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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. It's nice sometimes to know that the perfect people aren't always perfect. It makes them more human. 🙃
  2. Yes. But most of my Otos look like that so it's hard to say if that's a sign- 2nd pic a juv with similar albeit smaller belly
  3. Is the eye cloudy? Kinda looks like it but can't say for sure. I'm wondering if it's "cloudy eye" which is a bacterial infection. Google some images and compare to your fish? See if that's maybe what it is. It could also just be an eye injury if it's just 1 eye.
  4. @Isaac M well shoot, I interfere all the time. Can we just call me Mother Nature? My fish won't know any better. 😁
  5. @Gator I am with the new technology and have AquariumNote app, I keep track of EVERYTHING. It charts my water tests, I make daily notes/times feedings, water changes, chems, etc. Tracks my equipment/supply pricing and times purchased. Reminds me about fert tabs and sponge squeezings etc. I don't keep track of the moon phases but I know what you mean about stuff like that. So far no rhyme or reason, I've had 3 consecutive spawns starting 1 month 18 days ago with the first visible baby (my tank has been running for 7mos 10days per the app). This is my first time with Otos AND funny you should mention: 10 Harlequin Rasboras- They have not been seen eating any of my eggs but have caught a few translucent wayward babies- however my Swords ARE short and they don't typically troll the lower level of the 20 gallon tall I have them in- though I've recently caught a few flashing into the "fishbowl" I leave food in for the bottom dwellers which contains pieces of cat scraper and algae wafer. I found that interesting. As far as I can tell I only have seen 1 momma fish but there are other places in the tank moms could hang out- however only having 30 ish per spawn I'm betting I have only one laying- my understanding is they aren't prolific egg layers which to me stands to reason because in the wild they hang out in the many thousands. My momma fish is, IMO, very smart, she lays her eggs on the one sword that has a driftwood cage even the snails can't really get to the plant, so I imagine the Harlequins haven't quite figured that out. @MichelleMichelle I'm in Northern CA and though I'm not sure we are allowed to offer up fish on the forum as of now it would be really cool to have some forum members adopt my babies because I'd know they'd be taken care of by other NERMS and maybe even the offspring will have success in breeding and that would be SO awesome. I see we have little badges under our IDs for trade status but haven't seen anything about what that means yet (though I haven't looked either) I'm actually really nervous about them growing up, I have 2 LFS who have said they'd accept them in trade, but they have to be an inch to accept them. They're not quite there. Is it bad that I want them all to stay small? 🙃
  6. @Gator that seems to be the issue, nobody seems to know for sure! As you can see by the title I didn't do this intentionally, but now I have 60+ and more on the way as evidenced by those pics. I don't have any crypts right now in my tank- just swords, aponogeton, and anubias species
  7. @Gator of course no worries, hoping if I'm doing something right others can replicate it. All the eggs I've spotted have been on the undersides of my Swords's leaves.
  8. Honestly I think one of the reasons mine is spawning is because of the extra food in the form of Hikari Wafer
  9. @mgudyka Well then there's that right? My tank is pretty clean though, even with the algae wafers about. I usually only put about half per day.
  10. Aww @starsman20 my huge condolences to you. I love my snails I'm always bummed when they die.
  11. A little tooooo much fun lately if you ask me! They get to have all the fun I get to do all the cleaning/caring! 🙃
  12. @anewbie I rarely see my adults (and also cannot confirm if they are all alive), they hang out at the sponge filter all day. I only see them dancing at night a little. HOWEVER my babies, they are much more out in the open than their parents, I see them constantly in the parent tank- those of generation 1 I've let hang out in there.
  13. Mine still refuse to eat any fresh foods, just wafers and algae in the tank. I haven't tried cucumber tho....going to do that...
  14. GREAT looking fish!!! (and the tank ain't bad either!) Keep that up and you will have a 75 at some point.
  15. @SeverumKeeper did you mean to get 2 males? Since I only keep smaller fish usually in larger groups so just wondering if they do sort these things out or if you have to remove someone or trade for a female?
  16. I use cheesecloth and a rubber band at the end of my gravel vacuums when I'm concerned about sucking up small denizens. Granted it can still happen, gotta keep an eye on them, but they get stuck to the cheese cloth instead of going up inside the tube and if you're diligent enough about watching you can squeeze the tube to release them hopefully no worse for wear. If there are better ideas for that I'd certainly like to know them!
  17. @mgudyka aww. If it's being bullied you'd have to separate them permanently possibly no? What about trying a tank divider is that possible as a temporary reprive to see if that's the case? Or if you have to move one I'd move the one that's eating/less nervous. The lean one is probably stressed enough? I've never kept puffers so take my ideas with a grain of salt.
  18. I can't speak to the mix per se but they carry the same name. I used the liquid form when I had an outbreak and was successful with it. I contacted API because I was also using heat and still feeding my fish and that seemed to have caused ammonia levels I wasn't comfortable with so I asked them if I could do water changes (because it makes no mention of it in their directions) I did do those and made sure to do it on redose days (which was every other day if I remember correctly). I imagine if you feel mixing meds might be an issue you could change some of the water if that made you more comfortable.
  19. @Jennifer V I'd feel bad if I sucked one of them up. As it is when I do a water change I use cheese cloth and a rubber band at the end so they have a chance against the suction. AND I use a flash light to illuminate them. I need 3 hands really to do a water change. 4 would help too.
  20. @Jennifer V If you think that's labor intensive try doing it with lab pips, it's what my paranoid self is using around my Oto babies.
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