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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Does it look like the white patches at the base of the fins has a fuzzy appearance if not it might just be a slightly lighter colour at the base of the fins and nothing to worry about
  2. It's difficult to tell but they remind me of Cyclops
  3. The white patches don't look like they have a fuzzy appearance that could just be because of the picture is it eating ok swimming fine any rapid breathing @Izzyf
  4. I agree with @Guppysnail possible internal growth or egg bound heavy parasite load can also cause this type of bloating what I would suggest is trying Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant I would fast the fish for a couple days as well if your seeing no improvement after 5 days something else could be going on like a tumor or heavy parasite burden @Pizzafan
  5. From what I have read about zebra plecos they like high flow very well oxygenated water and a higher temperature than pea puffers they prefer low to medium flow slightly lower temperature I don't think they would work @vividheckel
  6. It could be an injury or a bacterial infections I think it would be worthwhile doing a course of kanaplex or maracyn just case there's a bacterial component @Cinnebuns
  7. Ammonia can cause your fish to rub on things in the tank
  8. Chemisole also contains sodium metabisulphite that could be harmful to your fish I would see if your vet as an alternative to chemisole @beastie
  9. If it were Dropys the most effective treatment I have found is aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons will help reduce the fluid buildup and metroplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks and and dose the tank with kanaplex it a good antibiotic for treating kidney infection that can cause pineconing @Goldie Blue
  10. With what your describing could be columnaris that's a gram negative bacterial infections that spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 and depending on the strain can kill in 24hr to 7days for some of the cold water stains it can causes fuzzy white patches that look similar to a fungal infection and cause mass mortality the most effective treatment I have found is a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan @ashnjared88
  11. How long has she had the bloating Have you added anything new to the tank recently also I would stop feeding freeze dried foods for now and switch to feeding frozen or live daphnia and brine shrimp if it's a digestive problems these should help
  12. Usually when fish are having trouble swimming down and then floating back to the surface it's swim bladder issue it's very unlikely to affect all your rainbow fish it's usually the odd individual nothing else is jumping out at me @dpstark2
  13. Colu

    Sick pea puffer

    kanaplex is just my go to antibiotic treatment as you have maracyn to hand I would do a course of that
  14. Colu

    Sick pea puffer

    Something not right I can't put my finger on it his eyes don't look right but am no puffer expert the fact you have done multiple rounds of deworming he's not eaten in a couple of days you had him over a year what I would do is a course of kanaplex just in case there's a bacterial component you could try feeding him black worms or brine shrimp to try and simulate his appetite @T Brad
  15. Looking at the ingredients I don't think this would be suitable for freshwater algaevores its aimed at saltwater fish
  16. Colu

    Sick pea puffer

    How long have the had the pea puffer and has it been dewormed @T Brad
  17. Not a lot to go on hanging at the surface can be caused by low levels of desloved oxygen as no other fish were affected is odd so I don't think that's the cause did you any rapid breathing listlessness spitting food out loss of appetite @dpstark2
  18. Looks like a damsel or dragonfly larva they will predate on small fish and fry
  19. Am not familiar with chemisole as its used to treat birds it might have other compounds that could be harmful to your fish am going to tag for a second opinion @Odd Duck
  20. As no other fish have developed symptoms what I would do is quarantine these two stop treating with maracyn2 finish three 3 week course of metroplex add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for one week after you have finished the full of metroplex if your noticing no improvement then I would switch to maracyn @Mahi27
  21. Your kH looks low I would try and raise it by adding aragonite or crushed coral as lack of minerals can cause a lot of health problems in livebearers it looks like a growth with the bulge on one side the fact the fish hasn't grown much or put on weight the prognosis isn't good nothing treatment wise I could recommend I think this might be a case for human euthanasia if you think it's suffering I would use clove oil sorry I couldn't be more helpful @iwanttostayanonymous 92074
  22. If you can I would quarantine and treat with aquarium salt if you don't have a quarantine tank it might be worthwhile doing a course of maracyn if your seeing no improvement
  23. Am going to order some I Will give an update after I have been feeding it for a couple of weeks
  24. If you don't have live plants I would add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons the salt will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes have noticed any rapid breathing listlessness sunken belly is it eating ok @maxjkunz
  25. ick X active ingredient malachite green can be toxic to small fry so I wouldn't recommend using using it with newly born Molly or platy fry maracyn is fine to use with fry @Kim_D
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