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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. @Guppysnail I do have a small HOB I can run and a bunch of floss, with the clarifier. @nabokovfan87 the air bar is creating a lot of churn too, so the jetlifter wouldn’t be a cure-all. Although I could discontinue the air bar. That went into the setup during scutariella japonica and I never took it out. They do seem to love the current, and it’s cute to see them swimming around in it ♥️🦐. Not concerned with output of HOB because I made a baffle out of a water bottle. Without the baffle, the shrimps do struggle, especially the juveniles. I had used that on this tank for a good two weeks running carbon after the No Planaria treatment. The HOB has a coarse PFS as well; it’s the Marina S10, so the shrimplets should be OK. I have been trying to vacuum as well as I can, but shrimplets… and not a lot of open sand - there are feeding dishes, driftwood, plants, shrimp houses, lotus pods, alder cones, rocks.. there’s a lot to work around. I can see in your UFO beam above you have the particulates as well. …was.. was that shrimp abducted? 👽
  2. Some of the loot Merry Christmas from Fluval API let me pick something off a table. I can ALWAYS use another fishroom hand towel.
  3. So, see this here? Well, unfortunately I was using the competitor calcium (food). Now I got this goin on: Is Fritz Clarifier the answer? Running a fine sponge filter in there currently. Water changes don’t help. Been dealing with this for quite some time and decided I need to figure something out. Also is Fritz clarifier ok with shrimps? I know it claims to be. Asking if anyone has personal experience using it with shrimps. It’s like it’s snowing in there all the time. ☹️
  4. Wow I thought this thread was going to be about who likes to keep endlers vs who thinks guppies are better, but it turns out it really was about a WAR! 😳 Sidenote: I heard guppies & endlers can mate with each other?
  5. Do your rams use caves or tunnels? I've offered them but she doesn't seem interested? Also Industry's little pout is the most adorable thing ever.
  6. True, Snoop is more on the gold hue. Also I have the light substrate working against her coloration. Sometimes when she swims up and in front of the sword plant, I'm like, dang. You are lovely! Snoop insists on eating a lot of the snail food, and she gets vibra bites quite often because they sink well and are a good size for her. She refuses to swim up to the surface for anything, but will usually come mid-level for things. She is an expert at finding the chunk of food that is still frozen vs the stuff that is floating off of the sides of the frozen cube. She always hones in on the big chunk and carries it to the back of the tank and eats it secretly before the tetras can figure out what just happened - LOL!
  7. I love how colorful Punk's bottom fins are. I'm telling Snoopy we have goals.. 🙂 What is Punk's diet again? & ph? temp? Oh but actually I guess we determined Snoopy is female so maybe she doesn't get the colorful finnage like the males would? idk Looking online it seems to be a widespread issue about Bolivian rams not coloring up. Also they are hard to find! Aquashella didn't have a single one. And none of the LFS or big box have them either. Imperial Tropicals is an in-state shipper, and they are always sold out. My LFS did order some one time but they came in with ich. My friend is really wanting a Bolivian ram. She might have to get one from @Guppysnail when hers have fry!
  8. It took 17 months, but I've finally passed all of my CPA exams. My husband asked how I'd like to celebrate. I reply nonchalantly, "Eh.. probably start setting up a 55 gallon tank" (not rly making eye contact with him...lol..."testing the waters", if you will). He smiled & laughed so I'm taking that as a green light. 💚
  9. I vac the sand. I use PFS so it's heavy enough to fall back down out of the siphon. I get a gross-looking line in the sand if I don't. Plus the sand turns greyish black, and looks nasty if I don't turn it. There are mixed opinions. Some people vac it and some don't. I saw Rachel O'Leary lightly vac the sand, so I went ahead and did it too. When I had a UGF w/ gravel I would siphon down to the plates too. Clearing that mulm will keep the water flowing nicely through the plates. You don't need mulm to be there for UGF effectiveness; you just need BB which is going to develop regardless.
