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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @GuppysnailI recently started a tank for my Mum, we had an African Dwarf Frog a LONG time ago when they were selling them as novelties in cubes. She wanted a frog again. I got her a 3 gallon GloFish cube tank. Originally we were only going to get one as some recommended only 1 per 3 or 5 gallon tank, but saw other set ups where 2 do fine. As you know it's all about the tank. We got 2, an albino and a grey just like @Patrick_G's grey frogs. They are doing REALLY well. My understanding is they would likely eat any small fry- even their own babies. There are bladder snails in her tank and they seem to be left alone. It also might be a matter of how much you feed. My Mum is feeding fairly rich food (so far frozen bloodworms and freeze dried tubifex) every other day by hand (tweezers). They are fat and happy- which might be why the bladders are free roaming. We haven't done a water change yet and it's been about a month. The water parameters are great. ...and yes there is a clawed variety, they look much the same but you can tell the difference when you look at their feet. Google image it.
  2. Hi. I use Fritz Complete as a water conditioner. I use it daily because I have to do small water changes every day in my Oto grow out tank. HOWEVER you say weekly to keep things "in good shape", I presume you mean to dose the tank when not necessarily doing a water change. I use Prime for that when needed.
  3. Very cool! Post pictures when you have a chance! 🙂
  4. For me, in my planted tanks I like to see anywhere from 10-20ppm of Nitrate, and our goal for you eventually is 0 and 0 ammonia and nitrite- but the fact that you're seeing it and it's converting to nitrate is a good sign. Feel proud of yourself!
  5. Awww, @HonourWest I'm sorry. That sucks, but you know I was just watching Cory's recent live chat about "my 3 fish keeping secrets" and one of those is- you're going to lose fish. It's a reality in this hobby. You learned, and someday you will know things you'll be able to tell others who are learning from your own experience- and prevent them from making the same decisions. I know you probably feel bad but it will happen and it's time to talk about your progress. Personally, your pH is great- don't even worry about it. If it stays there, even better! We're good there. You can see that there IS progress because you have NITRATE which means that ammonia and nitrite are being processed. You have a bit of ammonia and no nitrite. Looks like ammonia is at .25 or .50 I would probably add Prime as well as Stability every day just to neutralize the ammonia and continue with your water change schedule as every other day.
  6. @HonourWest Yes, good decision- I don't think feeding 2x is good for you right now. TBH my experience with Black Neons, for MINE had nothing to do with food because my feeding has not changed since I got them and there has not been any species violence to the point of death. I still see the bigger ones chasing the little ones, but not witnessed any fin nipping. As to your Rasbora question- probably would depend on the rasbora because like tetras (neons even) there are several, how much of a plant population, filtration, bio-load etc- you have and all the other fun factors involved. I have 10 Harlequins in a 20 gallon. Now I've done that based on research over several platforms which said I COULD. However you can google search and see sites that say you CAN NOT keep ANY in a 5 gallon tank, only 2 in a 10 and for my 20 they only recommend 5. But they are schooling fish so that seems to be too small a number.
  7. Hi, Oto loss in quarantine seems almost inevitable I lost 5 of my first 6 and none of my 2nd set of 7- I only medicated them for Ich which they had when I brought them from the store, but nothing else. I have fed MY Otos Hikari Algae Wafers from the beginning. If you can stand it, I put a wafer in a tiny food bowl for them in my tank, yes I think they like it mushy. I typically put one in in the morning and take it out the next day around that time. They seem to be more nocturnal in their eating so I think putting it out earlier helps. It's easier to monitor their eating and remove the bowl when you need to replace the food. Mine also string their poop around for a while. I don't fast mine though I fast my mid water dwellers, that's just me- I'm sure they'd be fine if you did especially if you have algae to eat. Your bellies look great! I don't know about Excel, I don't use ferts in my tanks.
  8. @TheCzarista it is. I've been using it for just about a year now, have all my aquariums on differnt pages. It's great for water test parameters (I thought it was cool you could change the parameters to what you want them to be), tracking expenses (though I don't record a lot nowadays for that because 😯) I like how I know how old all my tanks are or even my stock- including plants or anything else I want to track, when I do stuff, can set reminders, etc. I'm sure most of them do this so they are all pretty handy.
