I'm Dave (70) from Shelton, Washington. I took over a 20 gallon that my wife abandoned last year. Since we grew to another 20g and two 10g. Now we have a 60g, a 40g and a 20g all up and running. All are planted tanks. The forty gall Is mainly Platies with Cories and quite a few Mystery snails. There are three very large bundle of snail eggs hanging from the cover so I expect an increase in population soon. The sixty gallon has a hand full of Mollies, a dozen Neons, the usual bottom dwellers and again an abundance of platies.
I am about to use a regimen of Fritz Paracleanse for the two big tanks. I will need to decide quickly whether to follow the Fritz directions or the one suggestion by the Co-op.
I wish the store was closer but I will have to settle for my online visits. Nice to meet you all.