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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Having members like @Aubrey who fascinating microscopy contributions and @H.K.Luterman whose Dragons and Pookas and Igors have been a forum mainstays since the very first day of forum and @Kirsten who represents the epitome of the forum prime directive (which is to be kind and helpful) are what make this forum the fascinating, funny, informative, kind and helpful place that it has become. We are lucky to have them as members!
  2. Where there are bananas, there are hope.🙂 But don't count your bananas before they hatch!
  3. If you still have 'bananas' you are still in the game. Just stick it the still corner of one of your fish tanks and keep your fingers crossed.
  4. For your last feeding, I would do less than usual. Food turns to waste and the waste that is there while you are gone should be as little as possible. In the past I kept hundreds of bettas and I wouldn't have had any concerns about not feeding them for 4 days.
  5. Could also be a biofilm, which is just another word for colonies of bacteria.
  6. I did a little research and discovered that in the UK what I call 'vernal pools' in American English are called 'temporary ponds' in British English: This publication had this chart: Which will at least give the common names of little critters to begin to look up what you might have collected. Also feel free to post photos of what you have. I know I would be interested in seeing it.
  7. The only reactions I have had to feeding the live foods I have collected are sudden increases growth rates and an marked increase in the willingness of my fish to breed.🙂
  8. I collect some live foods in local vernal pools in North Carolina, USA. I get: bloodworms mosquito larva daphnia fairy shrimp (return these to pool) isopods seed shrimp beetle larva amphipods tadpoles - (I return these and salamander larva back to the pool) dragonfly larva damselfly larva glassworms various ostracods etc Here is a photo of one of the glassworms in a recent batch I must be anal un-retentive because I always feed my fish everything right away when all the live food is at its peak health. I have had dragonfly larva eat some fry, but the dragonfly larva were cooler than the fry they ate so it was a net plus.
  9. I find myself thinking about this bad boy again. Not just a summer tub, but a summer tub with a view! Or the ultimate quarantine tank! I am wondering if the dining room table can hold it, it's made of oak.
  10. Honey bee stings can fatal for people who are allergic so if you are concerned, I would get an allergy test. But far fewer people are allergic than think they are. If I get stung on the nose by a honey bee, my nose will swell, but that doesn't mean I am allergic. Being allergic is getting stung on one place on your body and swelling somewhere else, or having shortness of breathe, or worse. If you are worried, get tested.
  11. My yard is every mosquito's worst nightmare. It looks like the Garden of Eden, but very, very few larva ever make it to adulthood.
  12. Rotting plant material placed in the bottom of the bucket will accelerate things quite a bit. Last year I had some garden clippings sit in a wheel barrow of water for a week (and they started to smell nasty). Those decaying clippings added to the 5 gallon buckets of water must have attracted every female mosquito for miles around.
  13. Believe me when I say I only know those words for a few minutes just after I look it up.
  14. @quirkylemon103 Bee and wasp venoms are different as bees and wasps are only distantly related. Both bee and wasp venom contain distinct major allergens. Phospholipase A2 and mellitin occur only in bee venom, and antigen 5 only in wasp venom, but both venoms contain hyaluronidases. People that are allergic to wasp venom are rarely allergic to bee venom.
  15. Finally the 5 gallon buckets behind the garage are starting to fill with mosquito larva, yay! If you watch closely you will also notice Daphnia swimming around in there also (which I didn't add to the buckets). You know how you make your own sour-dough mother culture just by putting flour and water on the porch outside for a few days and wild yeasts waft in and those yeasts get your sour-dough mother culture started. I think it is like that with buckets of water. I think the Daphnia eggs just waft in on the air.
  16. Don't hold your breath, my day job is beekeeper and Spring is my crazy time.
  17. Even the nodules on the pea roots in my garden are pink on the inside. It is because the nitrogen fixing bacteria that make the nodules make hemoglobin (which make blood red and nodules pink) to absorb all the oxygen in the nodule so that the bacteria will have the oxygen free environment the bacteria need to go ahead and break down the triple bonded nitrogen molecules. How cool is that!
  18. I bought some Baby's Tears (Micranthemum umbrosum) from the Co-Op back in October for a project and did my usual practice of ignoring the aquarium I put the baby's tears in for quite a while. In addition I have 2 kinds of duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza also known as Giant duckweed and Lemna minor regular duckweed in this aquarium. Today when I finally got around to moving the duckweed to our compost pile I noticed something odd. The putative duckweed was noticeably elevated out the water and had stems between leaf nodes. The duckweed is in fact emmersed baby' tears. This is really cool to know as this would also make a good bubble nest habitat for sparkling gouramis. This is also an excellent form algae control as the aquarium underneath the baby's tears, giant duckweed mat is dark and bereft of nutrients.
  19. If the fish are healthy then you are in a good place. If it were me, before trying pads, I would add plants. Plants are nitrate sponges that turn nitrates in to more plants.
  20. My medaka outdoors in an in-ground pool just made it through a very cold February with air temperatures in the teens and highs barely reaching freezing for a week. Didn't seem to bother them at all.
  21. I did just join. $30 for the annual membership is money well spent.
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