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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. ...and as per usual @Fish Folk has 12 million babies keeping the fish hobby supplied of fish.....
  2. Hi there. You can absolutely float plants- a lot of people float cuttings (like bacopa) until they have roots and THEN plant them. I have a tank that is slim on substrate- you can keep plants like Anubias and glue them to pieces of wood or decoration as they aren't the types of plants that you cover roots with substrate. I personally use suction airline holders and a bit of airline to tie the various sorts of Anubias and then suction cup them along the aquarium walls where I want them to sit. It's kinda fun because sometimes you want to move a plant and these are really the only sorts of plants you can move without disturbing substrate a lot!
  3. ...due to ongoing history w/your tanks I forsee millions of discus in your future..... I look forward to squee'ing at the screen shortly.
  4. @ColuWell I'm out of other ideas so I will continue with Kanaplex. Thanks friend
  5. The day I saw my first "Purple Frilly Frondosa" (yes I know there are other names but that's what was written on the tank at the time) and it followed me on its little fins from one side of the tank to the other, clearly peeping at me with one clear eye at a time I wanted one. But I don't trust my skills in fish keeping enough to: A) have a salt water tank B) keep this beautiful 500 dollar fish (at the time) alive. Maybe when I'm rich I'll pay someone to maintain a tank for me!
  6. Well, @Colu I have seen no significant positve change, little thing still swimming vertical today. So I'm not sure Kanaplex is doing anything. I'm a bit stumped. I could do another round if you think that's going to help.
  7. I wonder if what they say is true about Bettas in community tanks is just as true with fish usually seen in higher numbers like guppies- in a Betta community they recommend a school of 6 or more of a fish so the Betta has too many targets to be aggressive to any one fish. I'd bet if there were more guppies there might be less aggression?
  8. I do not envy those of us who chose/need to run heaters. When I first started looking into keeping fish I was glad to see in my set up and chosen fish they wouldn't be required. (my tanks run from 76-80 without assistance mostly in between those) They're ugly and as you see here, unreliable. The only think I would personally do if I did have to run a heater is run 2. It seems you need to in order to have one be the failsafe, setting it just a little lower than the other.
  9. Hi @DebSills I came back to check on this thread, glad to see the froggie is still with you. Wish I could help with the Guppies. As @skipper has experienced bowls are not always necessary. But what I can say is that if you can train your frog (as you can with tweezers) that their food is in the bowl you can make sure they are eating and how much. I've had resin and ceramic bowls but nowadays I've got a favorite vendor on etsy for small handmade bowls that blend nicely in my aquariums. All my fish and snails eat from bowls in all my tanks. Keeps the tank cleaner too.
  10. Ok community, help me out here, this is new to me. August 23rd one of my 10 Black Neons in a 20 gallon community tank was swimming with the group vertically. I caught them and put them in a large floating breeder in the tank. I presumed (starting with the simplest issue first) since nobody else is/was effected or appears ill that it was probably swim bladders. I separated them in order to start a 3 day fast. I added some aquarium salt (only 2 tablespoons) to the tank and some API Stress Coat. No change the 24th. 25th the Neon was still swimming veritcally but it had a white fungus looking growth on one side. So I removed the neon and put them into a 2 gallon QT with 2 tablespoons Aquarium Salt and continue to fast them. 26th I started putting in food but did not witness eating, same 27, 28th. 30th at the recommendation of @Colu and my secondary potential plan I dumped the 2 gallons and did dose one of KANAPLEX. The fungus was gone at this point and a red mark where the fungus was. Because of how the fish moves constantly I cannot get a really good look at the damaged side, it is close to a fin. Little sucker was still very active, swimming vertically as if swimming normally horizontally. Bizarre. 31st, put food in, still unk on the eating. 1st of September Dose 2 of KANAPLEX was observed swimming a little better but not perfect. Food, but again no witness to eating. Sept 2nd- got the little one to eat a thawed bloodwoorm- swimming vertically again. Today I dosed the last of the 3 max recommended KANAPLEX. So now I'm stumped. Thoughts? Colu thought doing Epsom baths might help but just based on no changes so far I'm not even sure if those will help but willing to start those if it may help. I'm not even convinced at this point it is swim bladder based on the later possible side wound or fungus. The original tank still all fine, the rest of the Neons are great, there are snails and Otos. Weekly water test is perfect as usual, only thing that's on the high end is Nitrates which is a very consistent 40ppm, it goes neither up nor down even with water changes. all the other crucials are where I want them. The picture is dark sorry, I have a towel over the QT to keep stress low, though it's only in a 2 gallon I left the little one in a floating breeder so it can get to the surface easier, put a betta leaf in there in case it needed a resting spot, and the airstone is inside the breeder with it.
  11. @Fish Folk @Guppysnail......Maybe they only have conjugal visits occasionally, otherwise they can see each other through the glass....we'll call it breeding jail.
  12. Hi! Welcome to the forum, I'm familiar with a few of your fish picks (Betta, Harlequins, Otocinclus). They are fun fish all by themselves!
