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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I think at this point it would be worthwhile treating with Expel p once a week for 4 weeks the white patches looks like possible hole in the head disease the most effective treatment is metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 21 days as their spitting food out what I would do is day 1 Expel p day two water change then do a full course of metroplex week two repeat the Expel p water change then another full course of metroplex week 3 Expel p week 4 Expel p levamisole is a light sensitive medication so you will need to black the tank for 24hr during treatment@FishGuy919
  2. Colu


    Fritz slime out treats cynobacteria
  3. It's better added to food if they won't eat then I would dose the tank I would treat them all with the medicated food and salt
  4. Epistylis feeds off the gram negative bacteria on your fish this causes secondary bacterial infections that what usually kills your fish the most effective treatment is maracyn2 in food and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons @Tropicalfishkeeping201
  5. Yellow colouring possible velvet or a bacterial infection if it s a bacterial infection what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and do a course of maracyn2 or kanaplex if it were velvet the most effective treatment is Fritz copper safe you will need a copper test kit to keep the level of copper at a therapeutic level of 2ppm he's a picture of velvet for comparison @Liddojunior
  6. It's looks like some of the spots are raised that could just be because of picture if there flat your dealings with ich if there raise you could be dealing with epistylis he's how you tell the two apart
  7. looks like over production of the silme coat that can be caused by external parasites such as ich flukes poor water quality your water parameters are fine you pH I would aim for 7-7.5 if your other fish are thriving then I wouldn't change it another possibility is epistylis it feeds off of gram negative bacteria on your fish causing secondary bacterial infections body colour of your fish could be making it look like over production of the silme coat it's difficult to tell he's how you can tell if it's epistylis @Christhefishman
  8. I wouldn't go above 1 table spoon for 5 gallons with hillstream loach @Arcticgypsy
  9. It could be stress causing your issue have you got another tank you could put your platys in and it sound like nutrient deficiencies with your plants when they get holes in the leaves keep up with the Indian almond leaves and salt if he's still lethargic then I would recommend doing a course of maracyn2 or kanaplex @sharkboxed
  10. He's looking stressed what I would suggest is adding some floating plants for more cover mine used to get aggressive when breeding never Injured each other have you notice them making a bubble nest
  11. That looks more like an injury but I couldn't rule an aggressive bacterial infection what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and do a course of maracyn2 or kanaplex from my experience with pearl gouramis my pair were very peaceful I kept them with black skirt Tetra's penguin Tetra's and cherry barb's only time mine got a bit aggressive when they were breeding @Cinnebuns
  12. For wasting disease you want to treat with levamisole that the active ingredient in Expel p paracleanse treat's different types of parasites to Expel p @FishGuy919
  13. I mean hanging near the surface I should have put or flashing rubbing on things in the tank your water parameters look fine nothing jumping out at me sometimes fish die for no apparent reason they can have heart attacks or it could have swim into something in the tank and stunned itself and not recovered it might have just been genetically weak it difficult to say for sure
  14. If the snails have come from tank were their an active parasitic infection they can passively transport the infectious stage of the parasite in the water in their shell
  15. From the videos I have seen of Dan's fish they do deworm their puffer as puffers eat snail depending of the source of the snails your feeding that can be another vector for parasites
  16. Spitting out food can be a sign of wasting disease it causes throat irritation causing them to spit food out can you post a picture of the white patches and did you deworm your puffer before putting it in the leopard bush fish as puffer usually have a high parasites load @FishGuy919
  17. How long have you had the fish have you added anything new to the tank recently what medication and type of disease were you treating @FishGuy919
  18. I only use it to remove medication if your have enough plants and keep on top of maintenance you shouldn't need to use active carbon
  19. Possible parasitic infections what is ammonia level as high levels of ammonia can cause the symptoms your seeing
  20. Black marks are a sign it's starting to heal think of it like a bruise I would do a water change and monitor if he starts to get worse then follow up with the metroplex food
  21. Colu

    Fish tumor

    What I would suggest is Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant and I would do a course of metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 21 days
  22. At least the you haven't lossed any more fish since starting treatment just a word of caution you can have fish that look healthy and show no symptoms die very quickly with columnaris that why I would always recommend doing a second course of treatment
  23. Colu

    Fish tumor

    difficult to say for sure what's going on have you notice it pass any poop was it eating ok before you started fasting have you added anything new to the tank recently that could have bought in parasites or pathogens @Noahspurlin
  24. Gastromyzon scitsulus do get some blue in their fins looking at your other pictures I think that more than likely scitsulus @neidzwiedz
  25. Bristlenose plecos are great mine are out all the time
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