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Everything posted by Colu

  1. The best way to prevent the disease from spreading is by removing any fish showing symptoms as it's spread by fish eating the body of infected fish so it doesn't die in the tank I would just let them live out there life in this tank and remove any showing symptoms @PineSong
  2. Colu

    Molly Rescue

    Looks like the start of mouth rot what I would recommend is 1 table spoon for 1 gallon of aquarium salt and treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic such as kanaplex or maracyn2 med trio more of a preventive treatment as you have an active infection I would do a full course of one of the antibiotic treatments I recommended @TCoach
  3. If your nitrates were that high that would be the cause of the symptoms your seeing what I would do is add an extra air stone and do daily 50% water changes and you can add 5x the amount of prime in an emergency to help detoxify any ammonia or nitrite nitrate till it constantly stays at zero a high dose of salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon will help fish with nitrate poisoning helps create a natural barrier with chloride ions prevent the fish from absorbing the nitrates @AquaAries
  4. What I usually do is quarantine for a minimum of 4 weeks and just monitor if I notice anything during the quarantine period then I treat some fish such as puffers and Otto's I would always recommend deworming them before adding them to the main tank as most are wild caught they can have a heavy parasite load
  5. I would leave your guppy were it is they are more than likely other infected fish in the main tank so it will be exposed to the disease whether he's in this tank or the main tank it can take 2 weeks to a couple of months from the on set of symptoms for neon tetras disease to kill your fish they will develop cysts in the muscle tissue loss of colour have problems swimming in the advanced stages they can develop a curved spine and get secondary infections @PineSong
  6. Prazipro treats flukes and tapeworms what I would do is follow up with levamisole that treats nematode worms and round worms that will cover most types of commonly encountered parasites @Q50RedSport
  7. It can also infects danios barbs Rasboras cardinals rummy nose tetras angelfish and guppies so I would quarantine any fish showing symptoms on their own
  8. He's some information on using clove oil
  9. Sorry to hear that he's gotten worse he could have developed body rot that eaten away at the skin you could try treating him with a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex or maracyn2 if you think he's quality of life isn't there any more and he's suffering in that situation I would euthanize him with clove oil
  10. I attach my hose to a pump and run it for 24hr in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in a tub to sterilise it
  11. Typically you want to treat with general cure every two week for a total of three full courses of treatment to make sure you get any parasites that hatch inbetween treatments so do your second course of general cure on week 3 and your third course of general cure of week 5
  12. I would add some crushed coral 1lb for 10 gallons to raise your KH that's to low lack of minerals can cause health problems in platys it will raise your pH so i would add half the recommend amount and see how much your pH raises before adding more
  13. It could a tumor or benign growth with the redding there could be a secondary bacterial infections I would do a full course of kanaplex and leave the salt for a week if your seeing no progress after a full course of kanaplex give us an update
  14. You can use ick X and levamisole that's the active ingredient in Expel p together from what I have read they won't have a negative interaction between the two medication @MysterySnabies
  15. It could be soft tissue damage or a growth I would keep a close eye on that to see if it progresses update if you notice any change to it
  16. I wouldn't add kanaplex to food and treat the tank would just add kanaplex and jungal fungus to the tank following this treatment plan
  17. I would water change out the medication because the symptoms your seeing are more than likely caused by the lack of minerals in water due to low kH I would monitor them closely I wouldn't remove the aggressive platys it will causes more stress if after adding wonder shell and crushed coral your still seeing clamped fins than I would go ahead and do a course of maracyn just in case there's a bacterial component
  18. you can also get black spot disease that more common in pond raised fish as it needs snail and birds as host to spread the parasites that unlikely if you had the fish a couple of months or you can get these black patches thought trauma when your fish swim into something in the tank I couldn't rule out a bacterial component what I would do if you can is quarantine and do a course of maracyn if you don't have a quarantine tank then I would treat the main tank with maracyn and a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons at that level it won't harm your plants @Hoodie
  19. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc because the black patches can be caused by high levels of ammonia @Hoodie
  20. You can get crushed coral from the co-op it will also raise your pH as well as your KH I would add half the desired amount leave it a couple of days to see how much your pH goes up by as your pH is above 7 it Will deslove slowly so it might be worth while adding some wonder shell to temporarily add some minerals to your tank co-op quarantine trio is a preventive treatment if you need to treat an active infection you use the full dose with one of medications @FishMama814
  21. Your kH could be the issue I would add crushed coral 1lb for 10 gallons to help raise your KH you can add wonder shell in the short term to add minerals to your tanks @FishMama814
  22. What your kH GH and pH as the symptoms your describing can be caused by low kH and GH @FishMama814
  23. Fenbendazole treats the same types of parasites as levamisole it's needs to be added to food it doesn't have any effect on internal parasites when added to the tank if your seeing no improvement after the treatment of Expel p and paracleanse then I would consider treating with fenbendazole
  24. Finish the first course of paracleanse do a 50% water change add Expel p week 2 just add Expel p 50% water change week 3 do a course of paracleanse then 50% water change add Expel p week 4 Expel p 50% water change week 5 paracleanse 50% water change make sure you do a thorough gravel vac after each treatment of Expel p to remove as many eggs and expelled parasites as you can @Troy328
  25. Spitting out food can be a sign of wasting disease that caused by nematode worms that caused irritation to the throat causing the fish to spit food out that why I would treat with Expel p inbetween treatments of paracleanse
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