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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. She ate the eggs a few at a time over the next hour. He tried to stop her, but she was too agile.
  2. Horizontal strips are not breeding stripes. When a female betta is receptive to male betta she displays a pattern of vertical bars like this: or this
  3. I bet this batch of eggs doesn't make it, the first try rarely does, but a least he is guarding them and fanning them now.
  4. Lots of people keep discus in hard water with a pH like yours. I think it helps if you can get your discus while they are juveniles and raise them in your water. I do have to admit though, that is pretty hard water. Like you could hammer nails with that water.
  5. He is getting better. This is a few minutes later. I shot this video from the other side and a few feet further back.
  6. Discus and humans may not be all that different. First attempts at mating may be awkward and clumsy, especially the males. This male doesn't quite understand his role yet, but I sure with patience the female can bring him along.
  7. I like your grab what is on hand style of fish, plants and live food! And where could that online place be?🙂
  8. Yes, they drop them when they are ready. It was the first egg layer I ever bred when I was a kid, although I had nothing to do with it. It was confusing at first. I was holding some white clouds in a trash can outdoors and I kept see these super tiny fish in among the hornwort. It didn't make sense until I realized they were baby white clouds. I was so proud! I bred an egg laying fish! I thought I was hot stuff for a while.
  9. White Clouds are deaf to the 'Just Say No' slogan. I don't think there is anyway to stop them from laying eggs. But unlike guppies, their numbers will not get out of hand. Mostly the eggs and fry get eaten pretty quickly.
  10. I think @Paul And @MickS77 are currently breeding Kribensis
  11. That photo could be the female, or at least that tube looks like an ovipositor. Female kribensis are more colorful than the males. I suspect they are already mating or are about to. They like to lay eggs in a cave. They are really good parents and are a great first fish to breed.
  12. One way to learn more is to check out these two books. I got my copy of 'American Aquarium Fishes' from Bob Goldstein (the author) in exchange for a few Pygmy Sunfish. It covers everything and has some nice photos: The 'Freshwater Fishes of South Carolina' book has good species pages with maps on each fish. The sharp eyed will notice the Blue-barred pygmy sunfish on the cover of the South Carolina book. 🙂 And the even sharper eyed will notice the Rosario LaCorte book 'Aquarist Journey' behind the South Carolina book. @Randy has several good interviews with Rosario on his Aquarist Podcast, which I highly recommend.
  13. I like native fishes and North Carolina makes it easy to collect them because here they are legally considered 'bait'. But for good reasons in other states possession of native fishes are restricted. What are the laws in California like? @Taylor Blake, @mountaintoppufferkeeper, @Cole, @WhitecloudDynasty and many more on this forum keep native fishes. The Southeastern United States has world class diversity of fish species thanks recurring cycles of glaciation over the eons.
  14. You can also buy freshwater rotifer kits. And you can buy an algae farm kit (to grow green water to feed your rotifers) from the same place But wait, you are not done spending money just yet. You need algae food to feed the algae to feed the rotifers.🙂
  15. I think I have ghost shrimp in 90% of my aquariums, they even persist in my angelfish tanks.
  16. The saltwater people already have this product: The saltwater version is more for food, but still it shows it can be done.
  17. The tetra test strips will test for chlorine. That would be a cheap insurance policy and answer your question. I have not experienced problems with moving fish between water with different parameters as long as it was clean water on on both sides.
  18. The color and the dancing will both get more intense as time goes on.
  19. Saw one of young males starting to dance for the first time. I am looking forward to this male establishing a nest and becoming fully colored up.
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