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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I think it more then likely caused by chlorine in your water what I would do is holed off on your water change or do smaller less frequent water if you have high levels of chlorine in your water as long as your not not seeing any ammonia or nitrite and add a add and extra air stone and you can dose up to 5 the amount of prime in an emergency I would do that once then add a double dose daily till water company has finished flushing the pipes and you not seeing any chlorine in your water @NCfish
  2. It's safe to use with snails it can be harmful to some types of filter feeding shrimp
  3. Colu

    Betta lethargic

    As long as you have zero ammonia nitrite low nitrates below 40ppm and pH below 7.5 your water parameters should be ok for bettas I would treat him in his current tank I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons just remember to only add back in the amount of salt you take out so if you do 2 gallon water add 1 table spoon of salt back in and I would add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal you will need to add one leave per gallon to get a beneficial effect and I would do a course of maracyn2 @AmyAmy
  4. Colu

    Betta lethargic

    Bettas do best when kept at 80-82 if the temperature fluctuating between 72-78 that can effect a Betta immune system leading to secondary infections such as fin rot what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc as poor water quality can cause some of the other symptoms your seeing @AmyAmy
  5. Here's a recipe your can use with maracyn or maracyn2 I would only use this if you have an active infection not as a preventive treatment @Xaos
  6. I would use water from his tank he's how you dose maracyn2 and kanaplex in smaller tanks kanaplex come with a scoop
  7. Hopefully you don't lose any more fish
  8. It's an opportunistic bacterial infection that eats away at the tissue it could also be a ruptured growth below the eye in that case the medication and salt will help prevent secondary infection as you have done a course of maracyn that treats gram positive bacteria I would treat with maracyn2 as that treats gram negative bacterial infections if you can't get maracyn2 then I would treat with seachems kanaplex it treats gram negative and some gram positive bacteria @Skymoon
  9. Sorry to say he's not looking good it could be bacteria eating away at his face or growth below the eye that has ruptured that could have caused the Popeye if you have a quarantine tank I would move him and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and follow up with a course of maracyn2 the active ingredient minocycline is a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment also has anti-inflammatory properties @Skymoon
  10. It could be the constant stress of be bullied stressed your fish out weaken their immune system that what has caused the out break the of columnaris @Rewcolee1
  11. Did your angelfish start to pair off and start bullying the tank that can cause a lot of stress
  12. Columnaris is always in your tank it's only when your fish become stressed thought poor water quality bullying overcrowding poor diet that weaken their immune system or injuries to body or fins can be a point of entry for the bacteria to infect your fish at higher temperatures your more likely to get columnaris outbreaks
  13. Sorry to hear that columnaris is extremely aggressive bacterial infection if you have a quarantine tank I would move them to that and start treating with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon till your kanaplex and jungal fungus arrives I would be prepared for more losses fish can die without showing any symptoms within 24 HR -7 days after an outbreak of columnaris@Rewcolee1
  14. Colu

    Ich on plants?

    it doesn't necessarily mean you will have an out break in your other tanks ich usually effects fish that are stressed leading to weaken immune system if your other fish are healthy and have good water quality no ammonia nitrite I would just monitor for now if you see any signs the. I would start treating with ick X straight away or you could just add one dose of ick X and let it marinate for a week just as a preventive treatment
  15. As your other fish have started to show symptoms in such a short space of time your more than likely dealing with columnaris the level of salt need to be effective against columnaris would kill your plants both medication are fine to use with plant's kanaplex can cause snails to slow down I would always recommend removing snails during treatment if you have a quarantine tank to put them in you could add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes to help them fight of the infection I would keep the temperature were it's at you would need to lower below 75 to slow the spread of columnaris angelfish wouldn't do well in the lower temperature if you have other tanks I would make sure you don't use any nets or equipment you have used in this tank in any other tank to avoid cross contamination you can steriliser your nets and equipment using a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution what I would do is a water change add the medication as soon as it arrives you might have to do two course of treatment back to back in severe cases @Rewcolee1
  16. With ick X you want to do daily water changes and redose ick X also ich causes massive electrolyte loss so I would add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons the salt will add back in essential electrolytes
  17. Colu

    Ich on plants?

    What I would do is increase the temperature that will speed up the life cycle of ich and add one dose of ick X and let it marinate while you fish are out of the tank as the ich can attach to snails shells @Louise02
  18. You can steriliser nets with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution you can also add a pump to your siphon hose and leave it running in a bucket with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for 24hr also I would have a separate bucket and net for each tank if you can to avoid cross contamination usually when multiple tanks are having out breaks of disease it's usually caused by a combination of things such poor water quality kept in to low temperature stress weakening the immune system leading to secondary infections poor nutrition if your food has been open for more then 3months it can lose a lot of it nutritional value in that time that can lead to nutritional deficiencies in your fish making then more like to suffer from disease I would got thought process of elimination making sure nothing wrong with your water parameters check your temperature fine check what your feeding and see if theirs any other factors that could be causing stress such as over crowding or bullying by other fish have you got adequate filtration on your tanks @CJs Aquatics
  19. I remember Cory say he use ick X with prime hasn't had any problems
  20. You can get these sort of white patches with columnaris it's a gram negative bacterial infection that spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and can can kill within 24 HR to 7 days depending on the strain I can't be 100% sure that what it is what I would do is move the angelfish to a quarantine tank and treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex or maracyn2 if you don't have a quarantine tank then I would treat the main tank if other fish start to develop these with patch then I would treat all the fish with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan
  21. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc @Rewcolee1
  22. Use a bucket for Epsom salts bath then move her back to the tank after 15 minutes
  23. As long as the salt your using is pure sodium chloride your fine marine salt has different additives that are meant for marine fish I wouldn't use marine salt in a freshwater aquarium @Theplatymaster
  24. Colu

    Hospital Tank

    I have a 15 gallon for my hospital tank setup all the time I usually remove some cycled media from my main tank when I add fish if they need quarantining or treating or you could have a 5 or a 10 gallon tank put to one side and set it up when you need it adding cycled media from your main tank
  25. Are you adding a buffer to lower your pH to 7.4 during water changes if you are that is only a temporary solution with your water hardness off the charts your pH will go back to what tap waters pH is fairly quickly
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