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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @laritheloud I think co2 is super cool but just not for me- too fiddly, tech, science, failsafes, what if blah blah blah and my mind goes off the path and chases other shiny objects. So I like to admire tanks where other people do it. I don't know about you but I enjoy watching my tanks mature and the plants that grow sloooowwwwlllyyyy so slow I actually don't notice until their HUGE and think "when did that happen?" I enjoy solving the little problems that pop up (as long as nobody dies!!!) like hair algae or water parameter changes- it feels like when you run low tech things don't go south quite as quickly and you have buffer time to react to things. This is of course NOT always true, but I am thinking of things like overdosing ferts, heaters breaking, canisters doing wonky things (yay sponge!), co2 doing whatever it is that can do....
  2. I'm only quoting you because *I'm* not saying it. But this tells me- no- don't do it! Like @laritheloud said, it's not necessarily the solution to the issue. And if I remember correctly @Irene in her video said she was really doing it because she was dissatisfied with the rate of growth in her tank. I run low tech- this means to me, no ferts, no heaters, just lights, fish and plants then whatever they do together produces what I have. Like you I have 2 tanks that run, side by side- used the same stuff to set them up- totally different behaviors. I run my lights from 0845 to 1830 with a moonlight on until 1930 (both tanks) so what, 10 and a half hours on (including the blue light which doesn't really have to be on but, meh). When I let them go full blast THAT'S when I had an algae issue. So I got a dimmer switch (or others say they can program their lights, no sir, not me.) and that helped- now hair algae is rare but I still have algae- thank goodness for Nerites, Otos and a little manual labor. Just a day ago on this forum were discussing a "siesta" (break in the day where the lights go off for a couple hours). So that's one way to battle it (lights). I've also seen where people keep the lights up and dose MORE fertilizer getting their plants to grow and outcompete the algae. Since I don't fert that's not anything I can speak to. How long has your tank been up and running in this case? It seems to me a lot of us go through a period of time where hair algae rears it's head within the first year- people get it dialed in, then usually don't have a problem.
  3. It's as if they can't blink so as not to miss a minute of it!
  4. @Fish Folk in this context they look like the studio audience 😂 a still shot of their reaction to the competition
  5. The tank is looking great! What a cool community- and that pleco is so beautiful!
  6. @Guppysnail @Bobbie @Betsy @James Black Thank you very much for your advice. @Bobbie I'm actually doing this for my female Betta she seems very smart and I feel like she needs more stimulation and more space so we're going with whatever happens from this point. Here is the plan I have so far: Move the 3 gallon my female betta is in to a temporary location. Set up new tank where the 3 gallon was, use some substrate, decor, moss balls and plants from my other established tanks for it in combination with whatever new I put in there. Once that's ready I had heard about putting the Betta in last so thanks for confirming that- I will let whatever I choose settle in first and also give them quarantine time since I'll be getting about a half dozen of the new species and that's a bigger tank than the 3 gallon. Though they're still in the running I was leaning away from Tetras because I feel like they're more fin nippers (as I've seen with my Black Neons) than rasboras and I would love some Chilis but I've heard they are much pickier about their water parameters. I was wondering if someone would answer up that had Ember Tetras? Neons were my 2nd pick in the tetra department but as @James Black pointed out they CAN be a crap shoot. I do have a female betta, she doesn't have super long fins but obviously she has fins that are longer than tetras. I'm getting about a half dozen of whatever I choose- and I'll be adding a few Otos from my grow out tank. NOW, I have a suspicion that my female betta will do ok with bottom dwellers like Otos and she does fine with her Nerite and bladder snails and they wouldn't be "in her space" but I'm not sure about the mids. My back up plan is this: If she or the species I pick don't get along I will pull them (as they would have essentially already been in quarantine in that tank) and put them in my 2nd 20 gallon where there are only 10 black neons and some Nerites/bladders. Anything that might need adding/subtracting to make that smoother?