  9. I use the free app Aquarium Note, it's pretty awesome.
  10. @Guppysnail oh I am well aware that could be a possibility. I keep looking. I am diliigent about removing the eggs so I can't imagine there would be too many but with my luck.... 😁
  11. I like it when my Otos do that to my snails. They're getting their shell cleaned hehe.
  12. Well @HonourWest there you have it, at least we know that's "normal" tetra behavior. I have been told they are related to Pirahnas so it makes sense if they all do it. Doesn't make the situation better though does it?
  13. I'm with you @laritheloud and to be even MORE honest, I think I would have rather picked another type of Rasbora (I have 10 Harlequins in another tank). The Neons are pretty but I love my Rasboras more. ...and they say parents don't pick favorites... 🙃
  14. Ok soooo, I have 10 Black Neons. There WERE 14. I call Black Neons "Murder Fish" now because they picked off 4 of their own- no disease, no illness- just jerks. There was no other explanation for it. You can add more hiding places (caves, decor, plants) which help those who are bullied hide (but honestly I think they hunted the ones they wanted dead down- they did it at night- and I saw the intended victims hiding prior to darkness). Many other people seem to have an ok time with them- but I've met a few since that have had similar experiences. If you want you can quarantine either the bullier or the bullied- the bullied you can keep an eye on to make sure they heal if you do that. You can call the fish store you got them from and ask if they'll take back the big Neon. Otherwise sadly they'll probablly keep fighting it out until likely the bullied isn't around anymore. 😔 This is my concern with Black Neons and longer finned fish. I WAS going to add a "center piece" fish to the tank with my 10 in it but since I've learned their behaviors I am not going to risk another fish.
  15. Just keep watching, he's probably stressed but since he's acting ok otherwise I think you're in the clear. Welcome to Betta-dom. You'll get attached. 🙃
  16. Does he move around ok otherwise? My betta Kimono liked to hang out near the top vent (where the carbon filter was so I presume there was some flow into that chamber just not a lot) and he seemed kind of "stuck" with his fins spread. I feel like maybe he was doing it because it felt good or maybe because he didn't have to make an effort to stay afloat or move. Otherwise he moved around just fine and behaved normally. This looks like a crown tail? He looks pretty healthy to me.
  17. @HonourWest those could be bladder snails. They stay little, sometimes hitchhike on plants. You'll know sooner or later. 😁
  18. They sure don't seem to be attaching well! Weird. Mine stick really well to the lid- however my lid IS glass maybe that makes a difference. Even weirder. I said in your thread earlier I don't let mine breed....wellllllll I found a SINGLE mystery snail baby just wondering around in my tank!!!!! I have no clue where a single egg would be hanging out (or others! 😮) It's not super young either, not sure how fast they grow but this one is pushing the size of a very small pea....lentil? (that's an airline suction cup next to it- I rig it to hold Anubias- I say that for size reference)
  19. Agreed they are introverts. I have 60 babies in one tank- I go in there now they are all in random hiding places (and there's not many it's a bare bottom with plants in pots and a statue with a sponge filter, that's pretty much it. They ALL come out at night and I can see them dancing around by the oven hood light (they're on my kitchen counter). I get the pleasure of seeing them when it starts to get dark and right before I turn the lights on in my house (coffee and toast time). I wish they did it during the day- it's so pretty to see. (pic is just after their light goes on, shortly after they just disappear)
  20. Yep, looks like a healthy Mystery there. They are sort of good at algae just not AS good as Nerites IMO. Mystery snails are just fun to have. Hmm. I don't think what I see is bad so far, if it develops further post pics. Carry on!
  21. I can pretty much toss my mag float away in the bin for 2 of my tanks. With the 60 babies in 1 tank and about 14 in my parent tank my glass is squeaky.
  22. Hahah I love it! Mine are landed at base for tonight's rebel attack plan when the lights go out.
  23. @ARMYVET Not at all, only decaying plant bits. Mine occasionally mow over my recently planted stem plants so I find them floating at the top of the tank but no harm done- they're just HUGE, little plants in my tank get inspected by large snail feet! 😁 They actually add a whole lot of entertainment to my tank and to me as important as the fish. I'm sure you'll find others that feel the same here.
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