  13. Leave the one where it is and see whatcha get! (if you want a million snails that is)
  14. I've never used IchX but it is one that Aquarium Co-op recommends and most people seem to like it. The first time I battled it I used API Super Ick cure- it dyed some silicone but it cured my fish (that time I used heat and that was in a 20 gallon). The second time I did it was without heat and I used Seachem's Paraguard (in a 3 gallon quarantine) and it worked perfectly. This time I'm using Paraguard in a 9 gallon.
  15. Hi there, yes it appears to be Ich, sadly sometimes it comes back to rear it's ugly head. I have battled Ich 2x successfully and now I'm on my 3rd battle in another tank. Ugh. What I've learned is that you have to dose meds until there have been NO signs of Ich for at LEAST 7 days after all spots have gone away. Carefully monitor water conditions because fish that are sick need clean water, if this means you do a water change FIRST then redose meds then that's what you do. Most battle Ich by raising the temp in the tank to 80-82 degrees (I have done this and I've not done this, either way I've won the battles), this does not kill the Ich, but what it does is speeds up the lifecycle of the Ich and often reduces medication time as the only time Ich is vunerable to meds is not when your fish have spots but when the spots (that are really more like scabs) fall off and the eggs fall towards the substrate- then baby Ich come out of those eggs to find your fish again THIS is when they can be killed. While the spots still exist there is still Ich. Make sense?
  16. Ok Flex friends, I already have an issue. My pump now has decided to make an awful lot of noise. I tried to trouble shoot it but haven't taken it apart yet, just pulled it out and did a visual inspection. I may have to consider another pump. I looked at fluval's site and they of course charge crazy shipping fees. I figure I can get a different one, anyone replace theirs with something else? Links?
  17. @DebSills only terrible heartless human beings do that kind of lame stuff. They probably weren't eating at all then- they aren't really good at getting food out of substrate. If you do feed them without tweezers I would highly, highly recommend you put a bowl in their tank they can sit in and eat. This is a cute ADF video I watched on youtube while researching for my Mum's tank:
  18. @DebSills I'm really glad it worked for you. It doesn't take a lot of effort and it's kinda fun. My Mum actually doesn't have to do it that way but it's better to make sure the ADF are eating, how much, and it keeps the tank cleaner. Her ADF didn't like any of the pellets we've tried to give them so far despite all the glowing reviews they had. So go figure. Her pair almost fight over it- so even though they don't have other animals to compete with they certainly compete with each other so I think it was a good route to go- after feeding they are buddies (we think it's a boy and a girl). In your case poor little one probably didn't get much food as evidenced by your loss. ADF only tanks are super fun, they are really cool to watch.
  19. I wanted to weigh in. I got 2 ADF for my Mum for mother's day and set up a tank for her. Since she's had them she feeds every other day and target feeds- with angled aquarium tweezers. We've discovered bloodworms (from frozen) and freeze dried tubifex worms as their favorite. Target feeding makes sure the ADF is getting food and how much, especially if they're in tanks where they have to compete with faster animals.
  20. @Guppysnail thank you. Anyone who has any observation skills and has kept them should be able to clearly see how social they really are. When Glimmer was in the "hospital box" her offspring Immaculate was constantly finding their way into the box (gender really still unknown). My other snails would frequently be near the box. Immaculate was likely the sinking culprit- and maybe to their detriment as there is some shell damage that wasn't there before (long way to fall in a 20 gallon tall- hey that rhymes). Plus I didn't want any other inhabitants to become injured. This was just my compromise. The snails are actively using them. Last night I caught one in the cup and was still there when I got up 8 hours later. Glimmer was only nearby but it was good to see her out and about.
  21. So as I've mentioned on this thread previously one of my Mystery Snails, Glimmer, has declined in activity, her shell isn't in the best of shape but doesn't show other outward signs of illness other than lethargy. She's in a 20 gal tall and I decline to put her in another tank- at least for now (I may put her in my 3 gallon when my Betta vacates it but it will be with her offspring Immaculate so she's not alone and they seem very attached as you will see by the pics I will post). Anyhow, I had her in a floating breeder- which has been sunk several times by well meaning Snail friends. Last night I came home to the same situation and Glimmer was off somewhere I could not retrieve her. Today she seemed to be happily trolling the aponogeton in the tank- albeit slowly. What I decided to do was try and make platforms of some kind that my snail friends healthy and ill could have as rest stops since though Mystery Snails are big, it's still a trek to the top for air and/or a rest. What I ended up rigging were veggie clips, and lightweight plastic cups that I got when I'd buy the refrigerated cinnamon rolls (always thought they would come in handy so I kept them even before I had tanks- I was previously using to scoop water for weekly water tests- I also keep scoops from powdered drinks and supplements for this purpose). I'm able to put them cup side up and leave a couple of snail snacks inside. These are going to be great mess containers too, all I will have to do is either take them out or turkey baster them out. Thought I'd pass it along to my fish friends.
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