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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Funny how so often...the fish didn't read the book (or internet these days).
  2. I have some juvenile Gulf Coast Pygmy Sunfish that I might have to move soon. Currently they are in a holding tank for fish that will eventually go into the 1930s aquarium. This male (the dark colored fish behind the swordtails) is now king of this aquarium and all the other fish give him a wide berth. He hasn't fully colored up yet, but he has colored up enough for me to know he is a he. I guess they aren't juveniles anymore. I might setup a breeding tank, but I am waiting on @Randy and @Bob to get theirs going (and see who can breed them first).🙂
  3. Show standards are artificial, you should breed what looks strong to you.
  4. The link is to Guppy West which I think is a regional IFGA member.
  5. Depends on what you are going for, but here is a small sample of Delta tail guppy male standards. But you really have to be into show guppies to worry about all those details. If it were me, I would breed the one that were attractive to my eye.
  6. I used to assist Roy Underhill occasionally when he taught classes at the Woodwright's school in Pittsboro, NC. And when he needed pine for a class, he would go down to the big box store and just sort through the piles until he found enough straight lumber for the class.
  7. I think I have what you saw. I bought 20 dime size angelfish on AquaBid and some look like this with diamond like scales: Some came out more bluish like this: And some were more plain like this: All these colors seem to come from 1 batch of fry. They all looked the same and were the same size (about the size of a fingernail) when I got them in late September of this year. I don't know what this diamond scale thing is called, but it is out there. Maybe some of the angelfish people on the forum can identify this for us. I have been sorting out the types into the 3 aquariums in the dirted tank project.
  8. There are a lot of Utricularia, many with pretty flowers but the foliage is not quite as pretty as Bucephalandra or Ludwigia as @ange suggests. You could do Eleocharis there are a 100 of those, but your tank would look like a prairie. 🙂 I'd think about Sagittaria too, lots of variety there. Lots of opportunity to explore immersed and emmersed also (same with Cryptocoryne).
  9. And if you wanted to do a plant families tank, think about Araceae. It contains: Cryptocoryne Pothos Anubias Bucephalandra Many more
  10. The genus Cryptocoryne has hundred of species and many are wildly different. I'd go for that in a heartbeat. Check out this amazing site for all things Cryptocoryne.
  11. As Grouch Marx once said: Why a four-year-old child could understand this flow-chart. Run out and find me a four-year-old child!
  12. My heart raced for a moment with just the thought of an app to change water for me.🙂
  13. Bulk Reef Supply has a few: Search Results Template - Bulk Reef Supply WWW.BULKREEFSUPPLY.COM
  14. Okay Meme masters there has got to something that can be done with this. Even the @TheDukeAnumber1, king of nerms, might be able to come up with something.
  15. @Coronal Mass Ejection Carl had an interesting post testing the limits of the API ammonia test
  16. @Coronal Mass Ejection Carl is an asset to this forum. He gave me heartburn at first like when I would make some pompous pronouncement and he would quietly poke holes in it with an incisive question. But someone has to be there to help separate the wheat from the chaff. Having quality feedback like that makes the forum a more valuable resource.
  17. Over oxygenation (DO above 110%) is not good for some fish. I have read that it may cause 'gas bubble disease' which apparently is like the 'bends' are for humans.
  18. I was really surprised at those numbers too! I know it possible to have over 100% saturation as I see references to it in the literature, but I was still surprised the see it in my results. But, in an aquarium with no airstone the DO sensor gives textbook numbers of 9.0 mg/L at ~69°F. The water itself is brand new RODI water with a little bit of Kent R/O Right to give some minerals back. This shouldn't make a difference, but I thought I would throw this out there. Barometric pressure is currently 30.01 in and the aquariums are at 420 ft above sea level. Can't rule out sensor calibrations issues though so I will recalibrate again in a few days and see what the numbers look like
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