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  1. It’s Cyanobacteria, or Blue Green Algae (BGA). Actually not an algae but a bacteria that photosynthesis’s I believe? Anyhow, it’s kind of a beast to get rid of. Usually the only way to completely kill it is with a fish medicine called erythromycin (Maracyn). I used Fritz Slime Out on mine and it took care of it super fast. I haven’t figured out what causes it yet. I eradicated it a few months ago but I’m starting to see it come back in my tank… sigh.
  2. Looking good! Looks like you’re winning the algae battle!!
  3. Off topic but - I didn’t know cherry barbs could be aggressive to other tankmates. I thought they were pretty peaceful with other community fish. What setup did you have them in? I’m trying to get more info on them because I really want to try em out. Also @Mississippi fish guy what’s been your experience with cherry barbs? Sorry to blow up your stocking thread with this😂
  4. Definitely looks to be a male. Sorry about that 😞 He’s very pretty though! A very nice fish for sure
  5. If your fish are doing ok, I wouldn’t worry. You can use your water to your advantage by keeping fish that like high pH like livebearers, African cichlids, shrimp/snails etc!
  6. Looks to me like a beautiful half moon little guy! That’s awesome how he looks different in the light versus out of the light! Your shrimp look like blue dreams to me too 🙂 still very nice shrimp.
  7. 9,000 chili rasboras! In all honesty - I’d do a huge community tank. Like said above, an actual big group of smaller fish would be incredible. Something like rummy noses that school tightly. And then like 30 Cory’s on the bottom! Some of the beefier schooling fish like Bosemani rainbows etc would be awesome. Id also love to keep an Oscar or other monster fish with lots of personality.
  8. If you’re looking for Cory cats, Pygmy’s are pretty much your only option there.
  9. Interesting! The stuff on your wood looks like biofilm to me which usually doesn’t have a smell at all. The other thing I was going to suggest is checking if there’s any fish food stuck on the rim of your tank, because that can start rotting and smell horrible. But it also looks like your tank is rimless anyways😂
  10. I just have to say your serpaes are the most beautiful color!
  11. Also - I'm really curious what kind of dirt you used and how you go about doing it? One of these days I'll try a little nano cube and might go the dirted route...
  12. Heck yeah! Getting all the things moving! The plan for this tank is epic. Can’t wait to see things come together I AM SO JEALOUS.😦 the PSO in my new 29 BETTER grow or I’m going to THROW HANDS!!😂😂
  13. Just keep an eye on it. Sometimes bites like that can turn into fin rot, but I wouldn’t worry.
  14. Looks like someone took a chunk out of that fin to me. Fin rot will usually always have a discolored edging (clear, black, or red is most common). That’s how it was on my Betta at least 🙂
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