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Everything posted by MattyIce

  1. Bottle Opener Magnet stuck to fish rack. I bought a 29, put in the substrate, bumped the bottle opener magnet, fell into the tank, and cracked the bottom in half.
  2. The out of tank stuff is very cool. Do you have to water any of the mosses that aren't submerged or do they get watered enough through wicking action?
  3. Turned my Grandparents neglected unused 4 foot deep 16 X 32 pool into a no filtration pond earlier this year. I have several planted tanks that lead to the need for a tank for trimmings, and then a second tank for trimmings, and then a third tank for trimmings, and then i just started dumping extra trimmings into an outdoor 100 gallon rubbermaid mini pond which was already full of water Hyacynth and other plants. I cleaned out the pool and filled it with about 6 inches of well water, transfered about 25 water hyacynths, about a pound of duck weed, a good amount of guppy grass, and lots of other random clippings. It has been about 2 months now and it hasn't completely failed so I'm making a photo journal about it. Unfortunately these are the oldest photos I have, they are from about a month after I first cleaned the pool, late July/Early August: These are from about a week and a half ago, thanks to rain the pool is about 1.5 feet full and my Dwarf Aquarium lily is blooming: Trying to do a Time Lapse of the flower opening: And here are some pictures from Today, 2 of my water hyacinth have bloomed:
  4. I was part of a forum where a group was working together to get every one in the group to as many points as possible, by using up all their points each day and only ever giving them out to other people in the group. The forum started limiting how many likes can be given to individual posts to stop it so they started making nonsense posts in the more obscure parts of the forum every time a post reached its limit. When 20 people are working together like this and points equals actual forum power it can become very silencing if you have a different opinion. I look at the like or thank you as a way to reduce unnecessary "Thank's for the advice" posts that bring a thread from 2 weeks ago back to the front page and just the like, thank you, heart, ect buttons are all that are needed for that. Personally, I'd like to see the currency aspect removed and be able to like as many posts as I want, but i understand how it ties into the self moderation idea, and realize that it would be quite a bit more to it than just removing the points.
  5. Sony full frame DSLR The one i have has interval photo setting where i can set it to take, for example, 500 photos each one 5 seconds apart. with it being a DSLR i can set up the photo how ever i want then i use the interval feature to take the photos.
  6. With this Thread, Rachel O'Leary doing a time lapse of her lotus, and my Dwarf Aquarium Lily flowering the night before last for the first time, I had to give it a try: I encountered a whole lot of issues, took too many pictures too fast and ran out of space on my memory card, it was getting darker so i had to adjust ISO settings at times, and in the end it got too dark to continue before it fully opened. Probably going to try again tonight, now that i am more prepared. To note, for this I set it to aperture priority and opened the lens as far as i could, so that the camera could auto adjust shutter speed to keep exposure the same. I also turned off Auto White Balance, setting it to the daylight setting so that temp and tint wouldn't change as the sun went down.
  7. I had recently read a study that showed males spent up to 45% harassing females resulting in up to a 3 times higher mortality rate than for males kept only with other males. might be the males aren't surviving as long. https://phys.org/news/2017-02-sexual-fish-worldmale-guppies.html#:~:text=In the study published in,to being housed with males.
  8. I've seen a few craft beer towns do a passport kind of thing where you can get a booklet and get it stamped at each of the different breweries. Filling the passport would get you a cheap T-shirt or Beer glass. Something similar, where cheap stickers for filling the book are included when buying from different Hobbyists and Fishtubers, would be cool.
  9. American ciclid, probably Convict or Jack Dempsey Watching Intelligent fish care for their babies is, IMO, the best part of the hobby. and with jacks or convicts, if you have a male and a female, it is pretty much assured. and then you have all the color morphs you can breed for too. Plus, if they are breeding, it’s just about the only fish you can keep in the tank, so you don’t need any more anyways.
  10. I’d probably take the frame off, remove the silicone and take it all apart. cut the other long sheet in half to make two 6 in high sheets, use them for the front and back sheets and trim down the side glass to 6 inches. make a kind of 5 gallon rimless low boy. Broke the bottom out of a 29 gallon by accident, cut the front panel in half for two 9 inch high sheets, Laid the aquarium on its back, cut the side panels down to 9 inches, used the 9 inch high sheets for a new front and back panel, to make a 30 long x 9 high x 18 deep 20 gallon low boy.
  11. it was shortly brought up in response to a chat question during a live stream, it might be a little hard to find the correct live stream I think it was either the live stream from 2 or 3 weeks ago,but i'm not sure,
  12. In one of the Aquarium Co-op live streams Corey had mentioned that sometimes a male will suppress their hormones or something to keep from coloring up, perhaps related to tank competition. In suppressing the hormones they grow bigger and look like females, but they are males, the colors will eventually show and because they grow so much larger they tends to rule the tank. Not sure if that is the exact reason for it, but I had this happen with a Japanese Neon Blue Endler that got to about twice the size of my other male endlers before he started to show his colors.
