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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @Guppysnail most of the Nerites besides Speck and Dash are new to my other 20 gallon tank so I haven't sorted out all their personalities yet however there are some who definitely prefer the substrate areas and others who prefer the upper glass areas I've noticed so far. In my original tank the Mystery snails definitely have personality and are always visible (partly because they are HUGE)- Pegasus is the male, he's constantly trying to reproduce with Glimmer and Escape. Speck and Dash are all over the place up and down in and out of things it's fun to play "Where's Waldo" with them. I'll have to get on with trying the green beans. @Patrick_G so am I picking up there's been several different versions of Speedy?
  2. @Guppysnail some very beautiful snails there. Love those magentas. Cute that you can single out a bladder snail. I've been meaning to try green beans. I'm wondering if frozen would work better for me than getting fresh ones that inevitably rot before I have a chance to use them. You do fresh?
  3. I know those of us who have snails enjoy them when they are Mystery or Nerites they're easy to keep track of and name them. I have 11 Nerites and 3 Mystery Snails and here they are!
  4. Hi Jerri. What about a rescue? There are some organizations that can legally care for illegal animals. Aquariums, farms, even reptile rescues might be interested in such a snail (despite it's non reptile status). It doesn't hurt to call them all because you never know, even if THEY won't take them they might know someone who would.
  5. I'm currently working on growing this too and doing ok with it- however- Cory had said in a video I watched recently about plants that most of it is grown out of water (and the stuff they sell at Petco usually is, I got mine from an online seller that grows it out of water as well)- Cory advised that the bottom leaves of the stem will start to melt and the tops will start with new growth (check), once that happens he recommended trimming it and replanting the new growth (check). Once I did that I'm starting to see a bit faster growth but I did also leave the bottoms in because there were tiny leaves starting, I figured if I left those and had cut the tops off the plant would focus on the newer small leaves.
  6. Ah that's good- cause that, frankly, would suck
  7. I did read that there are eye flukes, so if the fish have them that could be the issue with the eye.
  8. Hi, it is my understanding that if it were a disease it would more often been seen in both eyes. My best guess is that the eye got injured if it's just that eye. I don't blame him/her for being grumpy towards the other fish and staying in one area (likely so they can defend themselves). For an eye injury, if that's what it is, best to make sure water stays super clean and keep an eye (haha) on them- what your concern would be is secondary bacterial infections due to the injury. You may need to treat with antibiotics if it gets that far. Most sites seem to say as long as the water is clean if it is injury it should clear up on its own. If it's an injury consider whether it happened in your tank- look for the bully OR the decoration/object that could have done it- that may have to be removed. I can kind of see what you mean by it being sunken, not sure if that's an injury it'd be something that could heal. Someone else might have a better answer than I do. Could also be genetics if it was that was their condition at the store. In which case I might come up with a clever pirate name. Hope this helps. 🙂
  9. Hi @K-Davis sorry to hear about your Betta but glad something is working for you- if it is then I'd stick with that treatment. I'm not great with math but sounds like for Pimafix it is 5ml per 10 gallons, which makes it half a ml for 1 gallon, 3 liters is .79 gallons. So I'd say up to .8 ml would work. You want to keep his stress to the absolute minimum, you are already going to move and medicate him. Try and keep his quarantine the same temp as his tank if possible. I'm not sure about the salt but you can consider 10-15 minute salt baths if he is not improved or add the salt later once you do your research again if nothing improves. Keep the water super clean. Now while instructions on Pima say dose every day for 7 days THEN do a water change- *I* have found doing water small changes every day before redosing has worked for me- but I've done that for Ich not fungal infections. Ich is a parasite- but keep Super Ick on hand as I have used it to cur Ich when I've had it in my tanks and it does work. Hope this helps.
  10. Ah, yes I think our fish go translucent pretty quickly after death so that can sometimes lead to us thinking the signs of death are something else.
