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Mississippi fish guy

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  1. I recently found a few of these on some plants I collected from a pond. I was wondering what this is and would it be a problem if I’m colony breeding pigmy sunfish? Also are water mites a problem because I found those in the tank as well.
  2. Roblox doors and Minecraft are the games I have been playing lately.
  3. You were right about me having a lot of fish pictures and I do have one of a rare grouper I caught while fishing pulley ridge.
  4. English and Spanish. im taking my first Spanish course this year but my vocabulary list is stacking up and I’m trying to get time to practice it.
  5. After some research I found that the pigmy sunfish I caught is actually a female since the fins are clear and the males have dark fins. also I added some plants from a pond on Saturday and added the sunfish to my 5 gallon breeding tank on Sunday. This is where I will keep any other pigmy sunfish I catch until the 10 gallon is set up, also if anyone knows what kind of plant this is please tell me.
  6. Just curious were you talking about regular fans used to cool rooms down?
  7. I’m considering starting a black worm culture but I know nothing about them except that they are good for fish and reproduce by segmentation. I was wondering how to culture them? Can I keep them with my moina? If so can they live in high ammonia (8ppm or higher). If not can I just use a plastic container with a filter? Also what should I feed them? I will not need to culture large numbers of black worms, just enough to be a treat for some fish or to be used for conditioning.
  8. He doesn’t have that option and if I set up an outdoor darter tank I won’t either. Would 70 be fine inside? Also would there be a way to chill an outdoor tank?
  9. Would room temperature be fine? If not how would he need to chill the water? If I can culture black worms would that work as well?
  10. A shadow bass tank would be pretty cool to set up one day. Especially since the places my brother normally finds them is around logs that are out of the main current but still have a good bit of water flowing past and it would be interesting to imitate that in an aquarium. also my one of my other brother is thinking about trying darters. He regularly goes through phases about what he wants to keep though so he may change his mind on that.
  11. What kind? It would need to do fine floating because I’m not sure if my substrate is deep enough for planting
  12. I use a sponge filter as a prefilter. One reason I want the ammonia down is because I have snails In that tank and I don’t think they like the ammonia since most of them are always at the surface and they don’t move much. Also I figured the moons would be doing even better with the ammonia gone.
  13. My 10 gallon moina culture has had high ammonia (8ppm at least) for at least a month now. Once after a roughly 90 percent water change the ammonia was still at 2 ppm. Currently I have a hob filter that I turn off sometimes so that the yeast and spirulina is not filtered out. Currently I am running seachem purigen and Fluval ammonia pads in the filter and I just removed the pad the filter came with that had carbon in it. Along with large water changes what can I do to get rid of the ammonia?
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