  10. One time I took some water out of my tank with a pump. I shut the pump off then went outside to rinse/prepare sand substrate. That takes awhile because sand can be dusty. Came back in to a filter grinding dry and the fish were freaking out swimming in like an inch of water. omg - The tank gravity-drained... the thing is, stuff happens... I'm so sorry you lost fish. I know that's not easy. You did everything else right; you just missed one step. It's easy to do, and could have happened to any of us.
  11. This has me thinking, @nabokovfan87. I mean, really we can paint whatever we want and seal it with 2 matte laminating sheets and apply it as a background.
  12. @Guppysnail my LFS always has spiderwood. I could go in there and take photos and you can tell me what you’d like to buy, then I can ship it we can do it over text or something
  13. I just met Jason and Joanna in person! They are so nice!
  14. I have a tank with a little bit of soil and a sand cap with Malaysian trumpet snails. I lightly feed this tank as the only other creatures are 9 shrimp and 1 betta. For the most part the shrimp eat algae and catappa leaf. The betta either eats floating pellets or Repashy, or I will feed frozen foods with tongs, so it never even hits the substrate. I barely see the snails because they like to burrow. If there is leftover Repashy I don’t see the snails going for it, but the shrimps do. I heard the snails are nocturnal but I don’t stay up to check back after lights out. They are so small, I don’t see any issue with bioload, especially since they burrow most of the time. I test the water weekly, and never get any ammonia readings due to soil disrupt, etc I can’t speak to your other questions, only these topics based on my personal experience. P.S. When I had them in the shrimp tank they never competed the shrimps for food. They just kinda did their own thing. They are most interested in burrowing.
  15. Fish for sale at Aquashella Bettas already starting to sell out. This is the Badfish booth: a sister store of Aquarium Co Op. My friend bought a betta from Badfish. Here is another booth selling bags of fish hung up. Trust me. This setup is good. Also each bag had ammonia removal sponge. (Friend bought a trio of bumblebee gobies from here) Some booths had bags of fish in bins. Sorry, but that was a hot mess. All the customers were picking up the bags to look at the fish; the fish were freaking out; then the customers put the bags back down; the next customers would come and do the same. So much stress for the fish. I bought my fish out of the clear bin next to this one. I asked the shop to hold my purchase until I was leaving. They bagged the fish and kept the bag in the bin for me. Easy peasy. Display tank at entrance Coral frags
  16. To add to what @EL2 said, not all water conditioners are created equal. Be sure you have the one that detoxifies ammonia. Prime or Fritz Complete are examples. You must redose daily until you get your ammonia test kit, because the detoxifying effects do not last…
  17. One of my YouTube followers said (re: my pristella tetra) : 11 years, is that old for these fish? And I was like, good question. Let me look up their lifespan. It said 4-5 years! 😯
  18. The quarantine kids are doing so well. Red light because if I put the white one on, they all hide in the corner. They hate it. But I do use it briefly twice a day for health checks. Oops, sorry that was blurry. Anyway hopefully you can tell they are using the tank space and seem comfortable. I don’t usually do a sand bottom for quarantine, but it’s the tank that was already seeded so we are rolling with it. They probably feel more comfy with substrate anyway. *shrug* Also they are going to town on the ostracods in there. I did some shrimp tank maintenance today and then just watched the tanks for a long time. Geppetto and I spent some quality time together. He got a coconut hut today. He knows it’s there but hasn’t ventured in yet. He’s used to tunnels and thinks the hut looks spooky. We also played chase-the-skewer and chase-the-fish (fake fish I make swim past the tank). Then we played come-over-here which is just a finger wiggle on the side of the tank, and he will rush toward the activity. I like to do that where he sees it through his tunnel and he swims through the tunnel to get to the action. There were a bunch of shrimps I saw in his tank this evening. If he sees them he will swim toward them but once they zoom he gives up immediately. Too much effort, I guess. LOL He had a seat on his little leaf as I turned out his light.
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