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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Well having some experience recently with my Otos breeding water parameters can go all sorts of wonky and IS one of those times that changing water is a requirement or the very least a higher probability. There have been times because of this situation I was doing DAILY partial water changes to reduce liquid test Ammonia levels (a questionable .25 reading) or high Nitrite readings (.25). Now that I have all babies out of the tank (from the floating breeder in the parent tank) and finding very few babies as they are sporadic hatchings the levels are back to zero and I'm not doing daily changes (but out of paranoia I'm testing regularly still). I also run 2 filters (both air driven) but may not be enough in what is in your opinion an overstocked and breeding tank because even in my case it hasn't been enough to let it go for a week when the babies are coming out.
  2. @Gator oh totally, I'm sure Otos get some animal proteins in their diet when they are shredded up in the Amazonian waters, even in our own tanks, and it certainly does NOT hurt to try. Personally for me I'll never know for SURE what triggered mine to start- all the planets aligned in the tank is my only guess. Oh and @Gator I find that fish fact kinda odd like you. Maybe they mean PURPOSEFULLY BRED? As it seems Guppies don't need convincing! 😂 @Celly Rasbora AGREED! That's a perfect title for a book!
  3. Crossing my fingers all the other denizens of your son's tank make it through and I hope you find the culprit. Having already mentioned you change water every week do you also test before you do that? Have the levels always been on the higher side?
  4. Good luck, let us know what you find!
  5. @Gator They are ABSOLUTELY hard to spot. Even funnier (to me) is that in my grow out tank with a black bottom I can't even see the nearly 2 mos old babies (part of that right now is that I'm STILL waiting on the light I ordered). My parent tank has no backgrounds on it and a white wall behind it. Though you wouldn't think it that's actually helped me to see them better. I'll attach a screen shot of the video I shot the FIRST time I spotted a baby. The first one wasn't the most translucent I've caught but if there had been a dark background they are impossible to see- I find that when they are above the black rim if I fill the tank unless I look at a very specific angle there's no way to see them. On your earthworm theory- I've never witnessed any of my Otos eating anything other than vegetation. They won't even touch the cat scrapers for bottom feeders (they have "animal" proteins)- ONLY the algae wafers. So it will be interesting to see if they eat any of your earthworms- I'm not convinced that they will in my limited experience. Corycats, absolutely would, Otos.....not sure about that.
  6. Hi there! I saw your post sitting here for the last 10 hours and I'm a nerd so while I have no experience with that combination I don't see why it's not going to work. The Cochu (from what I see King Tetra?) can be known as a fin nipper (apparently it's a Tetra thing- I notice my Black Neon Tetras being jerks to each other, check) so that's something to watch out for- but the Ember is not. The Apistos don't seem to be an issue with either. Is it true the Cochu hang mostly at the top as some sites suggest? As it looks like the Embers will be a mid area fish for you. If so that's the case I think you'd be good- but I'd watch for fin nipping and have a back up plan. What do you think? I assume you were asking about behavior only. I did not look into whether the water parameter requirements are the same.
  7. Oh see? Now you're in trouble, I put the Oto curse on you. Now everybody is gonna breed.
  8. @Sliceofnature, be like me, don't try! 😂 However, I wish it upon you. You might curse me later.
  9. Hi! I'm not good at it either, since most of the time it's with a phone. Nice choice of fish. I like the more understated fish myself (Harlequins, Otos!). AND, I have no backgrounds on my tanks (but I like it) 🙂
  10. I'm going to take a stab at it and say fungal infection? google search yourself images, some of it looks more like cotton balls but some of it looks stringy. Caused by poor water conditions (which sadly you had due to those tests). It also mentions bullying and injuries but I doubt that happened to so many fish. It eats away at fish bodies and can lead to secondary bacterial infections.
  11. I've seen on some youtube videos that they like to have a turf, so maybe he's trying to establish his?
  12. Though Java is super slow growing, I had one die off because it was very early in my fish keeping career and didn't know I wasn't supposed to bury the rhizone- but funnily enough Once I did figure it out it's starting to grow back- but it's been about 7 months and it's barely over an inch again. My vote: No Touchie!!
  13. l could be wrong but we might need to know what kind of turtle they are? Some are probably much more cantankerous than others I would presume. I was being a nerd and doing some research but there are differing opinions when it comes to type of turtle.