  11. oh and @Chlo, if you see the red blotches on more than just the gill area of the remaining corycats, that's where I'd be concerned it was red blotch, most of the images I see are on not just on the front half but back as well and they are SUPER red. Because your cory has the redness concentrated mostly to the gill area- leads me to believe it's more about water than anything else.
  12. Just keep an eye on them. Keep the water clean, if it's ammonia that's the best treatment. As @lefty o pointed out, make sure the water is conditioned so chlorine can also be ruled out- but you did use Prime so not thinking that was a factor.
  13. Well, I don't keep Corys so I'm no expert on red blotch- though my little bit of research it doesn't seem like a super common thing, others can correct me on that (as there are many super cory keepers here). HOWEVER I did experience an issue with ammonia burn with my Otocinclus catfish and the area your Corys are red are around the gill areas just like my Oto was so leads me to believe that was the issue. Red blotch appeared to effect the sides of the fish but again, I'm not an expert I could be wrong. Only the cories are having the issue?
  14. We all make mistakes @Chlo the vast majority of us are not here to judge just to help diagnose what might be going on. As I said, google search images of red blotch and ammonia poisoning. See which might look more applicable for you. The fin rot and death makes me think it is/was water quality related or ph swings, or too hot of water (for a cory) but it really could be other things. Your water looks good now, just keep it super clean. If it's ammonia poisoning that's all you can do and that in turn helps fin rot (and adding aquarium salt to the tank could help both). If it's red blotch you need an anti-bacterial med that has something like tetracycline in it- that won't help anything if it's ammonia related.
  15. If you have an HOB you can put some crushed coral in it. It won't be an instant fix but it is a more stable one than adding chemicals or other solutions to the tank. (I don't have an HOB so I put crushed coral on top of my substrate next to the sponge filter)
  16. Would be good to know your water parameters? Compare pictures of that with ammonia poisoning. The fin rot and redness to me reads poor water quality. Here is a website I found describing Red Blotch with possible med treatments. https://be.chewy.com/red-blotch-disease-in-corydoras-catfish/
  17. Yeah that I'm not at all surprised about. The neons are pretty but it makes me appreciate my Harlequins so much more since while they tend to sporadically chase each other I've never seen them be outright agressive to each other or the other creatures in the tank- but for the tiny baby otos they've eaten but hey, moving food I can't fault them.
  18. Looks great! Hard to believe one dead thing can cause such chaos, wasn't there also an instance of overfeeding? You can have my black neons 😂, they're kinda jerks so I'm thinking they probably could hold their own with other big fish. I affectionately call them murder fish since they picked off a few of their own when I first got them.
  19. @MollyMomma personally I've used my waste water no matter what was in it (and I've treated Ich) on my container garden to no ill effects.
  20. Spider plant is an option as it's not toxic to cats. I have a monster spider plant (it's in a pot approx 5 gallons) outside I'd give you a million babies if you were my neighbor lol, I've rooted them in water to start for people but I've never kept one in water for extended period of time. Lucky bamboo though, is toxic to cats.
  21. I'm super bummed for you, what a terrible thing to come back to after what was supposed to be a nice get-away. I'm sure you want to know exacty what happened. You don't happen to have any Poly-filter do you? The reason I ask is I usually put a small square in my tanks and whatever toxins it absorbs it changes an appropriate color. This would help you trouble shoot what it could have been. There apparently have been some instances where it turns a color that's not usual and the company may be able to help ID what it could have been. My pieces usually turn dark brown, which is the indicator for harmful organics (cause ya know, everybody peed in the pool). I know you've already probably changed a lot of water, but it's a handy tool as far as I'm concerned, I always have some.
  22. Ok, I for some reason always thought it was clever marketing for the public television during their donation telethons to have "membership levels". Depending on the level one chooses should be some sort of swag, maybe up to members only jackets! 😆 I'm kidding there (sorta), but a tshirt, mug, something that's exclusively designed for members would be cool. I can't imagine you weren't already thinking of things like that.
  23. Have you tried wayfair? They seem to have several options that are out of the ordinary of what I have seen on pet websites. Overstock has some too.
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