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  1. I recently went thru setting up pressurized CO2 in my 60 gal. I was really nervous and afraid I'd mess up. Yes I did. Anyway if you carefully follow the instructions of when to turn on the CO2 and opening the valves you will have success. Actually now that I think back I made two mistakes. It was taking forever to get bubbles to come thru the diffuser. I later learned that somehow I tightened the tube to the bubble station without including the rubber washer. Duh.. the gas was escaping. The second stupid thing I did was prior to discovering the first problem Any way I remember making an adjustment (after the timer would have shut it off) and when I woke the next morning the CO2 was blasting though the tank and almost all my fish were at the top gasping for air. I turned off the CO2 and did a major 75% water change. I also removed all the fish I could while going thru this process. Once the new water was added and it was safe I reintroduced the fish. Luckily they were very resilient and nearly all survived my mistake. My fish and plants are now happier than ever. So hang in there. Take your time and don't freak out.
  2. When the only fish stores within 50 miles are Petco and Petsmart, you order online. All my plants in my four, soon to be five aquariums were ordered online. The Coop is one of my favorites. Living in Washington I order one day and they arrive the next. I've ordered from others including Boce with pretty good luck.
  3. Does anyone use Fritz Complete say weekly just to help keep things in good shape? Among other reasons I like the idea it would help with the nitrates. Thanks.
  4. A school of corys and some small otocinclus. The Mollies are pretty good at eating stuff off the bottom as well.
  5. I'm Dave (70) from Shelton, Washington. I took over a 20 gallon that my wife abandoned last year. Since we grew to another 20g and two 10g. Now we have a 60g, a 40g and a 20g all up and running. All are planted tanks. The forty gall Is mainly Platies with Cories and quite a few Mystery snails. There are three very large bundle of snail eggs hanging from the cover so I expect an increase in population soon. The sixty gallon has a hand full of Mollies, a dozen Neons, the usual bottom dwellers and again an abundance of platies. I am about to use a regimen of Fritz Paracleanse for the two big tanks. I will need to decide quickly whether to follow the Fritz directions or the one suggestion by the Co-op. I wish the store was closer but I will have to settle for my online visits. Nice to meet you all.
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