  14. @Gator yea they are super hard to spot. I really have to scan the tank glass to see them, catching them with a net is a whole other ball game as they say. It's a gentle but fast moving process if they want to escape. Thankfully the 2 I've saved recently from the Harlequin jaws eventually swam right into the net- once they leave the tank glass and swim across open waters they are SUPER hard for me to see but very easy for the Harlies to, stands to reason I suppose. When I spotted my very first I thought a) I was seeing things and b) it had to be some sort of bug because it couldn't POSSIBLY be an Oto.
  15. Keep his water super clean and his stress to a minimum! 🙂
  16. It is my understanding that Ich is **NOT** killed by heat, only it's life cycle is sped up so that you can get through the treatment process FASTER, treatment being salt, Ich X, API Super Ick etc. I have treated Ich with and without heat AND meds (1x API Super Ick- with heat in a 20 gallon tall, 1x Seachem Paraguard- without heat in a 3.5 gallon tank)
  17. Well, from what *I* can see on the pics it looks like the beginnings of Ich, they typically start on fins but I've seen plenty on bodies in my experience. If that's all you have right now it's close to beginning stages it's after those white spots disappear you have your chance of killing it. If you have aquarim salt I'd look into dosage for treating Ich. I removed my snails during Ich treatment*** We'll see if anyone else concurs with my "diagnosis".
  18. It's always good to post a picture if you can so we can also see the spots and possibly help you diagnose. I've had Ich 2x in 2 different tanks. So, if you look into the life cycle if it is indeed Ich, is that the scabs form OVER the ich virus (the Ich CANNOT be killed during this stage), within a day or two DURING HEAT TREATMENT those scabs fall off, and eggs fall out into your substrate, when they hatch a day-few days later they start swiming around looking for a host fish to form more scabs and multiply****THIS is when it's most vunerable to MEDICATED treatment- be it SALT, ICH X, API SUPER ICK (I used API Super Ick and it worked for me) or whatever medication you choose. I don't think, but correct me if I'm wrong forum, the heat ALONE kills ich, all it does is speed up the life cycle- hence the white spots going away quickly for you- and hopefully the fish get thru treatment FASTER. So what you are seeing is that within a day or few days the eggs have now hatched and have found other hosts, and the whole things starts again. You may be able to salt the tank if you have no other meds, I believe Co-Op has a page with that information. Yes your fish are going to flash cause I'm sure that stuff itches, and some may be a bit deprived of oxygen because the higher the temp the less there is- so turn up the bubblers. Watch your ammonia levels because decay is sped up when it's hot- I had to do water changes and remedicate the tank when going through treatment. The advice I got was you can stop treatment if you haven't seen any signs of Ich for at least 7 days- for me it was at least 14 or 15 days nail biting- but everyone made it out alive. Good luck!!
  19. @Nanotanks indeed, hello! Thanks @Isaac M for leading me here. I too, am an Otocinclus fan, growing by the day. I'm also currentlly keeping (between 4 tanks) 10 Black Neons, 10 Harlequin Rasboras, 2 Cherry Shrimp, 2 Nerites and 3 Mystery Snails. I think too, I'm with you on the prolific breeder snails, though I tried to have the lovely fish keepers here try and convince me they are indeed NOT pests- but I've decided they were never invited to my tank to begin with, and despite dipping- they still made their way in. So I diligentlly "remove" them from existence in my tank day by everloving day. If you haven't come across it already you may want to see my Oto breeding thread- I never meant to breed but now I have 60+ babies and a 3rd generation coming into being. Which is leading me to think I need to make my tank with the parent Otos into a species only tank- or at least a vegetarian tank anyway. Ha! Your tank is lovely!
  20. @Streetwise nice trick, I'll have to try it sometime. Mine hang out on those red clothespins until they find their other half. 😁
  21. @Jennifer V has to be the same portal as half the missing socks.
  22. Hi fish friends, Gen 3 not starting out to be as prolific as Gens 1 and 2 but I do suspect that's in part because my Harlequins have gotten wiser to the baby presence. However I am now up to 4 of them. 2 that were caught are still in the translucent stage- which as you might imagine aren't easy to catch as they are super small, fast and delicate. I don't believe I've posted a pic of one so here it is for your enjoyment.
  23. I can change a tire, battery spark plugs, fuel lines, air filters and jump a car like nobody's business. I think that's a talent nowadays! 😂 I can Swing dance. Not a whole lot of that going on anymore.
  24. @Isaac M I think pretty soon I'm going to try and move my Harlies. I caught some of them hanging out IN the amazon sword that the eggs are in tonight. They're getting wise to the little ones I think. They need to pick on someone their own size. 😁
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