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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. The three things that I have had that make my green water go clear are: Lack of light Lack of food Daphnia or cyclops or rotifers Plants can compete with green water for food. The increase in nitrates and nitrites could be from adding the additional fish or sometimes I get that for no apparent reason. If the fish don't mind I don't care either. But that being said all that nitrogen should be more food for the green water. If you had rotifers come in with the new fish, the rotifers would definitely eat all the green water and yet you would never seen them as they are microscopic.
  2. Amazing setups. I love the breeding colonies you have established. If fish want to breed you must be doing something right!
  3. Most people only want colorful fish. Drab grey colored fish are sell poorly. I am not sure, but it might be that they are selling what most people want to buy?
  4. After carefully looking, I found the same thing in one of my shrimp aquariums. I am not 100% sure yet but what these seem to be are sessile rotifers. Rotifers are tiny invertebrate animals that are even now poorly understood. This is a colony of possibly juveniles rotifers all on stalks. When I touch them they all contract and then come out again. Much more research is needed. Here is video I shot a few minutes ago of the ones I found in the ghost shrimp breeding aquarium: Thank you @DIEProphezeiung and @Brandy for calling my attention to these fascinating little animals!
  5. AquaBid is a source for bags for selling fish and plants.
  6. Mobetta (a respected seller) has groups of juveniles of this (so you will get a mix of sexes) on Aquabid:
  7. I bet @KBOzzie59 knows!
  8. I bought cobra endlers with females from Aquabid this summer without knowing I was buying them. The item for sale was this: 'I will send you whatever I feel like'. I paid my $30 and got some nice swordtails, cobra endlers (male and female), and some water sprite and a couple of other things. I think I got my monies worth. These are in the Dirt aquarium in the dirted tank project: So they are definitely out there.
  9. I like the way that is coming along. It is amazing what you can do when you have concrete floor.
  10. I just ordered a 1" thick piece of high density polyethylene to use as the white base.
  11. I was happy enough with mine until I saw yours! 🙂 This is one of my favorite parts of the forum. I am a better fishkeeper everyday because I learn something new on the forum everyday!
  12. In theory they will house the upcoming baby discus. But you know the old saying...don't count your baby discus before eggs are layed, hatched and the fry are free swimming and are big enough to be removed from the parents.
  13. @Matt_ This is what I have using up until now, but yours is better. It is white and holds from the bottom and allows for an integrated test card.
  14. Update: It worked out. I said 'when the our boys come over for Thanksgiving, they can help me setup the new aquariums.' She said with raised eyebrow, 'aquariums plural?' I said yes and that was all she said (the two 75 gallons are on the right of the photo, and most importantly the top 75 gallon is still down hill from the water source aquarium in the livingroom - barely visible through the doorway - so siphoning still works). Now, for sure, no more aquariums!
  15. Not sure about this one. I don't think I have ever seen angelfish eat leaves?
  16. Sometime angelfish pick at a plant when they getting ready to breed as a way of cleaning a spot to lay their eggs. Are there 2 angelfish doing this?
  17. Statistics and probability are slippery for the best mathematical minds in the world. Even the great Paul Erdos got tripped up on the Monty Hall problem.
  18. Slowly but surely. Haven't recalibrated yet. I need to check out the Apex information that @Streetwise sent first.
  19. I confess that I am considering setting up an aquarium and intentionally trying to grow green hair algae, black beard algae, staghorn algae and cyanobacteria all in the same aquarium. And maybe just throw in some hydra, seed shrimp and planaria for good measure. I can just see the next poster with staghorn algae problems being annoyed when I start pestering them for their water parameters and their secret of success! I mustn't do that. I must be kind and helpful at all times.🙂
  20. Ask the question on the forum for a start. The collective memory here is really deep. Even you are becoming part of the collective memory. 🙂
  21. @Matt_, also - great invention! I may try and make this one.
  22. @Brandy This is super valuable! You see post asking how fast should their plants be growing. Well, this give a visual reference of what a month's progress looks like, or four month's progress. I hope we see many more post on this thread of planted aquariums over time. I also jealous of the Vallisnera. I wish mine grew that well.
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