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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Welcome, if you have a tank, pics pics pics!
  2. @laritheloud that's an interesting theory that didn't come up on my searches but makes sense for sure. Something is definitely going on with this tank and that would be a logical reaction for their immune system to have. it's interesting that it has come and gone. Is the slime coat coming off like when we have colds and are a little snotty?
  3. @Sliceofnature it IS rather facinating though they are same species we have different experiences with them. When I had my Otos in their quarantine tank upon their arrival I gave them different things- the only things they were interested in in the end were the items I put in the tank that had diatom on them and the Hikari algae wafers. That's it. No cat scrapers, no tropical flakes, no micro pellet, not even fresh veggies. So now in my original tank where they breed all they eat is the algae they can find (and this tank is now pretty darn algae free) and the wafers I put in the tank every day. I still put cat scrapers in but the Mystery snails are the only ones that touch them. I figured I'd be the very LAST person in the world to have Otos make babies (which is why I picked them, didn't need/want a breeding project) but here it is- and other people try so hard to get them to breed and never can. It's a mystery to me. I keep shaking my head.
  4. @gardenman I have a turkey baster that I'm using to vacuum the bottom of the tank now but that makes me nervous, and it's surprising how well the little ones stick to the solid walls. I think I'll look for a shrimp net. Thanks very much for your ideas.
  5. Ugh!!! So sorry. I still feel like it's fungus. The only whit stringy stuff I saw when researching was about poop and that was a parasite. I love me some Seachem ParaGuard, it does parasites and fungal. As with fish stuff one can lead to another...
  6. You tried Frank. That's more than most would do. 🙂
  7. Tyler it should be fine if you wash it with hot water- if it needs soap don't be afraid to use it, just make sure it's super rinsed. I use soap to clean my stainless tools in super hot water. I never have issues. Rinse, rinse! (I like to use plain Dawn soap)
  8. Fishy friends, those who have raised fry. Generation 2 is now getting too big for their britches in the larger breeder box but there are a few I'd rather not release into the "general population" of the 10 gallon grow out so that I can monitor their growth as they are half the size of the rest of them. Anybody have any good ideas about how to get those particular few out?
  9. Certainly looks like a planeria from all the google images I see- just a little more funky shaped. Not that they aren't already.
  10. It would also depend on how thick the acrylic is, and whether you're using hot lights. I don't have any issues with acrylic- and I run smaller tanks. I could see how any sort of semi flexible/thinner material would be an issue on larger tanks.
  11. I don't have the experience, but I always remove my invertebrates from tanks when I have to medicate. They don't carry the same illnesses as fish do and I'd hate to see it effect them detrimentally. I "just" keep Cherry Shrimp and Snails, I would definitely remove a Bamboo Shrimp if I had one.
  12. If you want clear I've had clear lids cut to size at my local plastics business. They cut me a piece of acrylic (but I already had the rails to glue on so it fit the tank. Plastic/Acrylic comes in all colors too so if you wanted something different...
  13. Hey all, I'm going to be setting up a 3 gallon tank for my Mum for Mother's day she's been wanting an African Dwarf Frog for a long time I took her to the LFS with me scoping it out for my Oto babies and she lost her mind when she saw some albinos. It will be the only occupant along with some plants maybe a nerite once algae is present but I don't want to go overboard since it's a small tank. She's had them in the past (in less than desirable set ups, no filtration bowl type scenarios but be nice she really didn't know better thanks to LPS) they lived quite a few years shockingly and were active and seemingly healthy. Anyway, we're going to do better this time. My 3 gallon quarantine tank is the same as the one she has so I can jumpstart it from a filter currently in my tank that hasn't been exposed to any sick fish. I think I'm just going to get some Anubias species and either attach it to rock or driftwood so it being a plant substrate isn't as much of an issue. Should we do sand or gravel? I see some sites recommend sand and mention Carib Sea Super Naturals Crystal River Sand, but say if you go with gravel to choose larger so they don't swallow it and Spectrastone Shallow Creek Regular gravel was recommended. Any thoughts?
  14. You have Hikari or similar algae wafers? My Mystery snails like blanched zucchini and prefer Xtreme Cat Scrapers over Hikari Algae Wafers I think they are for more omnivorous animals! I agree poly-filter is an amazing tool.
  15. How long have they been in there? Maybe they just need time to readjust to the original tank again, and I always feel like though we change water and maybe even add stuff to take out meds, they still linger in the substrate a while and that's where they hang- and the algae they eat may still contain it. I think they'll be fine given more time.
  16. Well it's nice too that she has help and things get started the right way so she can enjoy the hobby and not have a nightmare introduction as some do when they start out on their own. I feel like it's rare to have 2 people into the hobby- as evidenced by the "wife/girlfriend/husband/boyfriend is going to let me" conversations that go on all around me.
  17. You have a great talent my lil friend. So, is she into it?!
  18. Hi Kaitlin, pretty sure it's going to have an effect no matter what you do, but I can say it stabilizes over time and you may be able to continue to balance it with the coral. Some say it helps to boil the crap out of it removing a lot of the tannins but they will still have them. There might be types of driftwood that are less so. I KNOW there are others on here that have a vast amount of experience with it. (I have coral and driftwood in my tanks and they are very stable but it took some time to balance the 2)
  19. Yes I'm sure they will be ready to eat at the butt-crack of dawn!! 🐣
  20. Yeah the very little ones are super demanding. Glad that seems to be going good at least. They do sleep at night are they still saying to feed them then? I used to foster bottle baby kittens. Up every 2 hours not only to bottle feed (I had up to 6 at one time) you also have to make them poop and pee. Great for your sleep patterns, highly recommended. 🙃
  21. @Beardedbillygoat1975 Well hopefully it's all downhill from here then! So maybe there WAS some bullying going on, just not with the fish, maybe the gourami vs snail? I hear gouramis can be jerks sometimes and mystery snails have those very long antenae that some fish love to pick at. Keep us updated still! (well me anyway, cause I'm selfish like that) 🙃
  22. Yes, @BIG GREEN is absolutely correct- coral will take time- and as they point out using baking soda and causing big swings and from what I heard crashes to me is more detrimental than kh being 0 for a little while. Gradual is always better in my experience.
  23. Consider using crushed coral, it works for me as a buffer and has helped my tank's stability. (though also make sure it's ok for your inhabitants. I have a friend with albino corycats and she does NOT like the use of coral for them)
  24. Oh sorry Frank, also- consider there are times bird parents purposefully throw babies out of the nest- they know instictively as most animals when there is something wrong or defective with the baby. So if you did find the nest and put it back and it returned to the ground that could be it OR if it dies that could be a clue. I say that in case it does pass- you should not feel bad about it- you tried to help.
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