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Everything posted by Colu

  1. Esha gdex has praziquantel and Esha ndx has levamisole they don't do an alternative product that treats anaerobic bacterial infections like metronidazole does meds are a bit tricky you can order off eBay it does take about 3-4 weeks to get here from the USA that's what I do so I always have some meds readily available such as kanaplex metroplex maracyn2
  2. What you can do is add many water changes as you like as long as you remember to put back in the amount of salt you take out so if you do a 2 gallon water change add 1 table spoon of salt back in I would water change as needed if your not seeing any ammonia or nitrite @sharkboxed
  3. I would start treating with salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons now that will help reduce the fluid buildup and start treating with Sera baktopur direct tablets when they arrive Esha doesn't really do a product that treats internal bacterial infections they only treat mild external bacterial infections or fungal infections there's a slim possiblity that the pineconing is caused by internal parasites so you could try treating with Esha ndx active ingredient is levamisole once a week for 4 weeks see if that helps @sharkboxed
  4. Metronidazole pills are the same it's used to people as well as fish how many mg of metronidazole are in the tablet's
  5. I would move him back as your using salt and Otto's and mystery snails can be sensitive to salt Sera does another product with a similar name Sera baktopur direct tablets active ingredient is nifurpirinol is a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment if you get can get holed of this use this instead of kanaplex if you can get metronidazole that the active ingredient in metroplex I would do the course of medicated food I recommend here's a food recipe you can use with metronidazole
  6. You could do an Epsom salt bath 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for a couple of days if your seeing not improvement as Epsom acts as a muscle relaxant will help if your fish is egg bound or constipated
  7. The Epsom salt you have is fine I wouldn't add sera bactopur to food its more affect at treating fungal infections and some mild external bacterial infections As he's starting to pinecone I would start feeding metroplex in food feeding feeding a small amount twice a day for upto 3 weeks and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons the salt will help reduce the fluid buildup and dose the tank with kanaplex is a good antibiotic for treating kidney infection or internal bacterial infections that can cause pineconing @sharkboxed
  8. As long as your using plain unscented Epsom your fine I only use Epsom salt in baths as it raise your GH when added to your tank aquarium salt fine to use some fish can be more sensitive to salt bettas should be fine with a higher level of salt for upto 2 weeks days as long as you don't go over 1 table spoon for 1 gallon am not familiar with that brand as it says it's a medication that treats fungal and parasites is there just salt in that product also some other active ingredient snails can be sensitive to salt nerites are fine with aquarium some other snails such as mystery snails can be sensitive to salt @sharkboxed
  9. The belly Looks slightly more distended than my female X ray tetras when they are full of eggs I couldn't rule it being egg bound or possible constipation how you noticed it pass anything recently @Gartcreature
  10. Am not sure what the overall cause of the scales around the vent is they don't look right The bloating could be caused by over eating or possibly constipation have you notice him pass anything recently have you tried fasting him for a couple of days to see if the bloating goes down if he's not been passing anything he could be constipated in that case I would do Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help with constipation I would add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will add essential electrolytes and aid Gill function the lack of energy and some of the behaviour your seeing could be diet related how often are you feeding and how much @sharkboxed
  11. It does look like possible damage to the fin ray I would just monitor for now and update if anything changes @B1gJ4k3
  12. I would just leave the tank running without fish for a minimum of 4 weeks as most pathogens and parasites can't survive without a host for more than 4 weeks you could ghost feed during that time to provide an ammonia source for your benefial bacterial or you could add a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and leave the filters running after 24hr it will break down into H20 and oxygen to sterilise your tank you will have to recycle your tank with this method
  13. Colu

    Unwell goldfish

    I would add a filter you could add some cycled media from your main tank as your doing a course of medicated food you can do daily water changes if need just keep a close eye on your water parameters water change as needed
  14. Colu

    Unwell goldfish

    As your water parameters are fine Usually when goldfish slows down like you described I would suspect a bacterial component I think it would be worthwhile do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days I would quarantine if you can and treat separately @Eddy_C
  15. With low kH causing your pH to drop I would add some crushed coral to raise your KH I would start by adding half a pound of crushed coral per 10 gallons that will help to keep a stable pH swings in pH can have a negative effect on some sensitive fish with the small water changes your doing I don't think it would alter that much it's less likely to be the cause it could be a contributing factor
  16. Microbe life broad spectrum should be fine for hill stream loachs it a combination of malachite green and formalin if you notice any de-stress from your hill stream loach then I would do a water change to remove the medication prazipro fine to use with scaleless fish such as hillstream loachs
  17. Sorry to hear that with medication you have treated with I was hopeful you wouldn't have any more losses was there any redness to the body
  18. Repashy soilent green or super green are good foods bugbites pleco pellets EBO spirulina tabs and veg sticks are really good quality just drop your food in after you have turned out the lights
  19. It something I have never had to deal with in over 20 years of keeping fish maybe I have just been lucky
  20. I have no experience with leech eradication hopefully someone else can chip
  21. Your water parameters look fine It difficult to no for sure what's going on as they no symptoms other then a clamped dorsal fin what i would do is quarantine this Cory and treat with a low dose of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and do a course of maracyn just in case there's a bacterial component @AnubiasLoops
  22. Are you sure it's not a Cory's fry from your habrosus as synodontis rarely breed in aquariums @Phoenixfishroom
  23. That a prolapse it's really common in livebearers when they are struggling to give brith what you want to do is Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help your fish reabsorb the prolapse if you notice any sign of de-stress remove your fish from the bath use a lower concentration of Epsom salt for the next bath @ScandiDefense
  24. I would treat all the fish better to air on the side of caution @LDZ
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