. I recently put another cling film on the back of my 10 gallon grow out. Maybe as a compromise you could get something that distorts what's behind the tank but still is semi clear?
  3. I started with bare backed tanks and wanted them that way when I started. THEN, wasn't that I didn't like the look it was more that I had window cling film sitting around and thought, hmm, this might be cool. I like it and it's just taped on so I can remove it when I get tired of it. My two 20 gallon tanks sit side by side in my kitchen- so it's a nice continuous look they have now- and the plants looked more full when they were smaller because of it.
  4. Hope they will be! Wonder if you could add any gel foods or community wafers that would take time to disolve? Something that wouldn't effect the water too much but would be available along the bottom in case they get desperate.
  5. All the plant substrate I've seen has been medium to dark colored so that seems a hard thing to do. The only thing I found when looking around the internet was an article that mentions "best planted substrates" and the lightest one on it is a sand: Carib Sea Super Natural Moonlight.
  6. I think it could pretty easily, but the question is, what are your water parameters now? You got enough plants? What kind of filtration do you have?
  7. Congratulations- you are the happy new pet owner of a buncho snails. Those little suckers don't need partners to reproduce- you might THINK you have ONE but there are likely more and eggs to boot already. I tried to battle them myself- even cleaned out the entire tank, put in new substrate, bleached the plants, guess what? I still have them. So. Smile, don't overfeed the fish you get, and enjoy your pet snails. 🙂 In all seriousness, I've made my peace with bladder snails. I have them in 2 tanks now. My betta tank, since you were asking, no harm there- she may even eat some of the babies or eggs. They just cruise around, cleaning stuff. Not as good at it as my Nerites, but they're ok. Now I pretend that it was my idea to let them stay. Hehe.
  8. @CalmedByFish I have crushed hikari wafers between 2 spoons when my Otos were little.
  9. Awww, wouldn't it be cool if it ends up hatching and hanging out with snails? aww.
  10. Natives are truly for the fish keeper who likes to play endless games of Where's Waldo right? I was so entertained by this thread, even from the beginning when you have the youtube of the adults- "we're camouflage you can't see us". Stands to reason right? These small fish probably have plenty of predators so why wouldn't they be like this? Their fry even moreso. I love it. Funnily enough my Black Neons are for me my very own Where's Waldo game as they blend perfectly with the background I have and the green foliage. They even disappear when they face forward. I'm constantly counting them. While not intentional I'm totallly into it now, it gives that particular tank a special kind of magic.
  11. @Ben C. or maybe try female next time. I actually picked a female this time not so much for the aggression thing (since they can be too) but more for their shorter fins. My theory is they'll be less prone to the fin problems their male counterparts tend to get from being all puffy chested all the time. So far so good 😉
  12. While I have no scientific way to tell you this is true, it has been my experience. My original set did NOT lose their appetite, in fact they ate almost all my diatom algae before they started passing away 1 by 1. It makes sense that the bacteria in their gut dies off when they don't eat and they can't regain the population and therefore pass. The LFS I bought them from told me they died because my water is too cold and I needed a heater. This is simply not true in the end. One of those original made it and I believe the one that did was female and ended up being my Momma Oto, later I added 7 more Otos from a different LFS and they all made it (still didn't have a heater, so there other LFS).
  13. 😂 Sweet! Copy whatever you'd like, why shouldn't our water pets have fancy food bowls too?! Funny, my new betta, Spark is a piggie herself but she's not all that interested in the snail snacks I drop in for her pet Nerite snail Curlycue. My neons in another tank however like to try whatever I put in the bowl for snails. In the next couple of weeks I'll be turning in my baby Otos, but I've had time to experiment with foods. Honestly in the end hands down Hikari has been their go to (but to be fair as you saw they were raised on it). They pick at the Repashy Super Green (I didn't get soilent), they aren't fans of zucchini or green beans, but they really like cucumbers.
  14. Oh and shouldn't your screen name then be TANKSofFish? 😉
  15. Hi, beautiful Betta (Hi Spreckles). My Otos love Hikari algae wafers and they don't seem to cloud any of my water. 🙂
  16. Hahahah! Since you both brought up shrimp: My greatest disappointment is I can't keep the little buggers allive. I've tried ghosts and cherries- in 2 different tanks. Big no go. I think they're fun so that was sad. On the flip side, how did I breed Otocinclus? I picked them specifically for the fact that they couldn't be bred by a novice. Sweet I thought. So my 1 tank turned into 4 because of that- NOT for MTS. Hahaha. SURPRISE!!!!
  17. I hope that's not the case too. I've never won a battle with Dropsy. ☹
  18. I still can't see it on my end (the fin rot) Keep an eye on it and do small water changes if you feel the need. Maybe even add some aquarium salt. His shape is odd so like we talked about before maybe feed him some bits of pea and fast him a couple days. (Lots of basic info on that around the web). I'm wondering if he's plugged up. Keep an eye out for "pineconing" also easy enough to google.
  19. I agree. I'd very rarely do such a big water change, just frequent smaller ones. He looks good to me tho. Where are seeing rot??
  20. Looks like sausage poop! But in all seriousness, even normal fish poop has some white mucus and maybe he just hasn't taken in enough to do a whole string? At least that's what I'm hoping for you. I don't have a puffer but have had other fish that's happened to.
  21. 😂 I think that about my fish all the time. Pls no, pls no, pls no
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