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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Ah yes, I believe I’ve seen his videos on breeding pristella tetras @Fish Folk @TheSwissAquarist Here are 2 videos of my gang dancing. They always do the mating dance after I feed frozen brine shrimp. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_uTjqOa7VHpcqpSL7ChH786IcFPIxgn2/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ilv45huWVZEVJa5MBRy1-lt0AQO-eCu6/view?usp=drivesdk Also of note - I had never seen them mate UNTIL I added live plants.
  2. My male snail Romeo has a totally different personality than the other snails in the tank. Maybe he’s not the only male. Not sure. But he always seems like he’s in a rush, and he’s downright RUDE! He bulldozes over other snails, even when they’re sleeping. He doesn’t give a crap. He shoves them out of the way of food they are eating or he covers the food with his foot (which is big- he’s the biggest snail in there currently). And the way he moves; he does a lot of turning when crawling around on the driftwood and plants. It seems like he’s aggravated. The other snails move at a slower, more chill pace, without a care in the world. I think he has an attitude for sure! His feelers are so long and flowing, and I love his white foot. He is indeed a handsome fella, despite his disposition. And he also falls asleep on his girlfriend for hours (how inconvenient) and she has to lug him around til he wakes up.
  3. I’ve seen a guy on youtube - I think his handle is KeepingFishSimple or something like that. Young guy. He would remove the egg scatterers (ie: tetras or danios) and put them into a styrofoam cooler with a plastic basket hanging inside, plus some moss in the basket. I think he kept the basket up toward the top by using bamboo skewers. The idea is for the pair, (and I mean, you’d want to have like 5 or 6 tetras in there so you’ll definitely have a match, ) to be in the basket and drop their eggs. The eggs will fall through the basket so the adults will not eat them. But the holes in the basket aren’t big enough for the adults to get through. It takes an overnight I believe for them to drop the eggs. Then simply remove the adults and the basket, and raise the fry in the cooler. He had an alternate method where he didn’t use the basket. He put small river stones in the bottom of the cooler and let the adults swim around and mate in the cooler. But size of stones matters because if they are too big the adults will still go down into them and eat the eggs. I’ve also heard people use plastic craft mesh on the bottom of their fish tank to let the eggs fall through. @Fish Folk keeps a glass container full of rocks in his egg scatterer tanks.
  4. I love it @xXInkedPhoenixX. The dry start is so interesting. I’ve seen it done in videos but it’s something I’ve never tried. Had you tried a dry start before this scape?
  5. I’m sorry.. that sucks… Are you using Maracyn Two for the fin rot (different from Maracyn)? Disease chart
  6. What is this? Pogostemon? I was running the tank at 78. Over the past week I have dropped it to 74 (one degree per day), as Prime Time gave a range of temps, and I believe the 78 was too high. When I was doing water changes with fresh water, I was checking temp of new water with an instant meat thermometer. Thanks so much for spending the time to help. I’m pretty sure we are still within that first 3 months. I found at least 2 like this, but I think @Guppysnail said they always look like that when they die. But if you find them very soon after they died, they will be the same color as the live shrimp. I’m no longer changing water. I’ve been siphoning and putting the same water back in (less the mulm). Because I was finding some shrimp dead after water changes, and now I only have 4 shrimp left. @Guppysnail was helping me fine tune things also. Some recommendations were discontinue Wonder Shell and Easy Green, but root tabs are ok. She suspects too much calcium is in the water, causing failed molts. This is the current process. I have yet to see any shrimplets, only copepods and ostracods. Here’s the thing. I feed them… but most of the time they don’t come and get the food; they stay up higher in the tank in that mass of plants, picking all the stuff off the plants. Not sure what this is. Was that the test I did in the past where I left an airstone in tap water for 24 hours?
  7. This is what the tank looks like. They are always up in the anacharis and water sprite. It’s a shrimp tank with a few snails. The snails only eat the shrimp if they have died. If I vac the tank I just put the same water back in, leaving the detritus in my bucket.
  8. I like giving big strong names to pipsqueaks. 🙃
  9. I’m on it! And technically he already ate, but apparently he’s eating again 🤣
  10. Snoopy always greets me. https://youtube.com/shorts/-QxiWFevwmo?feature=share
  11. Well, Nevermind. Bon Bon is eating the shrimp. So nature is handling things. For those with a curiosity about this, there is a video here. But I won’t post a thumbnail in case it bothers anyone. It seems clear I will lose all the shrimp. I’ve lost 6/10 so far. They can’t molt, I believe, due to my gH off the charts (180). Taking suggestions on what I can do. Would it be moot to do a water change using distilled water that has no gH? Am I too late to do anything? And the water change is going to stress or kill them, I suppose, as water changes do, unless I drip the new water in. I can easily rig something up. Help @TeeJay @nabokovfan87 @Guppysnail @Minanora
  12. Trouble. Maybe. I do not know if this shrimp is molting or if this is something grim. Goliath looked like he was going toward the shrimp but he passed by. So maybe the shrimp is alive but is vulnerable. I did not do any water changes or anything, so that is not a factor. Also here is Mrs. Shrimp enjoying a green bean.
  13. Maybe you can wrap a plant weight around the stems, right above the substrate? And I was reading and I thought I read something about baby cories. But no it can’t be. We did not even know you were expecting! 🙂 Isn’t that nice, you didn’t even have to intervene and nature ran its course and there they are. Thanks for sharing the cutest video ever.
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