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Everything posted by Colu

  1. doesn't look emaciated any more its put on some weight it's amazing what good care can do is a short space of time
  2. Looks like saprolegniasis it's an opportunistic fungal infection I would treat with ick X and a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons at that level it won't harm your plants @Arcticgypsy
  3. Looks like an internal growth possibly a tumor treatment wise theirs no a lot i could recommend I would add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties if it develops any redding of the lump then I would do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days @Karen B.
  4. If your still noticing the white patches under the skin getting worse then I would follow up with the course of metroplex in food
  5. That just a different colour morph of a honey gourami I thinks it's a sunset honey gourami they are fine to put with your other honey gourami @wildfish
  6. I have a separate net and bucket and siphon hose for each tank I also disinfect my nets buckets and siphon tubing with 3% hydrogen peroxide
  7. There's a lot of similar looking hill stream loachs it can get confusing when it comes to and ID
  8. Rapid breathing hanging near the surface could be low levels of desloved oxygen I would expect all the fish to be hanging near the surface if that was the cause or it could be a parasitic infections such as Gill flukes that can cause the odd random death every now and then what I would do is add an extra air stone and treat with praziquantel do three full courses of treatment 2weeks apart @Lennie
  9. The red patch's on the mouth and the side of its face look like a bacterial infection you can treat with maracyn or maracyn2 they are safe to use with Africa ADF with the bloating I would try fasting for a couple of days to see it goes down @LindsaysADFS
  10. I don't think it TB what I would do is complete the course of kanaplex and then follow up with a course of sachems metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 21 days the active ingredient metronidazole treat's anaerobic bacteria that can cause body rot you will also need seachems focus that binds the medication to the food
  11. What's your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate kH GH have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface flashing spitting food out
  12. Your want to treat for 3 days after you see the last spots with ick X then I would leave them in quarantine a minimum of 2 weeks before putting them back in the main tank @CaptKirkland
  13. The way I look at things if it's something I can treat I will give it a chance if you think the suggested treatment I recommended won't have much of an effect the. I would just monitor and hope for best
  14. Problems with swimming can be caused by a number of things such as your fish over eating and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder bacterial infections of the swim bladder injury to the swim bladder high levels of nitrates can also effect the swim bladder or your fish is weak due fighting off a bacterial infection or parasitic infection low kH can also cause issue with platys due to lack of minerals what I would do is Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for 5days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to relieve pressure on the swim bladder and I would also do a course of metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day upto 21 days
  15. The one with the spots at the front and stripes at the back could a female Gastromyzon zebrinus the one with the spots could be Gastromyzon scitsulus I just read that they come in as contaminants with zebrinus @neidzwiedz
  16. I wouldn't suggest adding more fish to the 10 gallon that's already overstocked tiger barbs get about 3-3.5in when fully grown and do better in 29 gallon or bigger long term they are active fish
  17. I would second @OnlyGenusCaps check for anything Sharp that could be injuring him and treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex or maracyn2 just in case theirs a bacterial component I think it would also be beneficial to add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties @BlueLineAquaticsSC
  18. What I think happened while you were away you had missed an ammonia and nitrite spike that has weaken his immune system I don't think the colour change is anything sinister I think it's natural colour mutations the gold colour doesn't look like velvet to me I what I would do is add Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties depending on the quality of the leaves you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallon at that level it shouldn't harm your plants if after two weeks your seeing no improvement or he get worse in the mean time give us an update @sharkboxed
  19. On day 6 do a large water change and run active carbon for 24hr to remove any remaining medication then you can start the second course of treatment
  20. Most parasites or pathogens can't last without a host for more then 4 weeks what I would do is leave the tank a minimum of 6 weeks to air on the side of caution as your not a 100% sure what killed the fish and I would add 3% hydrogen to sterilise your tank leave the filters running the hydrogen peroxide will break down into H20 and oxygen I would sterilise all other equipment nets buckets with hydrogen peroxide then rinse them in dechlorinated water if you use hydrogen peroxide it will also kill your benefial bacterial so you will have to recycle your tank
  21. Your kH is on the low side should be 4-8 GH 6-8 I would definitely add some crushed coral to increase your KH keep treating with Expel p you could add some garlic guard to his food to help simulate his appetite as well update in a week if he get worse before then give us an update
  22. That looks like a prolapse in the bottom picture that can be caused by internal parasites what I would do is treat with Expel p once a week for 4 weeks and black out the tank for 24 HR during in treatment as levamisole is a light sensitive medication add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes to give him more energy at that level it won't harm your plants and I would add an extra air stone if your seeing rapid breathing bent spines in guppies with large tails is not uncommon what is your kH because you can get these symptoms sure to lack of minerals in water with livebearers @QueenNeptune01
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