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  1. So my tank is only 3 weeks old im not sure if that makes a difference but i have tons of floaters covering all my slower growing plants but i do have a ring of airline tubing around my sponge filter since the red roots dont like the ripples it makes... the filter has some algae? im not exactly sure what it is but my plant that is exposed to light also has it I inserted a few pictures below i was thinking about clea ing my sponge by squeezing it into a water change but because my tank is so new i fret I may like get rid of my beneficial bacteria? since the spong holds most of it any ideas on what it is and how to get rid of it? the rest of my tank does not have it
  2. have already tried both but my ammonia never full went away even after waiing 48 hours for the chloramines... and I have tons of live plants and a filter haha
  3. Hey so i have had my tank set up for 2 weeks now i have a little journal tracking my progress and today I popped up with .25 ammonia 0 nitrite and 5ppm nitrate i have had .25 ammonia for about a week now with no changes i have also tested my tap water and I keep getting .25 ammonia... i do not have access to rodi water and I have a 5 gallon lowtech planted tank that will be having one betta and maybe some amano shrimp in the future I used fritz fishless fuel and turbo start to boost my cycle and i cant figure out whats going on so any ideas?
  4. These white dots came from the biofilm on my drift wood i scrubbed off but I dont think they look like eggs because they are kinda just floating around? other then that the only thing in my substrate is melted plants... what do you think though?
  5. i actually might get some assasin snails it it really becomes a problem id rather have a few large snails then a ton of small ones
  6. crossing my fingers they havent laid eggs <3 I watch my tank very closely and I am hoping there is no more gary is cute but i dont want thousands of him
  7. Why look who I found in my tank just a few minutes ago while I was admiring my frogbit roots A LITTLE SNAIL personally I think he is very cute and would not mind keeping him ill attach some pictures at the bottom but he is about the size of a pencil eraser and he was just on my wall moving his little mouth so first of all im trying to figure where he came from because my tank isnt even fully cycled BUT I did get a replacement for one of my plants that came in melted maybe 2 or 3 days ago so im guessing thats how he snuck in but i was just wondering if he would be doing any harm to my tank/ future betta and if he isnt UHHHH how can I safely remove him because i dont want thousands of snails the pictures are kind of blurry but he is very little so whoops thanks!
  8. Hi! so I have had my planted tank setup for about a week now and the plants have already had lots of new growth some of my plants are experiencing some new yellowing and holes so I was recommended to add a fertilizer(root tabs, easy green) but before I do that Im still cycling my tank so my water parameters arent super stable currently I have nitrates and nitrite present in my tank with around .50 ppm of ammonia but because I have sieryu stone my ph has been rising Im hoping once it settles all will resolve in itself but would the fertilizer affect my parameters since they arent stable or is fertilizing such a new tank just an invitation for algae? ... I have lots of floater plants but my spiderwood already has a clear supposed biofilm growing any opinions?
  9. Hi so i am on day 6 of tank cycling and I have Nitrites and nitrates present and my ammonia levels are starting to drop but my ph just keeps rising and rising and I have heard that sieryu stone can cause that along with substrate so i do have that stone in my tank and i have the eco complete planted substrate Ive heard that the levels dont have to be exact as long as their stable but mine arent so is there anythhing I can do to help with this? or evena key reason? feel free to pm me if theres some sort of image of my tank you need or anything thankyou!
  10. Hi yes I do have I believe a kind of sieryu stone and I do have some spider wood that is currently collecting some clear type of algae/fungus read up on it supposedly it just happens when there is more surface area on your tank in the beginning of a cycle my tank has the eco complete plant substrate... here is a picture taken yesterday evening I also just got a brighter light although imnot sure that would make any sort of difference
  11. Hi so I have had my tank setup for 4 days now I used the fritz turbo start and fishless fuel to help boost the cycle and here on day 4 i am seeing a bit of nitrites, my ammonia levels are going down, and i have been seeing a bit of nitrate surprisingly. I have a 5 gallon with a hygger heater my tank fluctuates between 78-80 degrees and I have an aquariumcoop nano sponge filter with eco complete as my substrate I have a nice handful of species of plants; crypts, anubias, bacopa, java fern but recently my ph levels have been rising I started off with 7.4 on the high range of the api water test kit and within 2 days it has gone up to 7.8 I have 0 livestock in my tank but I plan on stocking my tank with a betta and 2 or 3 amano shrimp is there anything i should be concerned about adjusting? thankyou!
  12. Hi! thankyou so much Isaac its a little bit confusing but very very helpful my ph has actually been more on the high side im pretty sure i added the drops in, incorrectly I could purchase a gh kh kit but according to what I have currently my ph has consistently stayed at 7.4 oh the higher ph level in my api test kit my kh is somewhere between 120-180 i believe my ph hasnt seemed to lower much at all I am so sorry I made a typo my tank ph only dropped from 7.4 to 7 not 6 whoops!
  13. Hi! I am just beginning to partake in the hobby yayy, anyway fishless cycling I have purchased the turbo-start and the fishless fuel by fritz My plants just came in and I have just set up my tank yesterday I have a 5 gallon with eco-complete as my substrate, spiderwood, grey mountain stone, and a variety of plants java moss, monte carlo, crypts, bacopa, etc. also some fun floating plants. I dosed my tank yesterday with the fishless fuel to reach 2ppm of ammonia and added in 4ml of the turbo start. Tested everything and on day 1 i have a ph of 7.6 my nitrite and nitrate levels were zero and my ammonia was at 2ppm. Today the plant melt began ( hooray ) things are happenings. Tested everything today after completing a water change because my wood released lots of tannins which lowered my ph a little to low down to 6 so did a 50% water change and I suprisingly had .25 ppm of nitrite I tested this several times and kept getting .25. Called my local fish shop and they recommended I dose again so I did 2 ppm of ammonia but this time only 2 ml of the turbo start. Im not sure where to go next I am seeing little progress which is great but yet, I still have no clue what I am doing lol anything will be very appreciated
  14. Hi! I am just beginning to partake in the hobby yayy, anyway fishless cycling I have purchased the turbo-start and the fishless fuel by fritz My plants just came in and I have just set up my tank yesterday I have a 5 gallon with eco-complete as my substrate, spiderwood, grey mountain stone, and a variety of plants java moss, monte carlo, crypts, bacopa, etc. also some fun floating plants. I dosed my tank yesterday with the fishless fuel to reach 2ppm of ammonia and added in 4ml of the turbo start. Tested everything and on day 1 i have a ph of 7.6 my nitrite and nitrate levels were zero and my ammonia was at 2ppm. Today the plant melt began ( hooray ) things are happenings. Tested everything today after completing a water change because my wood released lots of tannins which lowered my ph a little to low down to 6 so did a 50% water change and I suprisingly had .25 ppm of nitrite I tested this several times and kept getting .25. Called my local fish shop and they recommended I dose again so I did 2 ppm of ammonia but this time only 2 ml of the turbo start. Im not sure where to go next I am seeing little progress which is great but yet, I still have no clue what I am doing lol anything will be very appreciated
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