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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. That's going to be a rough decision, I'm so sorry. I did a little research and there's not a lot out there- however I did run into a thread where an abcess on a Betta burst (in this case around its jaw so it couldn't eat). Question is, do you lance it or leave it huh? There's no way I could say one way or another. I would think well if it burst could it damage his spine since it's very near it? If I lance it will it get infected or make matters worse? If it burst OR you lanced it I'd imagine you'd want to quarantine him and medicate with an antibiotic and keep their water VERY clean. Since he's not really sick (meaning likely not to infect others) is there a way he could be near his fishy friends? Like in a tank next to them? Or would that stress him more? Also, could this be a tumor? (It looks like an injury to me but it's hard to say) I found a video on youtube with a gal who was actually removing a tumor (contains graphic images) from her Betta- it's possible you could use her method for putting your Betta to sleep with clove oil to lance it- but I've never tried it and frankly I'm not sure I'm brave enough to do it- but I'm putting the link here in case you were interested. I hope somebody else has some sage advice...
  2. Well, if it were me, and I liked what I had (but I totally agree, ultimately it's what's best for them)- I would observe them for a while longer and see if they sort it out. If it came to physical violence (you said nip but sometimes I take that as trying but not quite getting there-) if they ARE I'd lean towards returning 1 or 2 and looking for females. I hear the males color up really well when they're around the girls.
  3. Mystery snails are just like that. 2 of my 3 are attached at any given time. 🙄 To the point where I feel like I only have 2.
  4. Oh boy. Could be though apparently there's a red-brown detrius worm too- and they can absolutely come in on plants. I dipped some new ones and sadly STILL got detrius worms in my 10 gallon grow out tank, thankfully it's bare bottom and between that and the HOB (with a fishnet stocking rubberbanded to the intake) we're taking care of those suckers. I'll cross my fingers for you that it's not camellanus (check your fishs' behinds for their exit route). They live in the digestive tracks so they're bad. Here's a helpful id link: https://modestfish.com/worms-in-fish-tank/
  5. Petco I went to today had ALL the canopies and none of my substrate! So I concur with @Fish Folk, I saw them.
  6. I always seem to find a nook to slide them into on a piece of driftwood, no glue required
  7. Ugh so frustrating! I'm so sorry. This poor tank. I agree fish are stressed enough but what can you do. Maybe once you pull the dead stuff just do daily partial water changes with minimal invasiveness?
  8. I like them both in fact I was leaning towards the first one- however the 2nd placement has the bulk of the stem to the back so you'll have less hiding behind it, fish, plants or whatever. (or a sponge filter which you might want to hide, hence placement 1)
  9. Oh and if you all don't notice the entire time I was doing this project 2 of my snails were going at it and mobile the whole time! Where's Waldo?!🙄🐣
  10. Haha thanks @Isaac M I mean, who doesn't like blue vomit? Or river, or whatever. I like the look of the blue glass with the moonlight effect from my lights, they kinda glow though they're not glow in the dark. I don't have moonlight on for but an hour but it's a cool look when it's there.
  11. @LukeOci how long have they been in the tank? They might just be trying to sort out dominance. Every fish has a personality so there could always be one that's "just a jerk" in any group and the bullying might not end. Is the bullying also physically violent? I think that's where I'd draw the line myself. Something to consider too are you happy with just 3 males or did you eventually want to breed? If so you might consider returning 1 or 2 until you get a group of females.
  12. Today, since I haven't caught any new babies in several days and Mum fish seems to be taking a break I rearranged the parent tank. I've added pots that look like rock, two that look like wood. Besides the plants that are already there (3 swords, 2 different Anubias, 2 moss balls and 2 Aponogeton and very small Java Windelov) I now also added Bacopa Cardiniana, Lidwigia Arcuata (red needle leaf), and Ludwigia Super Red. I didn't have quite enough substrate to fill the pots to the rims but getting more tomorrow (the 1 store I went to today was out). I also added a background to it and its sister tank. Trying to add more plant life to help with the look and bio load. The temple I originally had in there just took up space and none of the fish ever used it- so I got a tiny Buddha- cause- I had to. 🙂
  13. @Gator totally believe fish can smell their food. When their food doesn't smell I always wonder what's wrong with it! 😂
  14. @Beardedbillygoat1975 did you inspect the cory? Any clues as to what's going on? How about water test?
  15. Welcome, if you have a tank, pics pics pics!
  16. @laritheloud that's an interesting theory that didn't come up on my searches but makes sense for sure. Something is definitely going on with this tank and that would be a logical reaction for their immune system to have. it's interesting that it has come and gone. Is the slime coat coming off like when we have colds and are a little snotty?
  17. @Sliceofnature it IS rather facinating though they are same species we have different experiences with them. When I had my Otos in their quarantine tank upon their arrival I gave them different things- the only things they were interested in in the end were the items I put in the tank that had diatom on them and the Hikari algae wafers. That's it. No cat scrapers, no tropical flakes, no micro pellet, not even fresh veggies. So now in my original tank where they breed all they eat is the algae they can find (and this tank is now pretty darn algae free) and the wafers I put in the tank every day. I still put cat scrapers in but the Mystery snails are the only ones that touch them. I figured I'd be the very LAST person in the world to have Otos make babies (which is why I picked them, didn't need/want a breeding project) but here it is- and other people try so hard to get them to breed and never can. It's a mystery to me. I keep shaking my head.
  18. @gardenman I have a turkey baster that I'm using to vacuum the bottom of the tank now but that makes me nervous, and it's surprising how well the little ones stick to the solid walls. I think I'll look for a shrimp net. Thanks very much for your ideas.
  19. Ugh!!! So sorry. I still feel like it's fungus. The only whit stringy stuff I saw when researching was about poop and that was a parasite. I love me some Seachem ParaGuard, it does parasites and fungal. As with fish stuff one can lead to another...
  20. You tried Frank. That's more than most would do. 🙂
  21. Tyler it should be fine if you wash it with hot water- if it needs soap don't be afraid to use it, just make sure it's super rinsed. I use soap to clean my stainless tools in super hot water. I never have issues. Rinse, rinse! (I like to use plain Dawn soap)
  22. Fishy friends, those who have raised fry. Generation 2 is now getting too big for their britches in the larger breeder box but there are a few I'd rather not release into the "general population" of the 10 gallon grow out so that I can monitor their growth as they are half the size of the rest of them. Anybody have any good ideas about how to get those particular few out?
  23. Certainly looks like a planeria from all the google images I see- just a little more funky shaped. Not that they aren't already.
  24. It would also depend on how thick the acrylic is, and whether you're using hot lights. I don't have any issues with acrylic- and I run smaller tanks. I could see how any sort of semi flexible/thinner material would be an issue on larger tanks.
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