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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Just found tropical hi-algae with 52.4% algae from 5 different species of algae look to be the highest percentage algae wafer's I have found so far and with 5 different species of algae offers a good variety
  2. The tropical spirulina tabs high percentage of spirulina algae at 36% Sera spirulina tabs have 24% spirulina and 16% sea algae both look to be good quality looking at the ingredients
  3. I already use repashy super green and soilent green as it doesn't tell be the percentage of algae I will email them see what they say
  4. I am looking for a 75% or more in algae to replica a more natural diet similar to what they eat in nature
  5. If it's is wasting disease you would want to treat with Expel p active ingredient is levamisole once a week for 4 weeks I don't think it's necessary to treat with the med trio Expel p is safe to use with fry it's also possible it's low kH that's causing the deaths your seeing as lack of minerals can cause a lot of health problems in livebearers hopefully The added crushed coral helps you can also us aragonite to raise your KH and GH @Kim_D
  6. I don't no why they don't list the percentage of the main ingredients in their food its like they have something to hide If theirs no better option I will get spirulina and chlorella powder and make up my own mix with repashy super green and keep using EBO spirulina tabs as my main food
  7. Colu

    Fin Rot?

    That doesn't look like a fungal infections I think it's just fin regrowth keep the salt in another week and you should be fine
  8. I just looked it up and it doesn't list the percentage of algae on its list of ingredients that's what am finding with a lot of food I have looked into
  9. Colu

    Fin Rot?

    I can't tell off your picture Does it have a fuzzy appearance like a fungal infections or just looks more opaque colour to the fins if it's more opaque that a sign that it's healing
  10. I have been doing research into dietary requirements for my bristlenose plecos who are algaevores the best algae wafer's I have found are EBO spirulina tabs containing 30% spirulina which I use as my staple food alongside EBO veggie sticks that are 50%peas and 50%pumpkin fibre I use repashy super green and soilent green but they don't list the percentage of spirulina or chlorella algae looking for something with higher algae content most standard algae wafer's only contain 6% algae I want to try a diet as close to 75% algae as possible to try and replicate there natural diet if anyone no's of any foods with a high percentage of algae let me not I can't find anything with better percentage than my EBO spirulina tabs
  11. Colu

    Fin Rot?

    It's a sign that it's starting to heal will go all together give time
  12. Colu

    Fin Rot?

    Your water parameters are fine the black in his fins and body can be caused by ammonia burn could have happened at the store before you got him the best thing for ammonia burn is to keep stable water parameters and I would leave the aquarium salt at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons for another week Have you been adding a water dechlorinator like prime when doing water change if not the chlorine in tap water damages the slime coat of your fish and can burn there Gill's his fins don't look bad no redding or white edges to the fins I think the ammonia burn was the initial cause I would just monitor for the next week and update after one week or before then if you notice any deterioration @Ronnie
  13. Colu

    Fin Rot?

    what are your ammonia nitrite nitrate pH temperature
  14. Sorry to hear he didn't make it it looks like scale damage on your other Betta to me nothing to worry about
  15. I would say in the short term it would be ok wouldn't keep platys any thing smaller than 15 gallons in the long term @SC Fish
  16. Look like he could have ripped his fin on something in the tank I would check for any sharp pieces of hard scrape if there's nothing it could him biting his own fins which is not uncommon in long finned bettas @Emry E
  17. Looks like a bacterial infection I would do is treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex or maracyn2 and up the aquarium salt if you can to 1 table spoon for 2 gallons add an extra air stone during treatment as medication lowers the level of desloved oxygen in your tank @reefhugger
  18. Popeye's no contagious if it's effecting one it's more than likely caused by an injury I would treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons that will help reduce the fluid buildup in the eye if there's no improvement after 5 days then I would do a course of maracyn2 if it's effecting both eyes that can be be caused by a bacterial infection or a growth behind the eyes causing them to bulge then I would treat with a combination of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons and a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment maracyn2 as the active ingredient minocycline has anti-inflammatory properties
  19. Frist you can treat with medicated food to deal with internal parasites it less likely to harm your shrimp and snails he's a recipe you can use with levamisole also the pineconing your seeing can be caused by internal parasites it's doesn't necessarily mean Dropys you can often get secondary bacterial infections associated with parasitic infections what I would do is a course of levamisole in food feed a small amount twice a day for 1 day repeat the treatment once a week for 4 weeks the two fish showing pineconing and scale loss I would treat with levamisole and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon in quarantine @beastie
  20. Food wise you want to feed a diet rich in plant matter with some protein I feed mine a mixture of EBO algae wafer's veggie sticks repashy soilent and super green cucumber blanched spinach and lettuce sak spirulina pellets and frozen blood worms mine spawn every 3-4 weeks without fail I offer a selection of caves of different sizes so they can choose the cave they like the best I use plecoceramics caves really good quality
  21. If the spots are reducing in size I would holed off on the medicated food
  22. Not feeding during the Frist week is to help the fish pass the parasites more easily and to help prevent ammonia spikes I would only with hold food for that period of time if they in good condition to start with if there under weight or not in good condition I would feed them up for a couple of days before starting the med trio you can start to feed once a day after the frist couple of days it won't do any harm @David Willard Jr
  23. As long as you have good circulation from your filter that shouldn't be a problem
  24. the spots look raised you could be dealing with epistylis it feeds off of gram negative bacteria on the slime coat of your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures its the secondary bacterial infections it causes that usually kill your fish he's how you tell the difference between ich and epistylis if it's epistylis you want dose the tank with malachite green that the active ingredient in ick X and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days @Trista
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