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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Gill flukes can cause fish to spit food out
  2. The type of parasites your describing can be treated with levamisole as you have already done multiple course Expel p flubendazole should be unnecessary unless your dealing with a parasite that has built up a resistance to levamisole
  3. With the sunken bellys and some of the other symptoms your describing possible wasting disease you would want to treat with Fritz Expel p active ingredient levamisole once week for 4 weeks @anikom15
  4. There's always a risk of cross contamination i can't find any information on shrimp or snails spreading neon tetra disease I would always air on the side of caution
  5. If there improving what I would do is add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons and monitor for now give an update in week or anything changes before them
  6. Do a large water change and put carbon back in to remove the medication and you what to treat as soon as possible if your dealing with columnaris personal I never remove plants during treatment with Kanaplex it can be harmful to some plants I have used it with Javan fern's Anubis and Vallis with no problems
  7. What I would do is take a step back at this do no treatment for one week kanaplex and metroplex and salt should have dealt with any secondary bacterial infection I would give him a rest from the medication as @nabokovfan87suggest it does look less red other then that it looks the same lead's me to suspect you are dealing with a cancerous growth what I would suggest is getting holed of maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties that will help reduce any swelling of the mast do a course of that after one week with no medication if your not seeing any improvement after that you have two options keep good stable water parameters and let him live out what ever time he has left or take him to a vets for a more comprehensive evaluation
  8. The treatment I recommended is safe for Cory's and loach the medicated food you have I would use on its own not with other medications following the instructions on the packet that would be effective at treating columnaris provide all your fish are eating @LDZ
  9. Lumps on the mouth are called Snout chondroma they are what you get with neon Tetra disease they don't disappear from what I have read so it's possible something other than neon tetra disease could be the cause of the symptoms your seeing have treated with any medication since you last posted @OBXfishkeeper
  10. With weight loss and hiding away What you could do is @Odd Duck treatment protocol for parasitic infections
  11. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc can post a picture of the fish and have you added any new fish to your tank recently @Knew tooth is
  12. You can treat with Esha alx active ingredient is lufenuron or hikari cyropro treat's anchor worms most places that sell ponds or pond fish should stock potassium permanganate @Phoenixfishroom
  13. Columnaris is a gram negative bacterial infection it can kill your fish in 24hr to 7 days depending on the stain and it spreads more quickly at temperature over 75 the Most effective treatment I have found is a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan you could quarantine and treat the two symptomatic fish if any other fish show symptoms I would treat the main tank test more frequently during treatment if you notice any ammonia or nitrite add a double dose of prime do slightly larger than 25% water change this treatment plan calls for @LDZ
  14. Colu

    Sick Betta

    You can use salt and maracyn what I would suggest is lowering the level of salt to 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and do a course of maracyn you can also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties depending on the quality of the leaves you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect if you have some seeded filter media you could add to his tank that will help with small amount of ammonia your seeing
  15. Fenbendazole is harmful to snails so I would always recommend removing them before treatment leaving them out of the tank for at least a week after treatment to make sure theres no trace of the medication left I would remove as many snails as you can then follow up with fenbendazole and keep a close eye on your water parameters during treatment
  16. I would be suspicious of columnaris looking at the white patch what I would do as only one fish is showing symptoms is quarantine and treat with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan if other fish develope symptoms then I would treat the main tank @Plaidboy
  17. Sound like neon tetra disease in your other fish that spreads by your fish eating dead infected fish they become infected with to many pleistophora for the immune system to handle leading to neon tetra disease best treatment for neon tetra disease is to quarantine any fish showing symptoms so they don't die in the main tank and get eaten infecting more fish the treatment plan I recommended is very effective at treating columnaris and other server bacterial infections it can take to two full courses of treatment back to back in severe cases if they are showing no signs of improvement after two full courses of treatment your more than likely dealing with neon tetra disease kanaplex can effect some types of plants I haven't had any issues when using it in planted tanks in the past @jgoldberg
  18. The fact that it took a couple of weeks for the Frist fish to die means it's less likely to columnaris with the lesion the one thing that jumps to mind is neon tetra disease it can infect Rasboras danios barbs guppies angelfish you often get lesion on the muscle tissue I can't rule out a bacterial infections at this point what I would suggest is to treat with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan it effective for more severe bacterial infections if it's not improving after the Frist course give us an updated
  19. Sorry I think I read it wrong if you do not have Esha gdex or ndx if not you could try and getting holed of a product containing flubendazole or fenbendazole and do a course of medicated food or treat with NT labs fluke and wormer contains flubendazole or sera nematol active ingredient tremazol
  20. Hanging at the surface and rapid breathing coupled with the sunken belly and some developing bloating would lead me to suspect a parasitic infection as you have Esha gdex active ingredient praziquantel and Esha ndx active ingredient levamisole I would treat following @Odd Ducktreatment plan for parasitic infections @beastie
  21. Looks like an injury you could quarantine and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for 1 week or just. Monitor if you don't have a quarantine tank if the wound starts to get worse then I would do a course of kanaplex @Hiếu Lê
  22. Sorry hear that I must be just lucky I've never had a tank leak in over twenty years of keeping fish fingers crossed your discus pulls though
  23. You want to treat for 3 days after you see the last spots with ick X
  24. Maracyn2 is a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment predominantly treats gram negative bacterial infections they are more common in fish as you have maracyn to hand then I would treat with that maracyn2 is a my preferred antibiotic treatment
  25. As you getting API ammonia test kit I would also get some tetra 5in1 test strips they test pH kH GH nitrate and nitrite are more cost effective in long run
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