  7. Oh my they are so cute- those shots of the females in the male's house feels like they're being caught in an episode of cheaters (caught in the act! 😮) Love it.
  8. You have an expensive little eater (I want lobster!) but he's beautiful and deserves it- obviously he's been through a lot. Love to see him doing better! 🥰
  9. You're welcome. 🙂 Crushed coral may have some effect on the GH but it's actually easier to just do water changes if need be to lower that. I don't think the hard water is necessarily the issue with the plants, just so you know. I have pretty hard water and my plants and fish do ok, just wanted to help you figure out how to naturally stabilize your pH/kH and coral is usually the easiest, lower maintenance, and less of a roller coaster ride for your tanks. Chemical solutions are very temporary and fine to use in a pinch but it's not something you should have to, or want to do all the time. I think like @Guppysnail said if you're having issues with plants floating is a great option if need be, you can keep an eye on roots and plant them later if you want. Personally I think your plants just need time to recover from the move. I see you are using gravel which is fine I have that too but I also put some plant substrate (I've used Caribsea Eco Complete) under the gravel so the plants can take better root and get some nutrition from a plant substrate. If you wanted to try that you can also get some floral pots, fill those with substrate and put the plants there- this is a cool way to do it because you can move the plants or take them out if need be without too much disruption in the tank or for the plant- so if you plan on redecorating again this is a good solution. As far as wondershell- I've never used it but I've thought about it. They are great for your shelled pets however it will raise GH so be aware of that. I think your tanks look nice and little girls HAVE to have a cute tank- that's just required. 🙂
  10. Wow! Looks like a freaking fish store! How cool!
  11. I've youtubed and internet searched this topic to death and have plenty of general ideas. I'd like to hear from other Betta keepers that have them in community tanks what works best for them. I'm going to be setting up a Fluval Flex 9 gallon (which to my understanding is more like a 7.5 gallon as far as living space goes) and like an idea for a few small community fish to keep my female Betta entertained. I was thinking Neons since they stay rather small but they're not my favorite, I'm a fan of rasboras but already have Harlequins. I'd like ideas if you've got any! thanks!
  12. I think snails are and have been inspiration for cartoons....I mean what other animals can do this....
  13. Yes and origami paper, at least inexpensive kind like I have is super thin- which makes for sharp folds but like you said, it's very unforgiving if you make a mistake. Probably why my stack came in a pack of a billion. Had a friend who had parties to help fold 1000 cranes for her wedding. I did not participate, otherwise I'd post pictures. Hehehe.
  14. It's likely- low tech set ups from what I've learned won't have the red pop like you would with high tech/co2. My reds in low tech aren't super pronounced. Posted a pic of my AR earlier, but here it is.
  15. I hope you get multiple batches because that's pretty incredible. Have you posted pics of your tank/individuals. I looked on your profile for some but didn't see any.
  16. Ok. I'll keep it. I went ahead and ordered all the mods today too (I don't feel too bad about just going for it since it supports a small business) so I'll wait for those to come before I do anything else too drastic to the tank. I'm limited on plugs, I'd rather having it up and running but where I'm putting it the 3 gallon cube I plan on replacing is there. So have to be prepared for a full move.
  17. That is so very awesome, I hope they all make it into adulthood, this is very cool !!
  18. One time a day should be fine, at least she's eating now. Bettas are not as easy as people try and make them out to be. I find ALL my other fish are much easier.
  19. That's a good idea @Guppysnail I'll have to keep that in mind. Mine is actually doing fine as far as I'm concerned if it only ever looks like this but stays alive I'll be good with it. I'm lower than low tech hehe.
  20. It looks like you have an Aqueon hang on the back maybe the 10? You can buy a net baggie from a local fish store used for filter media you can place some coral in that and put it in the body of the filter, that way you can keep it contained and add or subtract from it as needed. 🙂
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