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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Your water parameters are fine what I would do is add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties depending on the quality of the leaves you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and it will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and monitor for a week if it get worse before then give us an update @Beanbo7
  2. Fish can have neon tetra disease for a long time before showing symptoms its when they go though a period of stress that weakens there immune system that you start to see symptoms
  3. A little information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH temperature is he eating ok any rapid breathing
  4. Looks like a snout chondroma that what they get with neon tetra disease there's no treatment for neon tetra disease it's spread when a fish dies and other fish feed on the body ingesting to many pleistophora for the immune system to handle the only way to stop it's spread is to quarantine any fish showing symptoms so they don't die in the tank it can also infect Rasboras danios barbs guppies angelfish goldfish other species of Tetras he's some pictures of snout chondroma for comparison @Hoodie
  5. Flubendazole is harmful to shrimp and snails typically when you start to see the red worm's protruding from the anus that when they have a heavy parasite burden at that stage the fish can die from internal damage caused by the parasite even with treatment usually you will notice sunken belly spitting food out listlessness hiding away lack of appetite l before you see the red worms protruding
  6. Typically you need to add half a pound of crushed coral for 10 gallons I would add some to the substrate add half that amount to the substrate and see were your pH and KH goes to or you could add some Texas holey rock that will naturally buffer your tank raising your pH kH GH
  7. That looks like sewellia lineolata fry to me
  8. You kH is on the low side for guppies and platys low kH can cause a lot of health problems in livebearers due to lack of minerals they can start to fall apart what I would do is add some crushed coral or aragonite to raise your KH and I would do a course of kanaplex as that looks like a bacterial infections @FishMama814
  9. I would wait till after the second course of maracyn @MrGrieves
  10. What I would do is redose the maracyn after a water change I would follow up with a second course of maracyn if your kanaplex hasn't arrived by the end of the Frist full course of maracyn then after a second course of maracyn I would start treating with Expel p @MrGrieves
  11. Your water parameters are fine what could be going is this fish is being bullied and under constant stress weaken immune as its bottom of the pecking order leading to secondary infections what I would suggest if you can is quarantine this fish and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for 1 week @Lvkas
  12. Neon Tetra disease can lay dormant for months it's only when a period of stress weakens there immune system that they start to show symptoms I would be very hesitant to add new fish to this tank for aleast a year without any fish showing symptoms
  13. This treatment is safe to use with your Otto's and loach it's also possible you have neon tetra disease with the the amount of time they have had these symptoms if it were neon tetra disease I would quarantine all the fish in this tank as neon tetra disease can infect Rasboras danios barbs guppies angelfish goldfish other species of Tetras such as rummy nose and cardinal Tetras it spread when a fish dies and other fish feed on it's body ingesting to many pleistophora for the fish's immune system to handle if that's the case there's no treatment currently available other then humanly euthanizing any fish that are showing symptoms with clove oil before they die in the tank infecting more fish you have two options wait and see because there's a good chance it's neon tetra disease treatment won't have any effect or you can treat following the treatment plan I recommended to see if they improve just in case something else is going on
  14. It does look like columnaris the fact they have had these white patches for around two months something else could be going on I would have expected columnaris to kill your with in 24-7 days from the onset of these white patches depending on the stain of columnaris it does look like a bacterial infection and not a fungal infections what I would do is a course of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan it's a very effective treatment for more severe bacterial infections such as columnaris or aeromonas I would remove your mystery snails during treatment
  15. What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH kH GH
  16. Melafix is more like a mild antiseptic treatment it will do nothing for more severe bacterial infections you need antibiotic treatment like the ones I recommended or maracyn2 and high dose of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon
  17. Have you started treating with more fish lose it sound like a fast moving bacterial infections columnaris can kill fish quickly and you don't always get symptoms before they die the most effective treatment for columnaris is a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan it's also my go to treatment for other more serious bacterial infections
  18. From what I have read you don't need a leveling Mat with acrylic tanks as long as they are on a flat level surface
  19. Bloating can be caused by internal parasites organ failure typically you will get the odd random deaths weeks apart with parasitic infection what I would suggest is treating with paracleanse once every two weeks for 3 full courses of treatment if you still losing fish after the Frist course of treatment give us an update @Maramcd
  20. With daily fish lose I would be leaning towards a bacterial infections I would treat with kanaplex or maracyn2 and a Small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons if it were a parasitic infections from the new fish you added it wouldn't typically kill fish this quickly update if you see any other symptoms
  21. Salt at that level will kill your plants if you have a quarantine tank I would put any showing symptoms in that and treat them with the salt and maracyn it best treatment options available to you at the moment @MrGrieves
  22. I don't think it is I think it's damage to the lower part of the eye causing a small amount of hemorrhaging what I would suggest is adding a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons at that level it shouldn't harm your plants and monitor for a week if it starts to get worse before then gives us an update @Izzyf
  23. That could be columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infection or it could be over production of the slime coat caused by a parasitic infection I would be leaning towards a bacterial infections what I would do is add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and maracyn as you have it to hand as your meds are limited in Canada
  24. I can't say for sure it's a parasitic infections without looking a fecal samples under a microscope I would follow up in two weeks with a second course of paracleanse just to be on the safe
  25. I would get just one colour of discus they will stand out more with a nice group of cardinal Tetras
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