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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Rice fish are so pretty. 🙂 I'll enjoy watching this development.
  2. Wow! That is incredible deal on those swords, they look amazing. I just know having low tech how long they take to grow, I'm sure your grower has tricks. I really like the stalks of bamboo as they are- has a huge visual impact inside and outside the tank, it's like the swords are a theatre curtain opening to the show- a perfect line of dancers. I have a huge soft spot for the common pleco- would never have one- cause you know how much space they need- and it's so nice of you to rescue them. I think they are definitely one of the most mistreated fish in the trade. They are so dang cool. They are very likely SO much happier with you as their caretaker. Even the Jacks which I understand can be a bit of a PIA (hence your plant design- but hey it's gorgeous- so thanks Jack!) I look forward to your updates with this tank and what you decide to do with the HOBs and other plants!!
  3. Ah, I wouldn't worry about it, you don't have much of a bio load so it's understandable the nitrates are low. My 3 gallon tank with my betta, Nerite and a handful of bladder snails only tests at about 10ppm Nitrate. You may see a reading again next test. The plants would probably like more nitrate but that's what ferts are for! 🙂
  4. I figured you would know about the cat thing but one never knows! Some cats only test the waters and sounds like yours do. Mine live with pothos in a pot but it's high up and they don't really bother it, but I've known some cats to eat entire plants! Everybody, like fish, is different! I'm so glad the Jacks seem happier, those Plecos! OMG they're pretty and licking the "windows" like happy black labs hehehe. I really like how the pots turned out, it seems since they are so close together they'll have a really hard time pushing them over so I can't imagine you'll have issues (I hope not!). The bamboo turned out so nice! It takes so long to grow Swords so how cool is it that you could buy them that long!
  5. Hi, how often do you test what were the results of the last one? How old is the tank?
  6. I'm sure you know that pothos and lucky are poisonous for cats, do yours eat or play with your plants?
  7. Hi there! That is a BEAUTIFUL tank, sure to inspire any 6 or 60 yo in my opinion!
  8. This was the last pic a few days before the Bacopa trim and my failure to keep my hands off stuff!
  9. @HH Morant Those are Aponogeton and they are so tall they curl down. For reference that is a 20 tall. They grow very fast from bulbs.
  10. Hi there, I have lots of Otos and they are very peaceful fish they won't be a problem. I haven't heard about cherry shrimp being (food) aggressive like Amanos can be, as long as everyone has food there shouldn't be any issues at all.
  11. I failed. I trimmed my Bacopa so I could replant it, it reached the surface!
  12. They say Bettas do better with tannins. I've never tried it myself, I do have wood in my Betta tank so I'm guessing there is some just not enough to notice.
  13. TOTALLY AGREED. Well, and also sort of act like muppets/cartoon characters as a bonus.
  14. Congratulations!! These are such cool fish, I have future plans to add one or so to my 20 gallon and I can't wait!
  15. Very cool- having the videos and a friend to assist you will probably help you avoid some of the pitfalls a lot of us experience entirely on our own. Here you'll have another resource to ask opinions and advice. 🙂 Your 1st tank looks very fun, it will fill in nicely!
  16. Welcome to the forum and the hobby! Very cool you had someone to help you start!
  17. @Maggie my Harlequins used to do that too when I first got them play in bubbles and ride the glass! Now they don't do it at all (months). My only guess is that my glass was so clean/reflective then. Now all they do is chill and flow.
  18. I'll add my 2 cents. I wash my arms with Dawn (the only kitchen soap I use) and put my arms in my tank, never had a problem but of course I rinse well. I always think of the duckies in the commercial when they wash oil off the poor little things..... ....that being said, as long as you rinse well there will never be an issue.
  19. It looks SO great!!!! The bamboo looks fantastic and I love the pots!!!
  20. I would be in agreement with you, I'd want to make sure the little one is eating. If the ciclids are getting all the food. What about veggies? Do ciclids eat those? (sorry I don't keep them myself) Plecos that small must eat veggies, right?
  21. Oh, and if yours is a new tank, sounds like it is, that is a common occurence. It, like I said, often goes away on its own.
  22. No, if it's what I think it is it's not going to be harmful my wood has had that before when it's new- but if it bothers you- you can take it out and scrub it off. My spiderwood gets grey funky film on it all I do is pull it off because that comes off in clumps.
  23. @Jeremy_fishguy haha yes I've been known to do that from time to time. 😉
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