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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I usually use fluval external canister filters I thought this would be a good choice with the built-in heater i want to no if anyone uses this filter what you think about it before I make a purchase
  2. Colu

    White Growth?

    As it doesn't have a fuzzy appearance it's more than likely not a fungal infection it could be a benign growth or a fluid filled cyst what I would do is quarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons I wouldn't go above that level as Cory's are sensitive to salt for 1 week @Jaspyjasp
  3. Increase water changes and add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallons just remember to only add back in what your take out so if you do a 1 gallon water change add one table spoon of salt back the salt will help with fin rot the chloride ions in the salt will act as a barrier to prevent your fish from absorbing nitrates and nitrites I would leave the salt at that level for a week
  4. According to the co-op it safe to use with scaleless fish and invertebrates I mean leave it for 7days with your fish sat in the medication
  5. Prolonged exposure to high levels of nitrate can cause bent spine or the fish to rest with its tail fin or body in a curled tail position that why noing your water parameters would help with a diagnosis also if you have been treating fin rot for a long that can be caused by poor water quality @Ceci
  6. Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days will help reduce the swelling as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant
  7. Usually when it only effecting one eye it's caused by an injury as you haven't seen any improvement with maracyn and salt it could be a permanent injury or it might just need some time to fully as it's losing weight it could have losted the sight in that eye and it's struggling to see the food @Eric R
  8. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc can you post a picture of the fish it will help with a diagnosis @Ceci
  9. Looks like epistylis it feeds off of gram negative bacterial on the slim coat of your fish causes secondary bacterial infections that's what usually kills your fish and it spreads more quickly at higher temperatures the most effective treatment is broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and dose the tank with malachite green that the active ingredient in ick x that will remove it's food source @djtrashjuice
  10. General cure has one of the same active ingredients as metroplex metronidazole I wouldn't use metroplex and general cure together it safe to use ick X and general cure together if you want to use the co-op quarantine trio that ick X maracyn and general cure you can add one dose of each per 10 gallons and let it marinate for one week as a preventive treatment or treat with general cure once every two weeks for a total of three full courses of treatments to treat internal tapeworms and skin and Gill flukes @fishNoob99
  11. Prazipro is just as effective at treating flukes as paracleanse use prazipro once a week for 3 weeks and you can use medication with prazipro feeding a Small amount twice a day for 7 days As long as the tank with the scuds hasn't been exposed to any disease i wouldn't worry
  12. Maracyn2 is a more broad spectrum antibiotic treatment active ingredient is minocycline it predominantly treat gram negative and some gram positive bacteria were as maracyn predominantly treats gram positive some gram negative bacteria if you add it to food following the recipe I provided it won't harm your benefial bacterial if you only did one course of paracleanse and didn't follow in two weeks it's possible your dealings with parasitic infection you would have take a Gill biopsy or skin scraping and look at it under a microscope if you have paracleanse to hand I would do three courses two weeks apart for a total of three full courses of treatment and a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days if your using maracyn2 in food you can dose the tank with paracleanse at the same time that will cover all bases
  13. It could be flukes with some of the symptoms your describing possible a bacterial internal bacterial infections what I would do is treat with prazipro once a week for 3 weeks and do a course of maracyn2 in food to cover all
  14. Have you check your water parameters when you notice these symptoms just in case something off as juvenile fish are more susceptible to changes in water parameters
  15. It's not uncommon for long finned varietys to get damage fins I think they look ok I would just monitor if the fins start to recede or develope any redden area's then I would treat
  16. It just means 1 more days treatment don't add double the dose that day
  17. Kanaplex can cause some types of snails to slow down I haven't had any problems with plants when I have used it that doesn't mean the kanaplex wont harm some types of plants
  18. With ich it causes massive electrolyte loss so I would also add a Small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 10 gallons the salt will add back in essential electrolytes at that level it won't your plants @Xaos
  19. As you have been losing fish over an extended period of time I think it would be worthwhile treating with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan I couldn't rule out columnaris but more than likely a bacterial component @Jmcloonan
  20. With behaviour your describing and the severity of the wound I think it would be worthwhile doing a course of kanaplex just in case theirs a bacterial component
  21. Fritz slim out treats cynobacteria
  22. When you get odd random deaths every couple of weeks it can be a sign of a parasitic infections with the redding to the lump on your Rasboras I suspect there's a bacterial component what I would do is treat with prazipro once a week for three weeks and the Rasboras with the red lump what I would do is quarantine if you have another tank and do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days if it's eating if not eating dose the tank with maracyn2
  23. Was this one Cory in one of your tanks you treated for columnaris if not it's more than likely just rub it's side on something in the tank and I would just monitor for the next week
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