I'm having trouble with my Bolivian Ram. About 3 months ago my ram became substrate bound and has been unable to swim without a lot of effort. It spends most of its time as it is shown in the picture below. I'm also a bit concerned about its stomach being rubbed along the sand so much. It is still active and will chase your finger around the glass. It eats quite a bit less than it did before getting sick but still eats. I keep the tank at 74 degrees and all the other fish have been doing well. It was the king of the tank so bullying has never been an issue. I attempted to treat with aquarium salt in a quarantine tank for about 3 weeks. I kept the dosage at 1 tbsp per 2 gallons. It seems like a swim bladder issue. Does this seem like a correct diagnosis? What can I do if anything?
Thanks in advance!