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Duke Silver

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  1. Here is my dude growing fast. When we first got him he was in rough shape (skinny and a "S" shaped bent spine) but we have had him for about 6 months now and has made a great recovery!
  2. The wife was finally able to grab a picture of him with his tail fanned. He's getting so big 😍
  3. Merry Christmas ⛄🎄 it's been a while, but bender is doing well. Someone made a pig of himself this morning and looked like Santa!
  4. @eatyourpeas I had planned on it. I've watched all of Cory's club presentation on puffers that I could find online and I know that is always one of the big things. Also exciting news is I decided to try different food again today since it's been a while. Bloodworms he still has no interest in, but raw shrimp (as long as it was in small bitesize pieces) he was all about! This makes my life so much easier since I can just go buy this! He is a pic of his fat belly after eating 😍. I've also attached full tank shots of both his current 40b QT tank and his 125 he will be moving into.
  5. I know its been while so I figured I would post an update. Bender is doing well, I followed up with another treatment of Prozi/Metro on 7/21. He is still eating his small snails and cherry shrimp. Wondering now if I should keep him in his 40B incase I need to treat again or if I should move him into his 125? A lot of stuff I have read says it usually best to move them to their permanent tank soon as possible.
  6. hoping so! going to try to keep feeding the tiny snails he will eat to try to keep his teeth down and then supplement with the shrimp he likes.
  7. Thanks @eatyourpeas I'll keep them in mind. thankfully I have a colony in a 40b and a second colony in a 20g. hoping these are just an interim food till I can get him on snails better, have a ton of ramshorns going for him if I can get him to just eat them
  8. Welp.. discovered what he ate yesterday. found a bright red poo in the tank today, so it must have been a cherry shrimp. He ate a couple tiny snails for me today like we usually does so I decided to try a larger snail, still no luck with the larger snails. decided to catch out a juvenile cherry shrimp from one of my colonies and decided to try to feed that since most the cherry shrimp that are left in his tank are larger. Boy was I shocked when I saw how interested he was in it, he pretty much swallowed the first one whole! I did a slightly larger one after that and he took his time with this one and I was able to grab a pic. I'm super excited if this is something I can actually get him to eat since I have plenty on hand and can breed more.
  9. Went down to check on Bender this morning after tank lights came on and he was already swimming around hunting so I dropped in a tiny snail and he went after it and ate it. I decided to try a slights bigger one, same as always. cut off a chunk of raw shrimp and thawed it for him. he went after it and actually bit it and shook it a couple times then decided to leave it alone. Decided to just leave it in the tank while I went to work (there is enough snails and cherry shrimp in the tank they will take care of it). Happily to my surprise when I checked on him after work, his stomach looks to be fuller and rounded like he was eating something. there is still the shrimp left, but idk if hot a piece off or if he has just finally been getting the snails that have been in his tank. Either way I'm super excited and hope this is the road to him getting better! 🤞
  10. Thanks @Patrick_G I'm hoping tomorrow he eats better. At this point if I could find live blackworm I would get them since that's what PetZoneSD said they were feeding when he was in their care. Unfortunately my LFS is a PetSmart and I don't have anywhere locally to get them. I'm starting to wonder if his teeth are an issue and that's why he is only eating the small snails. I have no idea how fast their teeth grow, he is only about 1.5 - 2 inches so not sure if his teeth could be an issue this soon.
  11. Well after doing a water change and gravel vacuuming he did eat some for me, but its still the same of he will only eat the tiniest of snails. the top photo he will eat (dont have many that size since most fahakas I've seen are ferocious eaters so in my breeding tank they are mostly larger) the bottom photo is the size of snail he will chase, try to bite it once, then just swims off. He will do the same with the cherry shrimp that are in his tank. He will see one, do the typical puffer stare down, bite at it once and usually miss, then swims off and goes what looks like hunting for more food? Im at a loss with this guy. He will even try to bite my finger if I put it up to the tank
  12. @Odd DuckI did a water change yesterday and dosed Levamisole again , so soon as I get off work today I'm going to do another water change. 🤞
  13. @Pacers94I second Hobbit, I would do a small water change to try to get the ammonia down.
  14. I wouldn't change water unless there was a need for it in the water parameters. What is your lighting schedule like? if its a little green it its probably an algae bloom starting. Getting some floating plants or fast growing stem plants that will feed from the water column should help pull out some of that excess nutrients. Do you have an updated photo of you tank, would be curious to see if there has been any changes since sunday
  15. @Pacers94 did you do the trick with the white container? after your posted pics that top shot looks like it might be a little bit green to me. Also, is there a reason your wanting to do a water change?
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