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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. @Miss Dr. Chaos Thanks! I really didn't but I'm starting to be very glad they did. As I've menitoned the only reason I don't like it is because I want to make sure the offspring get good homes (cause nobody is better than you when you do this right??). I think my favorite category of animal are scavengers (they are always so clever and often so overlooked) so I have an affinity for catfish of any kind- I grow to appreciate my little Otos more and more everyday. I love how my Momma fish watches over her eggs- and seeing her babies grow up is so cool. She's pretty awesome.
  2. I'm doing it very successfully. Two 20 gallons, a 10 and and a 3 gallon, their temps today are 75, 76.1 (the 20s), 77 (10 gallon) and 76.8 (3 gallon). As of this moment my room temp is 74.8. My Otos are breeding. So. It works.
  3. Update: Today's tank temperature at 75 degrees. I caught THREE more babies bringing us to a total of 29 for spawn batch number 2. At least I think it's 29- they don't sit still very long.
  4. Vaibhav, I'm sorry to hear about your guppies. I understand you cannot buy a water test kit- that's unfortunate because it will be a missing piece to your mystery here. Since the only change for your guppies was exposure to new plants and a move the only things we can conclude really is either guppy Stress, AND/OR flukes as you say the plants were not quarantined and there is risk there of exposing fish to flukes or other parasites. When a fish is stressed they are even more prone to disease and illness. I found a website that lists several different diseases/illnesses, I hope you are able to click the link. Nothing else I found addresses the yellow belly on your female- though I did see other forums where a yellow belly on other kinds of fish were mentioned- no conclusions were made there though. https://guppyexpert.com/guppy-diseases-parasites-remedies/
  5. 👍ok @Isaac M I reached down there with my long ole scissors and got as close as I could. It's behind driftwood so I couldn't get so far but I'll keep an eye on it for discoloration/rot, the plant itself is super green.
  6. @Isaac M thanks for letting me know about the live stream. Of all the rabbit holes I went down to try and find out what to do about an aponogeton sending out a bloom stem NOBODY said anything about whether you should cut it back or not to encourage growth. THANK YOU @Cory for addressing it. It hadn't bloomed yet so I cut it back. Is it the same as with cutting back the leaves? Close to the bottom of the stem?
  7. Hahaha ah ok. Well there's that. Since I've not had a plant flower around shrimp would explain why I've not seen it. 😆
  8. I don't feel like the shrimp would have done that unless the plant was weak. Do they poke holes in plants? I've never observed that.
  9. With my baby Otos, they're transparent, ghostlike when they're first around. I spot them and try and catch them because this is when they are most vunerable to my Rasboras....you wouldn't think because how do they even see them!? Anyway, I've lost a couple trying to catch them. It sucks.
  10. Just thought I'd post this picture of my 3 Mystery snails "hooked" together. My male is in the middle. 😐 Buncha wackadoos. Your animals do weird stuff like that too? Lemme see so I feel better hehe
  11. With the exception of just going for a walk about (which is slightly counter-intuitive to such a shy animal- act? maybe, our pets play us I'm convinced) he will be slower to adjust to his new digs if history has taught you anything. Has he gone down the hall before??
  12. One of the hardest things to do, ever, in life is to make the decision to euthanize a pet. Even when you can see they have lost quality of life and may even be suffering our, selfish- but loving side, doesn't want to let them go yet. But I always try to put myself in their "fins" in this case. Would I want to live like this? If the answer is no....as much as it hurts, the decision has to be made. He's FOUR!! That's incredible! I've sadly never been able to get a Betta to 4! You obviously have taken good care of him and care about him very much. I'm so very sorry he's ill and you are faced with this decision.
  13. I love that he immediately (almost) escaped. It's like buying a toy for a "insert any animal here" and they're more interested in the box. I don't know what *he* thinks but his new digs are AWESOME!
  14. Firstly Gandr is adorable, anyone who says animals don't have intelligence is speaking of themselves. He sounds like he was traumatized and found a very good patient home with you. What a cool set up you've built!!
  15. @starsman20 if it's not called that it really should be lol! I'm in the youtube rabbit hole right now doing research. Funny how so many care guides don't really address the flowering portion. I was just wondering because say in basil plants you have to pinch off the blooms in order to encourage growth.
  16. @Isaac M ! That would sure be fast as it hasn't even been in my tank a month!
  17. @Isaac M that's what it looks like to me too and I'd guess that in a normal plant- I keep lots of those- just no experience with this plant. Wondering if it will grow a bulb from the flower if I do anything or if I should cut it back for any reason. Will be googling at some point....
  18. @starsman20 or @ScottEsh either of you (or anybody else with experience) know what's going on when your plant sends out a stem like this? I see in both your pics your plants seem to be doing it. Is it going to be a flower or another bulb or does it want to be out of water?
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