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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. I bought a total of four 48" Finnex Stingrays for the two new 75 gallons aquariums that should arrive today. I thought about other more powerful more and expensive lighting, but heh even for me ultimately there is such a thing as a budget. My thinking was, for $160 per tank the Finnex Stingrays will give me durable, attractive lighting that will get the job done. So that seemed like the most reasonable path for the lighting. It is not the only way to go, but it is a reasonable way to go.
  2. I just had the same issue in a my two new 75 gallon aquariums and decided one was plenty. I had a large one sitting around, but I think one medium one would have worked just a well. There are not chunks of matter just floating around in the aquarium for the sponge to mechanically take out, so what does a sponge filter do? It is a home for bacteria that process nitrogen and a medium one does that just a well as a larger one. The amount of the bacteria is not controlled by the size of the sponge, it is controlled by the amount of food the fish give it. But the number one home for bacteria and by far and away the biggest most important filter in the aquarium are the plants. The sponge filter is just a fancy airstone 🙂. Filter 'ratings' are over-rated...
  3. Everything clears up eventually. It can take more time than your patience will allow, but everything clears. Is it the size of the substrate you don't like? Is it the cloudiness? What is the goal? If you don't like the grain size, it has got to come out I would think, but I am not sure. If it is the cloudiness, you can wait or do water changes. There are some kinds of cloudiness that water changes cannot fix like green water or bacterial blooms, but these are the ones time will fix. It seems like your goal is to have a cool looking black substrate and grow plants in it. Unless you think what you have is too fine for that you have accomplished that goal. Don't worry about biofilm. That is a totally renewable resource that grows exponentially. And like most things with fishkeeping usually the best course of action is to do nothing, or at least wait a few days and see what the problem is telling you.
  4. I didn't wash mine when I used it to cap the dirt in the dirted tank, but I was very careful about not stirring it up as I filled the aquarium. It was clear from the beginning. The photo below (the middle tank on the lower row) is from 30 minutes after the water went in.
  5. One month into the project and all the aquariums, fish and plants are thriving. Eco-Complete The most clarity, but the least plant growth so far. But there is plant growth. Dirt The middle child. Better plant growth than EcoComplete, not quite as clear...yet. Nerm The most plant growth, even the babies tears are growing. But also a tinge of green water. But this tank is also clearing by the day. All in all they are very similar so far. For the first time I gave each tank some Easy Green (5 mL). This should spur some plant growth. It is also probably time to refresh the root tabs in the Nerm tank.
  6. I don't have any filter on the big aquarium, it doesn't need one. I stock it lightly, and there is so much surface area that there is plenty of room for beneficial bacteria in the sand and on the logs. It has an automatic water change setup if I want to do a water change. Underneath the tank is a heater and a recirculating pump:
  7. @Aubrey you clearly have access to older cool literature. I love it when you have to links like this! I just downloaded this book.
  8. I put them under the microscope and they are definitively Vorticella. No doubt at all. Teamwork with @DIEProphezeiung and @Brandy. I learn something new on the forum everyday!
  9. I I have switched from it being sessile rotifers to Vorticella. If I have chance today, I will put it under the microscope and see what it looks like.
  10. I am still going for some sort of crypt. I think there are more than 400 species, but only a subset of those in the aquarium trade. Now you have got me wanting one of these mystery plants. 🙂
  11. For what is worth, I two 40 gallon breeders and a 50 something overhanging the boards that are over hanging the cinder blocks. But no issues
  12. I think that is what I have too. Thanks for tracking that down.
  13. Here are a couple of tanks from the Dirted Tank Project. The ammonia almost always stayed at 0.25 ppm while cycling. Except for a couple of 1 day (or even few hour events, it stayed very low. These tanks have had angelfish, guppies and plants in them since November 1 2020. So yes, it looks like it possible to cycle with a minimal ammonia spike.
  14. I don't think any of my aquariums ever yields 'pantone yellow' on an API Freshwater Master Test Kit. Above is a test I just conducted. The tube on the left is fresh well water from the tap. The tube on the right is that same water after being passed through a 7 stage RODI system. I would probably call that 0.25 ppm ammonia. Maybe it is just lighting? These two ammonia readings are from an established aquarium and run simultaneously, but depending on lighting they look a little different. So at the end of the day, if my API Freshwater Master Test Kit tells me I have 0.25 ppm ammonia, I take that with a huge grain of aquarium salt.
  15. I like Caribsea Peace River in the coarse sand/fine gravel department. One more step up is CaribSea Rio Grande.
  16. Snails are both male and female, so maybe one of the snails just had a headache.
  17. Yes, I thought I saw my ghost shrimp snacking on them this morning also.
  18. I have one snail named Sluggo and he is a total bully to the other snails. Should I re-home him to the YoYo loach tank?
  19. I am trying to nudge @Cory to read questions off the forum during the livestreams and mention that the question was from the forum when he reads it. I know it is really difficult to look at multiple monitors (including the chat rushing by) and somehow seamlessly hit all of your cues. The upside is, if questions were to be identified as coming from the forum, it would drive even more traffic to the forum. This could be a double edged sword though.
  20. I just setup two 75 gallon aquariums and you can see daylight all the way across the bottoms of both tanks, except at the shorts ends. So both of these aquariums are being supported on the short ends only.
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