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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Well I appreciate that @Guppysnail but I'm not sure I did her any favors since apparently I am the Betta killer lately. 😞
  2. Welcome to the forum 🙂 lots of nice folks here that will help you get things sorted out.
  3. I am near 100% sure my lovely original Momma Oto is always in the neighborhood of the small Sword where her babies were born. She's the only one I see on a regular basis, her other 10-14 companions (some her own babies) are not often seen when the lights are on. She is such a lovely fish, I truly love her so much. She will sit still and let me watch her, take pictures. I can put my hands in the tank very close by for maintenance and she'll hold her position. She's so much bigger than she was originally. We're getting close to the time of year she had her last spawn (late winter). I wonder if it will happen again.....
  4. This is one of my Parent Tank's 2 Zebra Nerites. I didn't check if it was Speck or Dash just a quick photo. I asked them if they could please do the floors after they finish the windows.....(they kindly advise me by not doing it that they don't do floors)
  5. @Torrey yeah nobody could see that mussel scandal coming. I had gotten 2 around the time that broke out but didn't see any reason to dispose of them since none of my tank water goes into public/natural waterways- it all goes to my container gardens. I haven't seen anything weird with either of them. I struggled with the whole "destroy" them thing, my plants are just as much a part of my pet family as the animals are. Kinda why I'm looking into performing my own surgery on my oldest Marimo.
  6. I think it would really depend on diet. Blood in human stool makes it black but we also feed them bloodworms which simulate the same colors. I'm sure if one fed blackworms it may get similar results.
  7. I really like my Seachem Alerts. They're in all my tanks though they rarely change color sometimes I wonder if they work....but then I test and it's always 0. *whew*
  8. Stringy AND white is usually not a great thing in any fish for an example. (stringy and brown not a bad thing most of the time)
  9. I'll post what I did later, success or total failure....warts and all! If all else fails Dr Seuss tree it is...
  10. I think I'll try stitching it back together and see what results. I just figured maybe it'd grow together eventually. I've seen when people undo them and make carpets or even mock bonsai but I kinda like my lttle ball. 🙂
  11. @Helan yeah they are definitely hollow which is why I took it out of the tank I don't want fish or snails to take residence in it. Since it doesn't seem to be growing together. So I thought maybe I could stitch it together and help it repair itself.
  12. Ok so I have an older mossball about the size of a small raquetball (2 years 4 days old in my house per my Aquarium App). One time while cleaning the tank they were in my siphon sucked it in and though I was able to pinch the hose and release it- it sucked a hole in my ball!! Anybody ever do this before? Someone ever repair it? It's been about 5 months or so since it happened and I've QT'd it (I don't want fish going inside the ball). Periodically I take it out and reshape it but the hole doesn't seem to close. I got the whacky idea of "stitching" it back together with either thread or fishing line...but before I get crazy thought I'd see if anybody else had done this before....
  13. Do they use their tails like seahorses to hold on to things?
  14. That's the crazy thing about this hobby sometimes when we find something like this it could be something very benign OR it's deadly. This is one of those instances. I was always taught growing up start with the simplest possibility first (in auto mechanics) and work your way up. But, with somethling like columnaris that could be the wrong path. I recently had a Black Neon that had a similar thing going on but it ended up being a wound that turned white, fuzzed up. I treated them and they're fine now. Take the information you get, go with your gut and keep a hairy eyeball on EVERYONE in the tank.
  15. I keep all small fish. I have 2 Imagitarium mini holding tanks from Petco, 1 that is one gallon the other is 2 both were far under 10 when you buy online/pick up in store. I've used them both very recently, they really come in handy and are nice little QT tanks. These nest easily too because of their size they're not hard to store. What I personally like is the lid is accomodating to airlines and feeding but it's secure and the plastic is super clear unlike some storage tubs we use for the same purpose.
  16. I agree with @Guppysnail if it is ammonia poisoning more meds will only hurt them more. Can you call the fish store and ask them how long they had them?
  17. Like any fish they can change color when stressed. Is there any reason for your Oto to be stressed? I've also noticed as my Otos have gotten older (and whoa, bigger) they often change color but I've never seen this on any of them. Do you have more than one Oto? Is someone picking on them? Are your water parameters good?
  18. @Guppysnail thanks we all appreciate the support. Glimmer is actually doing pretty well and the boy, Pegasus who I got at the same time does better than anyone. Immaculate has been hiding at the back of the tank for a couple of days but I think she's ok as every time I check on her she's in a different position. I'm sorry you lost your snail babies too. 😞 They definitely do mourn.
  19. I'm thinking Nanci that it's something to do with the neons themselves. Yes *maybe* the tank has/had an issue but clearly since 1 died on the way home there was already a problem. People QT all the time in a plain plastic tub with no cycled material sometimes. If I were in your shoes I'd treat my remaining Neon with a parasitic medication. I personally use Seachem's Paraguard but there are others out there. I would make sure it would treat most parasitic infections and include things like Ich and Gill Flukes (which can't be seen externally). Continuing to use Prime and doing testing/water changes and redosing when necessary would not be a bad thing either.
  20. Hmm. Both tough plants I think. Maybe the barbs are testing their limits with the plant. Maybe he should try blanched spinach! 🙂
  21. I kind of googled that, they will eat plants but most people seem to be saying they wouldn't bother with Anubias. But being oportunistic fish that's possible. Does your cousin feed to sparingly?? Are there other softer plants in the tank? It seems they would go for those first if at all....
  22. Glimmer, (pictured here) my accidental Mystery Momma was my snail most recently in Snail Hospital. She looks terrible (shell-wise) compared to her companions but in the end her oldest companion Escape' (can't get that accent over the last e, stupid keyboard) passed away in the last month. She was with me for well over a year and was actually companion to my Betta Kimono (pictured in my chat profile pic) in a 5 gallon when I first got her. She's (Glimmer) been motoring around well enough in the tank lately but I keep a watchful eye on her. Glimmer is still very pretty to me. I love her dark body and red dots.
  23. Good question! What's in the tank with the plant and we'll start there!
  24. Gosh Nanci, that's terrible, I'm so sorry. Having lost 1 in the bag on the way home I suspect it's nothing you did. I've never had .25 ammonia tests kill any fish- though I'm sure it didn't help. I'm wondering if the flashing/erratic swimming is a parasite or gill fluke. The QT tank they were in was stable/running/cycled?
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