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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. I'm sorry I can't speak to the lotus but I do have Swords, I found when I moved a struggling plant to a different tank it still struggled for a while before it came back. It's returning to life from almost nothing and it's been about 10 months...it's about 5" tall or so at this point. I don't use fertilizers myself so it probably takes even longer for me than it would you. On the flipside of that there is another Sword in the same tank that I bought specifically for the tank and it's near 14-15" tall- but it has experienced no move or change in water parameters. Maybe that's what's wrong? Your move? I think the Amazon will be slow to react and recover.
  2. @Patrick_G I appreciate the goal and to be honest, my tanks would be fine- but I like the tinkering- it's part of the hobby I enjoy. I guess that's why fish keeping is a great hobby. You can have your own style and learn about others! It's like a car show, everyone has a cool car! @TheCzarista Ahhhh, I get it, and I don't blame him- I hate temperature changes too. I actually fill one gallon water jugs, treat them and leave them out overnight. I have about 9 of them in rotation, so they are all the temperature of the room the tanks are in- maybe that's why my fish don't mind. It's the easiest way for me to do it in my set up at home. It gives me a task to do and I get to see positive results at the end- something I'm sure we all still need. Doesn't take me long either, and I get to spend time with my fish friends. I only do it about 1x a week if that and only to clean up after my piggie fish and snails...today's water change was only a little over a gallon. Not much in a 20.
  3. @TheCzarista That's funny, Fred is quite the Diva. My Mystery snails don't seem to mind it but it is a 20 gallon so they're never in the direct stream. Sometimes they like to hang out at the rim when there's a short opportunity for no water. My nerites do it too, silly things.
  4. 😍 Beautiful fish!!! I actually don't mind changing water but I only do small water changes, mostly to vacuum up left over foods from the Otos/Mystery snails. My fish love to play in the water stream when I put more back in, they seem to really enjoy it.
  5. Now that's a parent, I love you so much I'd eat you for dinner!
  6. @Beardedbillygoat1975 ah! So glad you like them! I'm a fan, it's been a good pump for me. My power recently went out for a short period and it runs a sponge in each of my 20 gallons that sit together- I really like not having to worry about it. 🙂 (they're also really quiet)
  7. I LOVE reading. I personally don't go for anything bigger than a trilogy (but I have trudged thru long series- like Dark Tower, and regretted it). In my travels single books have had the greatest impact and I tend to find some obscure ones. My most favorite book of ALL time is Drift by Sharon Carter Rogers- it's not easy to explain but every person I've had read it has been touched by it, man or woman. I've read it almost 10 times and have 2 copies of it (1 to loan because I can't be parted with it). It's not in print anymore which is a shame, I find it used. Another favorite is Sharp Teeth by Toby Barlow, written in prose and flows so nicely- it's a modern take on werewolves (I'm a big fan), his other book Babayaga is also very very good. I have a humorous author that I like A. Lee Martinez the first book I read of his was Gil's All Fright Diner, but one of my favorites is Monster (a monster exterminator with special unpredictable powers), I can also highly recommend Divine Misfortune- he has a wonderful quirky sense of humor.
  8. @Streetwise oh but then you'll just start the debate over what constitutes a good BBQ sauce and/or marinade or do you just do a rub? OR do you smoke, grill or BBQ? Slow cooker? Instapot? (are those last 2 even legit). That's only scratching the surface. You will have your work cut out for you moderating that thread! Hot debates!!!
  9. @Colu indeed it does my friend. Even when you try and contain it in glass boxes.
  10. I indulge in the blue and the yellow box from time to time. HOWEVER I make my own pasta, generally though it's not planned, I just decide to do it- so I never have the cheese! Instead I always have sage (in my backyard), butter (um, permanent staple) and parmesan (dolls up a whole lotta things- it's almost like salt) and make brown butter sage noodles!
  11. Well my lone baby snail is STILL the lone baby snail. Little one always seems to be trailing a bunch of poop with them. I've decided on a name today, Newbie's name is Immaculate, definition: "perfectly clean, neat or tidy, ALSO free from flaws or mistakes- perfect" the last of which is more the idea, but I find it a little funny the tiny one can't seem to keep clean. It also harkens back to biblical reference to immaculate conception- which they seem to be a product of in a way since I've been removing egg sacks and this one just appears out of nowhere. Today Immaculate got a visit from daddy snail Pegasus.
  12. It's kinda fun, feed him by hand if you can, they like them anyway- at least they seem to. 🙂
  13. Ok then it may just be his shape, but feeding him a pea won't hurt either if you've got any. 🙂 You've seen him poop?
  14. Hmmm. Hoping he's just a fat boy. I looked at your first pics and now and they look the same. Have you seen him pooping? Is he swimming normally or does he seem to struggle? If you have any frozen peas you can try feeding him a few pea pieces, thaw one, open it and cut/break it into segments, feed him whatever he might eat which may be less than a whole pea (their stomachs I have been told are the size of their eyeball so they are easy for fish keepers to overfeed since they can be little water pigs). I might fast the tank the day after (1 fasting day a week is good for them say a lot of people). Keep watching him and see if anything changes. The pea will be good for him no matter what it might be, but I'm hoping he's just fat or constipated.
  15. I haven't. I also remove any frogs or snails/shrimp whenever I medicate- but that's me. I'd say no, don't medicate. QT if you want. Frogs are what you might call the environment's canary in the coal mine in the wild. They absorb stuff through their skin- unless they're sick I won't treat them.
  16. Good luck @Frank!! To you and your fishy friends. Let us know what works and what doesn't!
  17. I can't remember now (which fish breeds made it through) but I watched most of the youtube videos from Goliad Farms and their devastating loss in the ice storm- I know his green houses get pretty hot too. I'd pick one of his fish! What survived has to be hardy stock.
  18. @Emi you should start your own thread and explain what's been going on with your Ram, along with water parameters and pictures if you can. I'd try and help but I don't know much about Rams and this particular behavior but posting your own thread will notify you when someone replies if they forget to tag you. I hope the forum can help you with your poor fish friend. 😞
  19. I agree with @Colu but also since you are new, think of nitrates in terms of it being "plant food" just like with fish there is also a point where it is too much and it gets toxic. You want a balance of fish and plants where you get double 0 (ammonia, nitrite) and 20-40 (nitrate)(I aim for 20- everybody has their preference there and 40 of course is absolutely fine! It's hard to tell the difference anyway between those reds). If you have the right balance you will never really have to do a water change unless you want to vacuum your substrate or you have to top off!
  20. Hi, NOT speaking from personal experience, but it's not uncommon for people to keep only one gender of live bearer species. I've not heard anything on this forum or the internet that says you can't with endlers. You said they haven't injured each other just chased or annoyed each other- it's likely fine- boys will be boys. I wonder if adding a few more would cut down on the squabbling? Others will weigh in hopefully. 🙂
  21. A lot of plants will have their submerged and emerged versions and they can look very different. As I was saying above I recently got Ludwigia Red Needle Leaf- which looks nothing like needle leaves when you get it. As you can see in this pic the broad leaves are from when the seller was growing them above ground, the top portion is the growth from since it's been in my tank and supposed to eventually turn colors. (you can also see my giant sword behind it, which for whatever reason has had explosive growth in the last month, the leaves are 12-15 inches- like yours I have 2 others and they are considerably shorter 3-5") This is a great forum with lots of people who are very enthusiastic about fish keeping and are willing to help others. Not like a lot of other places on the internet!
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