  13. Recorded some unboxing footage a few months back, never did anything with it. This thread got me thinking about it again, so I made an attempt to edit it together and add a voice over:
  14. Thank you for advising that it was not hole in the head. I continued treating with the melafix for a week and they are all looking better. I am guessing the male was chasing the females around and they injured themselves. I will keep them separate for now.
  15. Grandparents old pool, was out of use for several years, areas around the skimmer box is starting rot, and other damage, it needs a good bit of work to become a usable pool. Murky green water, snails and tadpoles were the only thing living in it for some time, i was just tossing random trimmings from my tank into the pool hoping something would grow but it would always melt except for some hearty vine like floating plant that i got from my friends old natural pond. A month and a half - 2 months ago I drained it, rinsed out the dirt and muck, filled it up about 6-7 inches with well water, added about 20 water hyacinth, lots of duck weed, lots of guppy grass, lots of riccia floutia, just about anything that i had lots of of, i also put in a banana plant that i didn't want in one of my tanks. Almost everything started melting back at the start, though the banana plant, duck week and water hyacinths made it though and are doing well now. The guppy grass and everything else are have become huge clumps of algae. With moving 20 water hyacinths out of a rubber maid pond, it made way for a dwarf aquarium lily to take over to the point where the lily didn't have room for itself anymore. With plants actually doing OK in the pool/pond I ended up moving the dwarf aquarium lily out about a week ago and it is doing well. my banana plant has been flowering, checked it out the other day, found that it was growing new plants too: This is my first year doing outdoor ponds/water gardens, I am just growing plants and do not have any fish outdoors.
  16. Has any one tried the ZissS SF-1 sieve? if so do you use the .10 or .13? It looks like it has a metal mesh, any opinions on that? At around 30$ a sieve, there is the RUSalty Sieve, has any one tried that or other higher quality sieves? are they worth the extra money compared to the Hobby sieve from Brine Shrimp Direct? What advantages are there?
  17. looks like Camallanus worms. I believe columnaris is white bacterial blotches. I just had these worms in my jack dempseys, i would recommend levamisole from select aquatics. The worms can cause an impaction that can kill the fish even after treating the worms, you might also want to try a low dose of epson salts to help with constipation. There are some good Camallanus worms resources in the following thread:
  18. I hang an air stone in my hatchery, near the bottom, resting on the side opposite the bubbles. i just use it to cause turbulence in the water current at the bottom of the hatchery, I don't hook it to air, the turbulence helps prevent eggs from settling on the bottom. To note, I am only hatching about one Teaspoon of eggs at a time, it might not be as effective with larger amounts of eggs.
  19. One of the negatives seems to be moving stuff around, is there a risk of nitrate spike or the like from stirring up the dirt when removing plants? or it is just a matter of making the water dirty?
  20. Just to note, the AquaTek regulator i mentioned above for 70$ and Cory mentiones in the Aquarium Coop C02 video at around 25 seconds in, is a dual stage regulator with cool touch solenoid. With my mention above of EBay, it is not that it is used at 70$ but that an ebay store is selling them new for 70$.
  21. In this same line of thinking, there is something called a Jockey box that might inspire some ideas:
  22. Thank you Good Thread Idea, really enjoy sunrise and sunset photos, something calming about them, kinda like watching a fish tank.
  23. Looking across Yang Cheng Lake at Suzhou Sunrise, looking the opposite way out at Kunshan Sunrise, Cadillac mountain in Maine Sunset, TreeHouse brewing Mass. Sunset, outside of Bruges Sunset Munich Sunset, close to Wolfratshausen Germany
  24. Not sure if Tip/trick but i started making a concentrate salt water the day before hand using a quart deli container. 1/4 cup rock salt, fill the container, put a lid on and The next day everything is dissolved. Add the salt concentrate, add a second quart of water, temp adjusted to bring the mixture to around 81, and add the eggs. With a cleaned blender i have a solution started for the next day and am ready to add the eggs to the blender in a min or 2. I guess the tip is more, figure out a simple system for making the salt mixture, equipment and process, and you can save a lot of time.
  25. I have a 500 gallon cistern with roof rain water collection, water comes out at about 65 in the summer 55 in the winter. i use a pump and garden hose to get that to a 55 gallon drum in my fish room: in the drum i have a 600 gph pump connected to PVC that comes up to a ball valve, it then splits, one side goes out to a barb connected to soft 1/2 inch python tubing the other to a ball valve directed back into the barrel. at the other end of the tubing i have this, for filling the tanks. I have the second ball valve above for relieving pressure on the pump when I want to restrict flow using the ball valve on the filling wand. I just fill the drum before i go to bed and the next day it is up to room temp, 74 and good to use. If you are thinking of doing something with trash cans, maybe this Aquarium Co-Op video will give you some ideas at around the 5 min mark:
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